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Posts posted by bluesy

  1. It's just hype isn't it? I'm glad that actually listed Carwin's height for once - the fact he's shorter than Mir and was billed as being signifcantly taller... :lol:

    To be honest, I think a fair few height measurements are out - I mean, I love it when fighters are the same size, and are supposedly 3" apart on the UFC calculator...


    It actually seems like a completely arbitrary thing because it doesn't make any sense at all to hype up a guy like Carwin and not do the same thing with Lesnar. If anything, it would be more logical to build up the latter, since he's the champ, is clearly the bigger draw, and has a more notable reputation for being a monster. All I can speculate is that consistency isn't a priority for the idiot in the back who fails with numbers.

  2. I thought that both RDJ and Sam Jackson had been signed on for the Avengers before Iron Man 3 comes out.

    Thought they were releasing Thor and Captain America and then the Avengers and all the actors cast in the lead roles will be returning as it is all supposed to be in a self contained Marvel universe.

    That's pretty much the idea, although I'm not entirely sure that Captain America and Thor will have their respective movies released before this, seeing as it's due out in May 2012. If they do, we're about to receive one crazy onslaught of Marvel pictures within the next two years, starting with Iron Man 2 in three weeks.

    Yeah, that would be a match made in comic delivery heaven. But it seems it's written already, and by Zak Penn no less, which does not exactly inspire confidence. Okay, I'm flummoxed. Aside from brining a shitload of geek cred, I don't see how this happened. He has no experience with major stars or budgets. He's a better than average director, but writing is far and away his strong suit. This is...interesting.

    Encouraging news: not only is he taking the director's helm, it looks like he has quite a bit of creative control, too. Rewrites for both The Avengers and Captain America are reportedly in the works. :thumbsup:


  3. Silva is cocky and always has been. Look at what he did to Forrest Griffin.... the way he fights is what makes him so entertaining. The lack of sportsmanship is just him being completely pumped when he fights, the dude bows to his opponent before and after every fight. He is still thw best IMO, I still don't think anyone can touch him at the moment. Whoever is lined up with him next will be destroyed.

    Nothing wrong with being cocky, but his antics are clearly annoying and off-putting to the majority of fans and officials. His lack of sportsmanship is also in a different league than say Brock Lesnar's school of "Talk all the shit you want now, motherfucker!" No, Silva is a unique breed of douchebag -- a genuine asshole who superfluously elongates his fights for no other reason than to disrespect the sport and turn his headlining bouts into self-masturbatory, showboating spectacles. I'm also convinced now that he's a supremely "safe" kind of fighter who only risks getting hurt against opponents who are more evenly matched against him. He'll explode and take a chance, imposing his aggression on LHW guys because he knows that finishing those bouts early lies in his best interest, but with MW's, he takes every opportunity to play the methodical sadist who basks in the humiliation of his opponents. He leaves his mark, maintains distance, refuses to engage, and seems entirely content with not only defensive reactivity from there on, but blatant acts of cowardry, which is the only rationale that can haphazardly explain his choice to gingerly circle around the octagon like an uber-pansy for the better part of three rounds. Simply put, hit-and-run is not a calculated strategy for Anderson Silva, it's perverse exploitation refined into an artform. But hey, if you get off on that, good for you. Eat it up when he's relegated to the prelims.

    No one is arguing that he isn't an amazing fighter. He could very well be the best P4P in the business, which is why it's all the more frustrating to watch him piss on his legacy.

  4. Cool, comparison chart. Carwin DOES wear size 4XL, he says so himself. http://www.sherdog.net/forums/f2/shane-carwin-i-call-myself-62-my-glove-size-4xl-1061574/

    Hmm... interesting. I wonder why the UFC feels the need to exaggerate Carwin's size; the 6'5 claims, all that talk of his hands being bigger than Brock's -- what's the point?

    Brock better take Carwin down or else me thinks he may end up getting KTFO. I hear the fight is gonna happen on July 3rd.

    Yep, UFC 116 in Vegas.

  5. On another note, pretty crazy upset by Frankie Edgar. Dude has a hyperreal standup game.

    Tbh I thought BJ won the fight... a split decision to edgar i might have understood but unanimous? And with one judge giving it 50-45!? Wtf?

    The challenger has to push the fight and simply moving around a lot does not constitute that imo.

    It was really close, I agree. It could have gone either way, but as much as I was routing for Penn, he just seemed to be off -- either that, or he couldn't do anything except land some jabs on account of Edgar bobbing like a lunatic. I think it just comes down to the fact that Frankie was the one who was pressing hard and dictating the pace. He also took BJ down twice, which hasn't happened at LW in 6 years, so you knew people were all over that. What BJ should have done was try to take it to the ground, but he just stuck with the same gameplan for five rounds and it got him nowhere. It actually kind of reminds me of the Machida/Shogun fight, only in this case the judges gave it to the challenger.

