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Posts posted by gnrdoug

  1. This is how I deal with it. I've either called the fucking music stores in my area every Tuesday since the infamous "Thirteen Tuesdays" press release.

    I'm tired of being let down by Axl. And, I've already seen VR and Scott's got nothing on Axl, except that he occasionally puts new -- and sometimes -- decent music out there to be consumed by the fans.

    Axl makes us all look like fools. Waiting for an album, posting on message boards.

    So, you keep sucking his dick if you want.

    I'm done.

    Fuck him and his insecure, indecisive ass.

  2. :o Wow! Okay, let's take a step back and breathe people. We are GNR fans. We have been through worse...

    No, we haven't been through worse. Every fucking thing for almost a decade has been related to new material.

    Axl needs to make his fucking mind up. Stand up and kick ass or sit down and dwindle into the past.

    I don't even know why I am responding, I should be protesting all boards discussing this horse's ass as well.

  3. I'm sure this has been said a million times on this board, but with two Tuesdays left and hope dwindling, I am proposing a protest.

    If you bought tickets to a show, try to get a refund.

    If you saw GNR this year, don't see them again, if and when they return to an arena near you.

    Put away the GNR T-shirts and turn off the GNR songs.

    I am so sick and tired of Axl and his bullshit. Every fucking year, the same sob story -- The album's coming, Wait it's almost here, Sorry it'll be released soon, Hold on.

    Well, now I've got something for Axl -- I'm going to ignore you like you've ignored us fans for so long.

    And no, a concert is not a substitute of a new album, so no excuses there.

    Axl leads us fans along like a guy who cares nothing for his girlfriend, only that she's there making him look good, so he strings her along with false promises.

    That's what we are - Axl's bitches. We fill his concerts, and his pockets. He says jump, we say how high. He says wait, we do.

    So, protest. Don't give this egomaniacal, selfish, coward of a man a shred of respect. He gives us none.

    Is he scared to release new music? How can he ask us to love the new band members -- which I totally do, by the way -- if he doesn't give us anything to showcase their talents?

    Sure, I've heard the live recordings of the same five new tracks, but Goddamit, give me a song to listen to without screaming, whistling, hooting and hollering in the background.

    For such a perfectionist, you would thing Axl would want us to hear the perfect version.

    So, I'm protesting!!!!!!!!!!!! And I suggest you do the same.

    PS - I'm still buying the new album when it comes out in 2020.

  4. For the life of me I can't fathom how Kurt Cobain -- who along with Nirvana practically wiped metal off the map for a while in the mid-1990s with that shit known as grunge music!!! -- ended up on a metal list.

    Axl called out Hit Parader in "Get In the Ring" and I do so now, this magazine is for douchebags with vaginal discharge running down their leg.

  5. Who here making fun of Kid Rock actually saw the live performance? Because, if any of you nitwits that are picking on Kid Rock were there, you would've seen the huge reception he got, the fists that pumped into the air when he showed up, and the ass that he kicked. His vocals weren't great, and his moves were a little duplicate of Axl's, but he killed it nonetheless.

    So if his singing and dancing weren't good, how did he "kill it"?

    I never said they weren't good. I said they weren't great. Some of you people expect Jesus fucking Christ to take the stage with Axl. And even then you'd complain.

    Dude, by the way, were you there???

  6. Who here making fun of Kid Rock actually saw the live performance? Because, if any of you nitwits that are picking on Kid Rock were there, you would've seen the huge reception he got, the fists that pumped into the air when he showed up, and the ass that he kicked. His vocals weren't great, and his moves were a little duplicate of Axl's, but he killed it nonetheless.

  7. Mr. Estranged, in what publication was the album Chinese Democracy and the song TWAT reviewed??? I must've missed it. You note that the "press criticise." What press? What music rag? What writer? Perhaps, someone in Dublin I am unfamiliar with here in the USA???

  8. Not only was his voice in primo shape, so was he. Full of energy, and the visible lines of a 6-poack and some decent pecks. He's not as skinny as he used to be, but he also doesn't look chubby like in some of the old Rock in Rio shots.

  9. Being new here, I was just wondering what is it about the band that keeps you dedicated? The songwriting, the musicianship, Axl's voice, the attitude, the hope for a reunion of the old lineup, the excitement at hearing what the new lineup can crank out, the general mystique surrounding the band or the wait for the white elephant that is Chinese Democracy?

  10. Yeah, I'm a newbie, and yeah I just joined, and yeah this is my FIFTH post and, guess what else, yeah I'm a Guns N Roses fan. I am not trying to overstep my bounds here, being the new guy and all, but I take offense that a fan has to be someone who posts -- be it once a week, a day, an hour or a minute. Being a frequenter of forums should not be the basis for judging someone's dedication.

  11. I was the new guy who came on late, if anyone remembers. I asked that fellow gunners be kind and only get tix for shows they needed. well, i got for the 14 and the 17. I got the 14 with a little ingenuity, password not that hard. GOD BLESS GNR and see everyone in one month. ROCK ON.

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