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Alx lewis

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Posts posted by Alx lewis

  1. or only let supporters have the privilidge of been able to listen etc. that way more people might donate to the forum allowing us to have some more kick ass features. alot of people are on here but not that many have parted with $5 to help keep the place running

    many are also young kids that you can't really expect to be familiar with internet payment. To be honest neither am I. So I can see how many are sceptical, confused how to do it or just not allowed by mom and pop.

    I quess so , but it does mean that only loyal members can listen to it which might promote new guys n girls to join. rock3

  2. i think the if he decides to go for a solo career he would be less critized by the media. and no doubt about his succes he is a great musician and with or with out ... crazy heads :rolleyes: he can succed!!!

    I think that Axl would struggle, Guns N' Roses is a household name its like the Motley Crue thing with Vince y'know

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