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Posts posted by sirp

  1. We have a rumour, that after CD GNR will release additional albums a year (or so) later. If it's true, what do you think, all the "big guns" will be on CD, or some of Axl's favourite songs will release on the second or the third album?

    I think Axl will save some strong song (maybe not his favourite songs: Better, TWAT, Blues) to the additional albums.

    What do you think?


  2. I want Chi Dem without Slash...

    I want to see what the last 13 years was all about....

    I want to see if he can do it without them or not...

    And then...

    Once he's made his point...

    Slash can return, and we all live happily ever after...

    not before.

    I fucking agree, i want cd first rock3

    Me too.

    (To Alan Niveen: I'm not young GNR fan :) )

  3. Got my new Classic Rock magazine through this morning, lots of GNR articles so I suggest you pick it up.

    Anyway, page 12 says something along the lines.

    "Axl attempted to re-unite the band with Slash, Duff, Izzy and Matt Sorum, for 2 shows in the UK one at Download Festival and one at Hammersmith, both would be filmed for a DVD and Live CD and all members would make millions each, all parties were interested in this reunion, but before they could sign on the dotted line, one of the members lawyers noticed in the fine print that it said by agreeing to these terms and conditions the rights and back catalogue of Guns N' Roses would go to Axl Rose, this halted all negotiations however rumours have still flied, we won't know what's happened until Download itself arrives"

    So, Axl say to his new band members:

    "Well, go to the rest room for a few hours because I want to make some money with my former bandmates."

    It's like you say to your new wife/husband: "Please do some dinner in the kitchen, because I want to make love with my ex-wife/husband in the bedroom."

    It's bullshit.

  4. If we suppose the following:

    1. Slash quits VR

    2. GNR release CD (soon :) ) and start world tour

    can you imagine that Slash rejoin GNR and play for at least two years long a new material, which is not his style, and he didn't write a note for it?

    I can't.

  5. Hammersmith Odeon 87 + the Ritz

    does anyone know how to transfer from audio tape to cd coz i have quite a few gigs on tape that i would like on cd

    You should use Nero SoundTrax. You can record the tape, separate (sp.?) the songs and burn to CD with it.

  6. I like madagascar with the speeches, it's puts more feel and meaning to the song I think. and then when the speeches finish and then Axl voices comes on with I won't be told anymore, I love that.

    I love that part too....when Brain's drumming really kicks in and Axl starts to sing again...gives me shivers every time.

    Yes, that is the best moment of the song.

    When I heard the song first, I didn't like the speeches, but the more I heard it, the more I like it, so now I think the speeches is an important part of the song. But sometimes it's too loud, I hope they will find the right ratio between the guitar solo and the speech.

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