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Posts posted by damcka

  1. think the guitarist if one is needed couldn't be a household name like paul gilbert, michael angelo etc. etc.

    although i think john 5 maybe a good idea, he is certainly good enough...

    and is also used to being more of a hired hand because i thought that the only "real" members of marilyn manson were twiggy ramirez and manson himself


  2. yeah yeah, true you have the right to an opinion but to me the synth part on citr sounds contrived and silly, gtreat songs but that part realy seems a bit out of place, but it'll probably grow on me.

    also citr has one of the catchiest verses i have heard for ages!

  3. well most singles have a video, its a marketing thing. there is this thing that happened in the 80's called music television, it was great.

    bands and record companies realised that by using tv pictures they could make thier album sales go through the roof and reach previously unreachable markets!

    enough sarcasm??

    their will be a video for any single that may/may not be released.

  4. ofcourse radio stations would have a single lined up for air play (if one actually exists). think about the music tv channels they have a video at least 6 or 7 weeks prior to the actual release date of the single, so why wouldn't a radio station have a copy of a single......

    ....although lack of promotion of any such single has me slightly worried, i think if we don't see a single after gnrs first few dates there is gonjna be a major fuck up again, although i hope it wouldn't be the last straw.


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