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Posts posted by different?

  1. I always watch the oscars but I wasn't going to watch it this year because the fag movie is the favorite to win . But now that Axl is going to be there I am going to have to watch. Thanks alot Axl :anger:

    Did you know that homophobia is often a cover for repressed homosexuality?

    Something you want to tell us SWINGER? ...uh, I mean SWINGTRADER. :P

  2. And anyway, the Bon Jovi can suck my dick quote from Axl was just a joke, he wasn't serious when he said it. Both Bon Jovi and GnR fans take it ouf of the context, while 95% have never heard the complete story or have actually heard the bootleg of that particular show.

    What is the whole story? I'd love to hear it.

  3. Face it, Jon, your "music" sucks balls.

    What's wrong with sucking balls?

    If you say it to a man, it's insulting, but if you say it to a women, it's not.

    There are more kinds of men between heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your narrow, homophobic worldview. :P

    Who knows, maybe Jon Bon Jovi likes to suck balls.

    On the other hand, maybe some homosexual men would be offended by your likening their prefered sexual activity to a Bon Jovi song. :P

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