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Posts posted by DeadRoses

  1. Bono this is my first day here.. but you are already my least favorite member.  you whine too much.  U2 is pussy rock.  it sucks,  bono sounds like cher, it doesn't rock hard, its for girls and pussies.

    HAhahahaha after reading some of your posts you are like my favorite member here..I also like Funral, so I may not agree always but it's still funny shit.

    Bono is right in my case. I downloaded U2's greastest hits (80-90) a couple of weeks ago and I thought it was great.

    haha your avitar and sig crack me up, i dont know why but i laugh my ass off everytime i see it man. :lol::lol::lol:

  2. Ok....this is a GUNS N' ROSES message board. If you want to suck U2s asses, go to a U2 board. To me, U2 sucks. It's not that their "pussy rock", i just don't like their songs, or their style. Nor will i ever. Now will you please shove the U2 crap up your ass? THANK YOU!

    he is in the anything goes section though, mother fucker

    kiss my ass fuckstain...it's just sad that thats all he flaps about half the time is some washed up band from the 80's that, like many of the other washed-up bands of the 80's, just won't let go and kepp putting out music that gets crappier and crappier as time rolls on. 80's...good. Bands from the 80's trying to put out cds in the 21st cetury? bad. Take Metallica for example. St. Anger sucked, and we all know it. Megadeth...well...they just sucked to begin with, having maybe 5 good songs. Twisted Sister redos their Stay Hungry cd, and it SUCKS. Any other good 80's bands that put out crappy albums it the 21st century? that includes metal, hair metal, pop...u know what i mean. Everything.

    i dident read any of that shit you just said, but calm down man

  3. Ok....this is a GUNS N' ROSES message board. If you want to suck U2s asses, go to a U2 board. To me, U2 sucks. It's not that their "pussy rock", i just don't like their songs, or their style. Nor will i ever. Now will you please shove the U2 crap up your ass? THANK YOU!

    he is in the anything goes section though, mother fucker

    Just because he doesn't like U2 does NOT mean he f@cks his Mother!!!


    is that a fact :blink:

  4. Ok....this is a GUNS N' ROSES message board. If you want to suck U2s asses, go to a U2 board. To me, U2 sucks. It's not that their "pussy rock", i just don't like their songs, or their style. Nor will i ever. Now will you please shove the U2 crap up your ass? THANK YOU!

    he is in the anything goes section though, mother fucker

  5. Hey I totally agree Bono. I like U2, and Bon Jovi and all those other bands, and I count them as rock, and it gets me mad when people call it "wuss rock" just because they don't scream and swear every other word.

    But I still love the screaming and the swearing lol.

    I totally dig good screaming also. I don't care one way or the other about swears as long as it's not done just for the sake of swearing. But yeah it's so lame when people say "Oh that's not rock it's pop" Well what's pop then? Guns N' roses can be considerd pop. it all depends on how you look at it. When talking about bands like Aerosmith and U2 ad Gn'R and Black Sabbath it's lame when someone goes off saying "Black sabbath isn't rock you fucking loser their metal. Gn'R isn't metal you wanker their rock" and so on.

    your totally right man, i kinda see each band as there own personal genre though, ya know cause most "GOOD" band are like so much different sounding, you really cant compare them, just like people trying to compare Nightrain with Madagascar, you just cant its different shit, yeah both are rock songs, but that dosent mean they compare.or whatever ya know

  6. There is alot of cool country tho, i like alot of country, its just all the mainstream stuff is gay, but Chris LeDoux, he is like one of my fave singers and he is country, so dont hate something till you know more about it, david allen coe, is awsome too, although he is more of a comedian, lol

  7. Interesting conversation between Axl and Johnny Thunders back in the day when Axl wore those chaps with his ass-cheeks exposed.

    Johnny: "So what are you? Some kind of biker fag?"

    Axl: "I'll fuckin kill you!"

    (Johnny backs off)


  8. your opinion sucks ass...how could you pick Bon Jovi against VH...bla!

    Here's why;

    Van Halen used more pop synth effects than Bon Jovi ever has. Van Halen's music sounds alot more dated than Bon Jovi's. Never in my five years as a DJ have I had a request for Van Halen. Though quite often get requests for "older" Bon Jovi. Livin' On A Prayer, You Give Love..., Wanted Dead or Alive, I'll Be There for You, Runaway. Those are just a few. Shit even It's My Life people request. That's why I pick Bon Jovi over Van halen. Van halen has always sounded weak to me. I like Bon Jovi better. A whole lot better actually. I'd even go as far as saying I don't like Van Halen at all. That's me though.

    I think you are referring to Van Hagar not Van Halen. Van Halen With Dave rocked, they were my favourite band untill GNR, and are my second fave now, You listen to there self titled album, then tell me that they are synth pop. WTF, how can you possibly think that Bon Jovi is better than the VH man.

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