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Posts posted by f**k

  1. This solo could have passed if it didn't actually take as long as it did, so it was not hard to have it pass from bluesy into boring... as all the other guitar solos that were performed.

    The drum solo and the piano solo were in fact great, the drum one was short enough to have the folks enjoy, and the piano was a heavy saloon joy... you could almost imagine a liquor bottle and swallow it up straight while listening...

    But the guitars were all but a pain... this one in particular was the worse, not because of the aguilera choise but because it took too darn long.

    The bomblewhatever guitar is a joke with those stupid wings coming off when he uses the wammy bar, and he flooded the people with harmonics and out of context speed, too much technic so little feeling up untill the end where he finally showed some touch on his small interpretation of Don't Cry, but he can owe that to the music itself rather than his shredding abilities because they were not required.

    Then there is this John Lennon alike fellow that really puted all the felling in his solo with various joint strings harmonies which were in fact great if they evolved into something more solid... but since they didn't seem to go anywhere he took the wise decision of starting SCOM before we all went to sleep...

    All in all the guitar players are good performers, all with their different styles, ones too soft others too agressive, rockers no doubt but none as balanced as Slash.

    Sometimes you get the feeling they are there borrowed and that is really a bad feeling...

    Though I can't understand the whole idea of the John Lennon (don't know his name really) guy looks, I liked him a lot, not too fast guitar player but he showed feeling, at a point he even tryed to jump a lateral fence to compliment the crowd that could salute Axl earlier, and on Nightrain he went though the front crowd guter, I am not sure but I believe I saw that guy fall while he was trying to run there... he showed more attitude than the rest of the bunch and that deserves some admiration...

    Axl is getting old fast, and he no longer shows that rebel attitude no more, unfortunatly.

    He still runs and all but life is as it is and you can feel and see on his face that the guy needs to rest and that he can not keep up with the burden....

    That's why there is the need to have so much soloing...

  2. At RIR Axl was all pissed off at downloaders and tax evation, ordered not to broadcast the new songs and what else will come next....

    Since when was Axl on the right side of the law anyway?!?

    Songs like "Out to get me" make no sense anymore...

    Fortunatly he sang enough to keep GNRs face clean.

    For as much as people complain about he's being late, that will probably be the last thing that will have us notice they are still the GNR (you betcha instead of ending at 1 AM the RIR show ended past 2:30AM leaving the folks without transport)

  3. Good grief.... what the heck was that?!?

    Are you folks all crazy? If you'd put that guy playing guitar on GnR I'd probably end up hating GnR.

    But, you want Yngwie as the new guitarist?

    Actually I was pointing more to Elvis or the pope rather than Yngwie.

    Since Elvis is gone (tho there are some folks out there that might swear otherwise :) ), and the pope already has a bucket of his own... I guess we are out of options.

    Steve Vai is totally out the question because like Angelo he'd probably spend the whole show without even picking a string once and do it all single handed whilst the other hand would be counting the fee for the show.

    Seriously, whomever it is, I am certain he is already rehearsing with the band because the time left for the shows is too short to not having the lead guitar player already working hard on the songs.

    If not then prepare yourselfs for a riot in Lisbon...

    So to the fucker that will hold the axe at the show here goes:

    Makes us proud of the band and enjoy the ride, what you give is what you take from the crowd.

    (Where the fuck is my beer?... I wanna hail to that)


  4. Good grief.... what the heck was that?!?

    Are you folks all crazy? If you'd put that guy playing guitar on GnR I'd probably end up hating GnR.

    Does that guy know how to play slowly? eight of a time would be better, and some blues please, something with feeling with attitude... or else we will end up listening "the flight of the bumble bee" on all songs... puke...

    So it is 1..2..3..4..ops the song is over and he already soloed 5 times... wow that was great... NOT

    The only guy I see having the same feeling as Slash (besides BB King and David Gilmour :) ) is Dave Navarro but of course he is doing great in Janes's Addiction so we are stuck with all great and lightning fast insensitive motherfuckers who play a lot of notes per sec but no fucking music at all...

    How I'd love to hear live that "Don't damn me" riff by a guy who really felt it... not a fucking stand still robot (with or without a bucket)...

    I believe even Axl thinks about it everyday...

    Want a challenge? put that guy playing Patience without sleeping... pure torture to the poor bastard.


  5. So I see this is a braindead forum...

    More insanity?

    Why not Steve Vai or Yngwee Malmsteen, or Elvis or the pope.... just as long as they don't bring a fucking bucket on the head...

    I'll let them use a Happy Meal box instead if they want...


  6. Hi All,

    Well I am going to see them live in Lisbon and let you fuckers know who the fuck played the guitars.

    Hopefully they won't cancel it... again...

    The buckethead fucked the last Rock'in'Rio trip and we are sure gonna get pissed if it happens again.

    So next time he is going to get a Slashs Gibson Les Paul up his ass, and he can get his Jackson down is bucket for good.

    Lets see if Lisbon is going to be the next Paradise City.

    From Portugal with love (yeah right!) :fuckyou:

    Peace!!! :)

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