    Thanks for that!

    Nice to see Frank with his feet on the ground. I admire the dude for being upfront about his shortcomings and learning something from every fight.

    Another cool interview:


  6. Speechless, man. Silva is a complete tool. It looks like the GSP fight is being called off now. WTF?! :angry:

    I'd love to see him move up to HW and try to pull this kind of shit with any of the Top 5 guys in that division. That's a fucking pathetic excuse, too -- the idea that he felt disrespected. Jesus Christ, God forbid fighters talk a little trash to build up the bout. Two words: Frank Mir. Book it!

    On another note, pretty crazy upset by Frankie Edgar. Dude has a hyperreal standup game.

  7. You know, usually I love reading your posts and enjoy your opinions on almost everything but this one time is the time where you're just amazingly wrong! :D

    How can anyone not like this movie, from what we've seen so far!? Yeah, I know what you probably will say about it, but come on! :lol: Just put your brain on "Stand by" and get your ass kicked by what is probably going to be the most awesome action movie ever! :thumbsup:

    Do a 180 on your feelings and you'll locate my facepalm. :D

  8. Brandon Vera rematch? ;D

    I wouldn't object to that, provided one of 'em adjust their weight accordingly. Vera would be a fool to go back to HW, though, all things considered. On the other hand, it probably wouldn't be a bad idea for Frank to consider LHW. I read somewhere that he's one of the guys Anderson Silva wants to have a superfight with, so there's plenty of awesome to come from making such a move.

    In other news, looking forward to Gomi vs. Florian tonight. rock3

  9. The next 2 songs are also on "Captain Fantastic", the last two songs "We All Fall in Love Sometimes" and "Curtains". Jeff Buckley's covered these two, but Elton does such a great job playing "Curtains" live...

    Buckley's cover of We All Fall in Love Sometimes is mind-blowing, dude. I actually prefer it to the original.

    As for Elton, I think Funeral for a Friend/Love Lies Bleeding is his most underrated masterpiece. It rarely ever gets mentioned anywhere, but it's truly one of those huge ambitious pieces that are so wide in scope it literally takes you on a journey in your mind.

  10. Completely agree - I was gutted Mir didn't offer more. I legitimately thought he would. I hope Mir doesn't go all Heath Herring and start gatekeeping on us now. Mir needs to go to ATT, get Monson and Bocek - hell, anyone who can wrestle - and teach him. Then he'll be something to be recon'd with again. Gutted.

    Mir 4.0 ftw, eh? :D

    I don't see him ever becoming the champ again because of guys like Lesnar and Carwin, who can totally neutralize his skills and make him pay for his weaknesses, but match-ups against Dos Santos and Velasquez are still really intriguing. Both those guys have awesome standup, so it would be a treat to watch 'em trade with Frank just to see where everybody's at in terms of technique. A rematch with Big Nog also makes a lot of sense, since they've just both been finished with ease by two elite up-and-coming heavyweights.

  11. The heavyweight fight was basically Lesnar vs. Mir II, only shorter and standing. Just goes to show that putting on all that muscle was a pretty fruitless endeavour for Frank. The guy looked pathetic out there tonight; no explosiveness, all hesitation, no improvements in his wrestling AT ALL. Hell, I'd even put Gabe Gonzaga over him, at this point. I'm genuinely concerned about his mental health now. Dana better put him on death watch, pronto. And what a fucking tool that Dan Miragliotta is; taking them off the cage early on, and almost getting Frank killed at the end, there. They need Herb Dean to ref every major fight from here on out. Other than that, it's nice to see Brock back to his heelish ways. That's gonna be one monumental battle of the beasts.

    Also, cheers to Dan Hardy for being a fucking stud. Human beings aren't supposed to take armbars and kimuras of that magnitude. In my book, he has the moral victory. Damn that GSP.

  12. Watched Goodbye Lenin a while back and really recommend it. Love that movie.

    Don't Look Now is pretty good pseudo-horror with all the crazy editing touches that accompany typical Roeg fare. Final act is pure spine-tingling suspense, culminating in a holy shit moment -- not really the twist kind, but the kind that makes you go "yelp" after they spray you down with full-on ugly. Sorta like with Rosemary's Baby, I don't like the way this one gives you conclusive answers when it could have left things more ambiguous -- and thus, in many ways, more frightening -- but it is what it is.

    Trojan War is a straight-to-video 90's teen flick with Jennifer Love Hewitt that I vaguely remember watching back in the day and tracked down simply for the nostalgia trip that would ensue. Starts out promising enough, but doesn't take off at all, which is horeshit. I would have been perfectly fine with formula garbage, but they couldn't even get that pinned down. Cool soundtrack, though.

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