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Posts posted by Chewy2

  1. 3 hours ago, mystery said:

    Honestly even at HOB his looks had changed. He looked like an approximation of what you'd think he'd look like but still noticeably different from the 90s.

    He's obviously wearing a wig and his face just doesn't look natural compared to the past.

    He was seen in June 2001 at a 76ers/Lakers finals game in Philadelphia. This was shortly after their summer tour was canceled. He looks very different there. 

    December 2001 was the shows at the Joint. He'd noticeably slimmed down and had visible abs. He looked similar to Jan 2001. 

    I'd like to know what happened between the Joint shows and summer 2002 because he was full on cornrows and baggy jerseys by then

    Wow, I hadn't even noticed that he was wearing a wig when I skimmed through the video earlier today.  Now that you pointed it out it's glaringly obvious.  I wonder what happened to his hair in 3 years because I think it was 1998 that he had that mug shot & he looked perfectly normal there from what I remember.  So much mystery.

  2. I didn't know this video finally surfaced until I just saw this thread.  I just watched parts of it and the first thing that I immediately noticed is how normal Axl looks.  He really just looks like he aged appropriately since he was last in the public eye in 1993.  Wasn't he seen a few weeks after this at a Lakers game and then disappeared again for while?  And when he came back he looked completely different IIRC. 

  3. On 8/11/2020 at 12:58 PM, Snooze said:

    So I’m pretty new to this forum and enjoyed reading through some of these threads. They are a welcomed distraction from slugging it out constantly it seems. 

    Long story short, I lost my dad recently and have been on a huge nostalgia trip recently.

    Hey man, I don't really have an answer to your actual question but I just wanted to say that I'm very sorry for your loss.  I lost my Father just a little over a year ago and it's been rough.  Everyone says it gets easier as time goes on and that is true but even after a year I still struggle some days.  I was just saying to my wife recently how there are still days where it hits me that I'm never going to be able to speak to him again.  Music is a great way to help deal with grief.  I hope you're doing okay, and it will get better.

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  4. 7 hours ago, Team RamRod said:

    November Rain.  Not my personal favourite but it actually does rule them all, everything.  It is the new Stairway.

    I think I have to agree with you on this.  November rain is similar to Stariway in the sense that it's been so over played that it doesn't get much love anymore.  I don't know any die hard Zeppelin fans that would name Stairway as their favorite Zeppelin song or even say it's Zeppelin's best.  It's hard when a song is over played for 45+ years.  But November Rain probably is GNR's Stairway To Heaven.  I could also see a case being made for SCOM.

  5. 18 hours ago, zigzagbigbag said:

    I didn’t follw the stream cause I got the blu ray but I expect they just streamed the actual gig where Queen was onstage with different guest artists. 

    What you have in mind are performances from the opening bands right before the actual tribute show. They happened during the daylight including GNR performing Paradise City ans KOHD. The KHOD performance became the official GNR music video and was played a million times per day by MTV in 1992. 

    Yes, now that you said that it makes sense.   I was an obsessed GNR teenager back then & I remember me & my friends glued to MTV the day this aired live.

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  6. On 4/14/2018 at 5:56 AM, AslatIE said:

    I think Locomotive could be better for Axl vocal wise

    Funny you say that.  Chris Jericho has a show on SiriusXM's Octane channel & during one of his shows last summer he played Locomotive which is apparently one of his favorite GNR songs.  After the song he said how Slash told him that Locomotive was almost never played live because the vocals were too much on Axl's voice or something to that effect.

  7. 11 hours ago, sidman69 said:

    that was a joke i just thought he looked like ronnie. It couldn't have been ronnie, it didn't look like dean cain's body on the guy with the stache....

    Haha, okay that makes more sense.  I kept looking at the screenshot over & over and saying to myself that I guess it kind of looks like a younger Ronnie.   That whole picture of Ronnie thing this week was very funny.

  8. On 10/22/2018 at 2:22 PM, sidman69 said:

    i would assume for insurance purposes they wouldn't let him do it. 

    That makes sense.  I wasn't arguing, I was just saying my faded memory seemed to remember the Making of the video incorrectly.  By the way your video's are awesome & you do a really great job with them.  I've been binge watching them on Youtube this week.  Keep up the good work.

  9. Based on that Andy Morahan interview posted above my memory must be off.  I could have sworn that was addressed in the Making of Estranged VHS and they said it was Axl, but seeing as I haven't seen that video in probably close to 25 years I'll have to assume that I'm not remembering correctly.

  10. Well according to a Rolling Stone article from a couple of years ago it's an official video that was released in 2009.  I don't know how accurate that is but it's the only information I've ever been able to find on it.

    Guns N’ Roses’ Videos, Ranked Worst to Best


    One of Guns N' Roses' best songs is this overlooked gem, a catchy rocker buried towards the end of Use Your Illusion I. In 2009, 18 years after that album came out, "Bad Apples" got an official video for no apparent reason — but the clip simply consisted outtakes from the "Don't Cry" video, with the band playing on top of the Transamerica Center in Los Angeles. The footage was distorted and frame-dropped, in a half-assed effort to disguise its origin.

    Weirdest moment: Axl Rose singing into the same microphone as his friend Shannon Hoon, the lead singer of Blind Melon, who died in 1995, and doesn't even appear on "Bad Apples."


  11. On 4/1/2018 at 11:03 PM, ludurigan said:

    in Rio 1991 2nd night somebody (can't tell you who but very likely Slash) seems to suggest to play Bad Apples and Axl apparently doesn't show that much enthusiasm and makes sure to let everyone know that he doesnt know/remember the lyrics too well. They play the song anyway and Izzy does a fantastic job singing alongside Axl. The song sounds brilliant live -- the very opposite of the boring studio version. The short dialogue netween Axl and Slash before the song seems to be a clear indication that Axl doesn't like the song and likely explains why the song was basically ignored for the entire tour with the exception of one or two other dates in the US.

