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Posts posted by GNR-DJ

  1. I think its hard to say if Slash would make a huge difference on sales, yes it would give it more credit, but would the music be that different. To be honest it prbably wouldnt outsell AFD- Why? Simply the time has passed. Today the main music scene (over in the UK) is pop/RnB. GNR dont really fit into either category, so the chances of it selling more than AFD are slim.


    Coldplay are slow rock and there X&Y album was the best seller of the year WORLDWIDE


    I know that there are some bands that can pull it off, Coldplay are one and there are others, but thats one band. Look at all the number one albums thus far this year. The majority have been either pop or rnb albums. Ok so coldplay have made a great album that gained publicity everywhere, they have a very appealing sound that can appeal to lovers of music in general. GNR are probably best known for AFD which appealed more to hard rock/metal fans, not just general music fans. There is no doubt that CD will sell well simply because of the name, the band and the mysery around it, but there is little chance of it outselling AFD, the times not right.

    Rap might be dieing but RnB and Pop are still dominating the charts

    I stand corrected :rofl-lol:

    this says it all

    Yes rock probably does beat rap, but i would have thought you being a DJ would understand the difference between rap and pop/ rnb. I know that rock sngs are timeless and they will be remembered over these 5 minute wonders that are pop songs, but my point is at this point in time Pop is everywhere. RnB is too.

    i dj at gay clubs, rock clubs, metal clubs

    i NEVER dj at 10 yr old girls party who want pop music or at gangsta clubs where theres a chance id get shot

  2. I think its hard to say if Slash would make a huge difference on sales, yes it would give it more credit, but would the music be that different. To be honest it prbably wouldnt outsell AFD- Why? Simply the time has passed. Today the main music scene (over in the UK) is pop/RnB. GNR dont really fit into either category, so the chances of it selling more than AFD are slim.


    Coldplay are slow rock and there X&Y album was the best seller of the year WORLDWIDE


    I know that there are some bands that can pull it off, Coldplay are one and there are others, but thats one band. Look at all the number one albums thus far this year. The majority have been either pop or rnb albums. Ok so coldplay have made a great album that gained publicity everywhere, they have a very appealing sound that can appeal to lovers of music in general. GNR are probably best known for AFD which appealed more to hard rock/metal fans, not just general music fans. There is no doubt that CD will sell well simply because of the name, the band and the mysery around it, but there is little chance of it outselling AFD, the times not right.

    Rap might be dieing but RnB and Pop are still dominating the charts

    I stand corrected :rofl-lol:

    this says it all

  3. I think its hard to say if Slash would make a huge difference on sales, yes it would give it more credit, but would the music be that different. To be honest it prbably wouldnt outsell AFD- Why? Simply the time has passed. Today the main music scene (over in the UK) is pop/RnB. GNR dont really fit into either category, so the chances of it selling more than AFD are slim.


    Coldplay are slow rock and there X&Y album was the best seller of the year WORLDWIDE


  4. Why would richard tell people when on his sites contact page it says " this is not for asking when chinese democracy is coming out" but i really do hope Chinese D is out then because its my bday month

  5. Hey Yall,

    Id like to introduce myself

    my name is jamie denton and i work as a DJ in central london.

    i have been a fan of gnr for 10 years.

    i dont know if this is the right forum to post but i just thought id start to get to know everyone by giving all of you a rare acapella made by me :) , please dont bash me or anything if its not that good because i cant seem to get the acapella out of rock songs but i just wanted to give you all a treat! :)

    i made it within 1 hour and i let the riffs in by slash.

    Nice to know all of you and i hope you like the acapella but i tried my best

    SCOM Acapella

    I wish to get to know you all better :)

    its not my best but you know...

    Thank you all!

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