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Posts posted by Reinaldo

  1. He was refering to the RB crew. THEY erased the word "fuck" from Riad and "gave head" from TWAT.

    I didn't care and just left that way.

    I agree with the guy that didn't like my TWAT mix, I admit it's my worst one (files didn't help nor my criativity).

    Not a fan of the results on Madagascar and TIL either.

    On the other hand, I like all the others, specially what's been achieved on ITW.

  2. He wanted to make it public so let's do it. I respect anyone's opinion, even if it's against anything I've done, but please be respectful, like the few others that didn't like the mixes were.

    He's unable to understand it. I sent him a PM to show how imature his words were. And he reacts that way shown above, even worse.

    Won't answer the "crappys", "sucks", "borings" nor any of all those low level arguments... He obviosily doesn't like to read and doesn't figure out how to do it right. Just wish him the best. Be happy with all this envy and anger, hiding behind a computer screen. I'll be happy with my period. Real life sucks, doensn't it? Anyway, now that he "apologized" me, he should apologize himself for the ridiculous act he just made (though he won't).

    For all the others, thanks for the constructive criticism and for the kind words too! Different from some "fans", I got a life, and, fortunatelly, won't be here soon. See ya someday!

    Oh... By the way, here is the reason of all his hatred:

    "Thanks for your offenses! Are you kind of frustrade in life or what? I don't owe you anything, but just for the record, different from your imature comments, I'm a healthy, well married, well educated and succeeded professional, with great friends, raised in a great family, on a great country, with no acne, and a I-don't-give-a-shit-about-computers philosophy, 32 year old man, GNR fan.

    What I did on a small part of my spare time for about 5 months and decided to share with other fans is just a different vision of the album, an easier way to make people see how CD is outstanding, and a demonstration of how much I love GNR and Axl's talent.

    Never intended to promote myself, I don't work with mixes, music or stuff like that. Never intended to do something better than the band, and I just didn't. Just another option I made for myself and decided to share. If you don't like fan made mixes, you should be free to ignore them and fuck off!!

    Congratulations for being a full of prejudice person who has 17.200+ posts on a fan forum. I'm proud of my 3 or 4 posts. Guess you know who really is the geek kid you were talking about... ask yourself! Please do yourself a favor: learn how to express your thoughts right! Respect other human beings! Don't be irrational like you've shown. Starting with a public apologize would be cool. Thank you."

  3. Shackler's - little less industrial and drum stop on the solo (= to what they do live):


    I.R.S. - Instrumental, more guitars, less fx:


    Chinese Democracy - Instrumental, shorter, no fx:


    Madagascar - no speech, less guitars, long drum stop, less fx in the end:


    TWAT - Instrumental, little different mix, with backing vocais:


    This I Love - additional instruments only:


  4. Better - New Intro, less FX, more guitars:

    ===========> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ym-uV2R2VHo

    Sorry - Baz vocals way higher on the chorus and in the end:


    If The World - Remix, less electronic, lot more guitars:

    ===========> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgW13TXg9hE

    Prostitute - New Intro, clearer vocals, less FX:

    ===========> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_3wVme3Wf54

    Catcher in The Rye - Instrumental, with the rumored unfinished official video:


    Riad - Instrumental Rock Mix, no Fx:


  5. Sorry if posted on the wrong section.

    Chinese Democracy album Remixes done by myself (nothing like phrozen inferno, changing all the structure. Just some little - or medium sized - adjustments):

    Street of Dreams - faster and with less instruments, similar to RIR3:


    Scraped - New Intro (= live), less FX, more guitars:

    ===========> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vYOE5sw2b2M

  6. Sorry to bring this old topic back and also if it's not the right place to post the links below or even if it's not allowed to do it here, but I just want to show even more something we all already know: Axl is a genius!

    Street of Dreams - RIR 3 Emulation Mix:

    Instrumental (guitar track off):

    Hope you enjoy.

  7. naum reinaldo..naum estou me referindo a vc naum... :)

    "axl sang KOHD´s refrain with the crowd"

    "he´s introducing dizzy reed"

    I feel better now... wow that guy and his friend are very cool... must be spending a shitload of money with that international call, huh??

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