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Posts posted by calle_st

  1. I think it is a pretty smart decision to release Absurd as first single, of course not everyone will like it but everyone will think wtf is this and it will create a buzz. It shows that they are willing try different styles and not just try to make a new nighttrain etc. I guess we will get songs that are closer to what they have done in the past to please the fans.

    • Thanks 1
  2. 14 minutes ago, StrangerInThisTown said:

    An ACDC album with Axl on vocals will go down in history anyway no matter how good it is. Not many singers fronted 2 of the biggest rock bands in the world, and at the same time.

    Perhaps it doesnt even have to be great, anyway I think Axl will release an album with both AC/DC and GNR and perhaps even go on a joint tour. They are playing for almost 4 h now so they could have a tour with 2h AC/DC and 2h GNR. The tickets would probably cost a little bit 😀

  3. 3 hours ago, acor said:

    What "impact"???  His two bands are glorified coverbands for nostalgia people... Only "impact" he's gonna make is an impact on his bank account...

    I said that he has the chance of making a bigger impact. I agree he aint doing that now. Imagine if he relases a new album with both AC/DC and Gnr. Of course must they be great for making an impact in the history but not even trying seems stupid. 

  4. I guess they needed cash but I think they are too creative for not releasing new music. I think it is easier for Axl to release new music when he has duff and slash, presure wont not only be on him. I think he has realized that it is not so easy to replace duff and slash. But I also think he will release an album with AC/DC. I guess Axl is pretty happy since he got his old band back (Most of it) and he are able to release an album with his idols AC/DC. He has a chance of making a even bigger impact in the history of rock music. Not taking this chance seems unlogical.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 minutes ago, guitarpatch said:

    Compared to their touring revenue, they will make peanuts with this. UMG will certainly make bank though. What it could do is help promote another tour, help their brand to sell merch/more premium tixs, and put them in better position for a renegotiation on their record deal for a future release 

    And it could also be some kind of a test of be able to release something for a long while. If it goes well perhaps they will get in the studio to record a couple of new songs.

  6. 1 hour ago, maynard said:

    You, on the other hand, just added a lot with your personal attack. Yes, you feel so insulted by me not enjoying GNR and posting about it that you have to call me boring and a kid. How pathetic is that? You know who behaves like this right? High school kids. And you tell me to let the adults talk. Priceless :lol: .

    Seriously, if you disagree with anything I said and feel so passionate about it, why not discuss what I said? It makes you look more... mature.

    If you don't care about my opinion at all, just skip my posts.

    If you feel the need to insult or mock me for my opinion because it hurts/offends/annoys you, then I'm really sorry for you. I hope you are not like that in real life.

    Nice post :lol:

    So every show thread should go through a previous analysis. Only posters who went to the concert are allowed to post. Negative AND positive opinions from users who weren't there would not be tolerated. A censorship. Why don't you ask the mods about adopting this? I mean... if negative opinions hurt you so much, you should act now to stop those who hurt you. If you need any help (including psychological), send me a PM.

    I went to copenhagen this week and I must say the real thing is much better than a YouTube clip. All I can say go and see them live before you say anything. It is like analysing the drivning experience of a Ferrari with just looking at YouTube clips, nothing can be compared to the real thing.

    • Like 2
  7. 2 hours ago, tsinindy said:

    No it's not strange.  He doesn't sound like Mickey on video, he just doesn't sound good.  Try educating yourself on what Mickey sounds like and what/when Axl literally sounded like Mickey.

    I thought everyone understood what I ment but apperently we have a specialist on Mickey voices here ? I just wanted to say that Axl sounded great live but perhaps it was because of the booze ?

    • Like 1
  8. Of course it is not edited. Aftonbladet is the biggest newspaper in sweden, they would never edit something like that

    Good to know. But don't say it like the rest of us had no justification to question it or that we're all versed with the massive global popularity and credibility of Aftonbladet hahaha!
    It wasnt ment to be an rude answer and I understand that you can doubt it but aftonbladet has big credibilty in sweden and they would never blow it on editing an interview with slash.

    Disagree. Aftonbladet is not credible.

    "The journalistic quality of Aftonbladet has sometimes been questioned. In late 2006, the newspaper's own journalist Peter Kadhammar directed criticism at the fact that his own paper appears to treat the love life of Swedish tabloid celebrity Linda Rosing as equally important to the war in Iraq."

    En undersökning från 2013 genomförd av SOM-institutet visar att endast en av fem tillfrågade svenskar har förtroende för Aftonbladet samt att 38 procent har lågt förtroende för tidningen.

    "A survey in 2013 conducted by the SOM Institute shows that only one out of five Swedes have confidence in Aftonbladet and that 38 percent have little confidence in the newspaper."

    Like all newspapers they want to sell as many newspapers as possible but I find it very hard to belive that they would edit an interview with slash. If you live in sweden you probably agree

  9. Of course it is not edited. Aftonbladet is the biggest newspaper in sweden, they would never edit something like that

    Good to know. But don't say it like the rest of us had no justification to question it or that we're all versed with the massive global popularity and credibility of Aftonbladet hahaha!

    It wasnt ment to be an rude answer and I understand that you can doubt it but aftonbladet has big credibilty in sweden and they would never blow it on editing an interview with slash.

  10. Hey Fernando

    Can´t you tell Axl to come to Sweden Rock 2016 ? I don´t care what guitarist he uses, if he gets on stage after 3 hours (it is just to take a couple of more beers while you are waiting) , if he doesnt sound exacly as on the record or what he wears ( seems like some guys think it is a beuty contest and not a rock concert ).

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