    My memory of that 1991 Rio version of Bad Apples was not the same as you described it so I just went back & listened to it again for the first time in quite a few years.  It seems to me like Axl & Slash were just doing playful banter before the song.  I definitely didn't get the vibe that Axl was purposely letting everyone know that he had no interest in doing the song.  I did always find it funny how he referred to it as "Bad As The Apples."

    On a side note has video for that performance of Bad Apples ever surfaced?  I've only ever been able to find the audio but all of the video's of that show seem to end right before that song.


  12. On 4/2/2018 at 7:15 PM, Original said:

    Just watched Plant on The Big Interview.  Very cool. He's a pretty private guy and was pretty forthcoming with Rather.  Would Axl ever do an interview like this?  I think it would be really intriguing.

    I really, really enjoy that show & I wish Axl would do it but I agree with the others who responded that it probably won't happen.   That Robert Plant interview was very good & he's notorious for not giving direct answers to questions during interviews.  But in that Dan Rather interview Plant was very candid which rarely happens.  I also watched the Sammy Hagar interview a few days ago which was also very good.  Dan Rather does an excellent job on that show.

  13. I remember watching that live when it happened.  I was a teenager and was a humongous GNR fan.  I was watching the show only because I knew GNR was nominated & I remember hoping they were going to perform.  Back then there was no internet & I had just heard on the radio that they were going to be on & I had no way of knowing the whole band wasn't planning on being there.   Anyway I was laughing my ass off watching it & I was pissed when they were cut off during their second speech.  I turned the TV off after that & went to bed.  I remember hearing the next day on the local radio station that Dick Clark was really angry & had banned them from future AMA's.  Not sure if that was ever true.

  14. On 8/3/2017 at 1:35 AM, Nasty Bronchitis said:

    That's an interesting point that has always appeared on the KOHD Days Of Thunder drummer controversy. 

    Valid but refutable.

    Let's remember Steven was put in standby mode since the beginning of 1990, therefore they worked with a couple of drummers (Adam Maples, Martin Chambers).

    All of this before Matt Sorum entered the picture.

    According to Mick Wall, phone interviewing Axl,  Steven was "reinstated" in february under a new contract. Also it's mentioned the band was gonna reconvene in the studio in may and start working with new member Dizzy Reed.

    My guess is that's when Sorum began working with them behind the scenes.

    All of this while Adler already played his last gig in april at Farm Aid and was walking on thin ice. Signed away his rights, became a wage earner.

    July press statement about Adler firing was a mere formal PR procedure. He was OUT of the unit months before.

    I did know that Adler was probably really out much before July even if he didn't know it himself.  But it seemed odd that Matt would have been playing with them as far back as April 1990, which if you think about it is probably the least amount of time needed for the song to have been recorded, mixed & the soundtrack put together for the June release.  Well anyway, I get what you're saying.

  15. On 7/31/2017 at 5:28 AM, EvH said:

    Guys. I don't know why we're still debating on this after it has been done many times before.


    To be honest I don't even know why people still insist that it is Steven when a simple listen reveals that it's impossible. Just listen to the track and compare the two versions. This is the same drum track, the same performance, the same fills. This is Matt on BOTH versions. The track was just remixed (most notably, added reverb on the UYI version for it to melt better with the rest of the albums, giving it a unified sound). 

    I just cannot see how that's possible because again, the DOT soundtrack was released a month before Steven Adler was even fired.   And then Sorum was announced as the new drummer probably a couple of weeks after that.   I mean I see what you're saying about the drumming style but the timeline just doesn't work.  I really want to know the truth to this now.  Can someone contact Slash's girlfriend again on  Twitter?  :lol:

  16. 16 hours ago, ludurigan said:

    exactly, that matt's tweet is kinda confusing. it gives the impression that he is saying that he played on DOT but also gives the impression that he could be talking about KOHD from uyi2

    Yeah I'm thinking either Matt didn't understand the question we're interpreting what he's saying the wrong way.  I just don't see how he could have been the drummer on that track unless he was secretly in the band before Adler was even fired.  And if that was the case I'm sure we would have heard about that by now.

  17. On 7/25/2017 at 9:01 AM, EvH said:

    Steven doesn't play on the DOT version.


    On 7/26/2017 at 8:38 PM, ludurigan said:

    says who?


    On 7/27/2017 at 1:11 AM, EvH said:

    Every available source. You're welcome.


    On 7/27/2017 at 8:15 AM, axlweave said:

    Adler does not play on DOT Heavens Door, the only song he played on for the illusions is civil war both on the illusions and on the noboday child album.

    I can't prove anyone correct or incorrect on this but GNR announced in July 1990 that Matt Sorum joined the band.  Steven was also fired in July 1990, or at least that's when his firing was announced.  The Days of Thunder soundtrack was released in June 1990 and it's safe to assume that the songs for the soundtrack would likely have to have been recorded a least a couple of months before the soundtrack was released to allow time for mixing & pressing/manufacturing of the CD's & cassettes.  With that timeline I can't see how Matt Sorum was possibly the drummer on the Days of Thunder version.

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  18. 20 hours ago, Fanboy said:

    I couldn't wait to hit 28 back in the days, "Im 28 now I can relate a bit more to this song"
    It's the song that I listen at least once a day since years, I mostly listen the live version from Rio 91 and Indiana 91
    It's about 9 min of ear orgasm

    That's funny about the 28 years old part.  I was in my late teens when the Illusion albums were released & 28 seemed so far away at that point.  No 28 is like a distant memory which is kind of depressing.  But man I tell you all honestly that I don't think there ever was or ever will be a song that means so much to me.

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