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Posts posted by Marita

  1. Write em down here...


    didnt see that coming..ok so I dont know your style so Im gonna post the classic songs of the following bands (tell me if yo liked any):

    * Rata Blanca :heart:


    so awesome

    * Andrés Calamaro ^^ !!! :



    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R3F3CqM4e8 AYY I LOVE THIS BALLAD



    ..I love this song :heart:

    * mm maybe some Fito Paez O_O-- (I met him =o :lol: )

    * maybe you like Pappo..who knows..


    * or Los piojos...

    very cool aswell


    * or La mancha de Rolando ..



    * Fabiana Cantilo ... search something with her also..Calamaro and her sing some same songs, and it's good.. like..mi condena and mi enfermedad.


    * Twilight (im a friend of the bas splayer, so proud jaja):

    http://www.twilightmetal.com.ar/ Download Katrina

    it's just ahhhhh ^^!!!

    Uhm.. the sound on my computer doesn't work... :P

    But thanks to all of you anyway.. :) I'll start checkin em out now..

  2. This reminds me of something...




    I can't believe people like that, actually exist. :no:

    God.. Hate ppl like that.. <_< There are lots of people with The Rolling Stones tees too that don't know a shit about the band..

    I like The Ramones.. Got 5 or 6 cds from them.. Saw some live stuff from them on youtube a while ago and it was really cool!! But they are not one of my favourite bands..

  3. You better have good health insurance(for the bruised ribs, broken jaw...etc) and don't forget bail money.

    We have free healthcare in Norway B). Sinve chris is only 16 (and is under the age of 18) he will not get trown in jail (only in a "glattcelle" if his quite drunk). The worst that could happend to him is that he'll get beaten up by the guards, but luckily there is a Red Cross team only 10 meters away to fix him up again.


    If you're gonna do this you need to get someone to film it!!

    If you do get on stage i think Axl will be more pissed at security than you, just watch out for those teeth!

    LIZ :P

    oh trust me.. theres enough people around at the concert that are filming!!! :)

  4. Nah.. the only stuff ive seen in the newspapers around the concert got headlines like "Slapp fra fengsel" and "Inviterte glamour modeller". nothin bout the concert.. oh yeah.. it says some in the second one there...

    "Axl Rose skal ikke ha beveget seg ut fra luksusbussen en eneste gang, før bandet gikk på scenen klokken 22.30.

    Axl Rose gikk av scenen når det ble spilt gitarsoloer, men når han først var på scenen, løp han rundt under deler av konserten i bar overkropp og skinnvest.

    Først klokken 00.30 startet bandet med ekstranumre."


    "En oppglagt Rose fleipet med skandalen i Sverige fra scenen:

    -De elsket meg så mye at de ville jeg skulle bli."

    (source: the june 29th version of VG)

    havent got time to translate, so thats for someone else to do..

  5. yeah i also think the drummer sucked :P lol.. but the rest was ... unbelievable great!!!!

    oh and the waiting time.. :no: fuck i was bored.. + i was very sick ... i had fever and influenza.. was very dizzy before and under the concert, my head hurted like hell and i didnt sleep more than 3 hours the night before the concert(these three hours were in a chair on a train)!!

    but the concert rocked so incredibly hard, its impossible to describe!!!!!! the best thing that has ever happened to me!!! damn!! its the biggest thing ive experienced!!! It was fuckin amazing and the band was better than i could ever imagine!! Axl was so full of energy!!!!! god.. im sooo gonna make it to the second concert in Oslo (even though i hate that city)!!!

  6. ive always hated sweden .. and swedish people.. dunno why.. and this made me hate them even more... :fuckyou:

    But im tryin not to think about it... Im just lookin forward to the concert, pretending nothing happens/happened.. :)

    Ain`t blaming our belowed Sweeden a bit too far out..... remember.. it was Axl who got him self in trubble you know.....

    BELOWED???? SWEEDEN? sry mate.. havent heard of a belowed sweeden..

    and yes, axl got himself in trouble.. but it is those FUCKING SWEDISH PEOPLE (!!!!!!!!!) that dont let him out.... :anger::fuckyou::anger:

    :huh: They're doing their job. It's not their fault Axl got drunk and bit someone. If this is true that is.

    :huh: I still hate sweden and the people there...

  7. ive always hated sweden .. and swedish people.. dunno why.. and this made me hate them even more... :fuckyou:

    But im tryin not to think about it... Im just lookin forward to the concert, pretending nothing happens/happened.. :)

    Ain`t blaming our belowed Sweeden a bit too far out..... remember.. it was Axl who got him self in trubble you know.....

    BELOWED???? SWEEDEN? sry mate.. havent heard of a belowed sweeden.. :unsure:

    and yes, axl got himself in trouble.. but it is those FUCKING SWEDISH PEOPLE (!!!!!!!!!) that dont let him out.... :anger::fuckyou::anger:

  8. ive always hated sweden .. and swedish people.. dunno why.. and this made me hate them even more... :fuckyou:

    But im tryin not to think about it... Im just lookin forward to the concert, pretending nothing happens/happened.. :)

  9. uhm.. i think i don't wanna miss a thing is better than dream on... :unsure: but not much better.. :)

    other songs i like is Shame On You, Rag Doll, Livin' 0n The Edge and Let The Music Do The Talkin.... :P

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