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Guns Fan

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Posts posted by Guns Fan

  1. if axL said he said it ... and thats it ... its coming out if it is'nt hes gay

    I have to say that it's bullshit the album hasnt come out yet.. I used to be a hardcore Axl Rose fan, I always said if Axl put out a Axl rose sings christmas songs, i'd buy it just because it was him... but after '01, and now '06 and all the lies and bullshit going on with this, I have to say that i've lost faith and at this point, really don;t care... I used to come ceck this forum everyday for news, but now it's whenever I can think about it. I've come to believe that the only reason Ax; does this, is because he knows that the few loyal fans he has will pay money to see the shows and buy the merch. and join the fan clubs, he knows the media will start to pay some attention to him, get him back in a small spotlight, and he can get paid... I don;t think it's within his best intrests to release this album... after 12 years and 15 mil. later, if the CD drops and hit's like a ton of shit, who's gonna be left for any future guns concerst or albums... nobody, if it doesnt go over well, it will also show everybody, including Axl himself, that he needs the rest of the lineup, and I think these are things that Axl already poor psyche and ego cant handle... he knows that if this thing flops, he and whats left of guns n' roses will be a laughing stock in the music business, and he will have done teh very thing he claims to have wante dto prevent by having slash and company sign over the rights, so when you think about this, he has everything to lose and nothing really to gain.. aslong as he keeps showing up to shows and doing an interveiw here and there, he knows that we will keep turning up at the shows, and keep lining his pockets... all he has to do, is not finish the tour, find somebody else to blame, go into hiding for a few more years, and resurface with some throw together shit, put 'em on the net, call it a leak and do some shows.. wash rinse and repeat.. and the simple fact that he does this, is a slap in the face of every gn'r fan that ever stood by him after montreal, and after st. louis... it's a slap in the face to everybody who ever bought a gn'r CD shirt poster or anything else... and I think it's time to put a stop to it... if people stop showing up, he has nowhere to go play, I know there's 0% chance of a boycott until we get something... but thats not even the point anymore, honestly I dont even think I want anything anymore... maybe my money back on all the shit i've bought, but hell, he obviously needs it worse than I do... he doesnt respect or care about us, and if we all bought tickets and nobody showed up, he wouldnt care, aslong as he still got paid...

    u got it dude ... thats what I was trying to say the other day ... and I got humiliated by all the people ... but u just put the whole thing in the right place ... thank you, for writing it so open minded.

    Maybe i'm wrong on this but Didn't Axl say that we had a better chance of jesus returning then the album comin out anytime soon



    wtf?!? where the hell did you get that from?

    funniest thing iVe ever heard... but JESUS will come back take seriously or not.

  2. Never will I quit being a fan of Guns N Roses

    What kind of post is this?

    A BS post that's what it is! Someone needs a hobby...

    wow iM sorry I did'nt know you guys took this sooo serious. i wont be writing here any time soon.

  3. I doubt very seriously that anyone reading these forums will "quit" listening/following gnr, the very fact that we are reduced to checking the internet for any news means we are very hungry for new material, i am sure there are people here that would wait a lifetime if they had to.

    Besides whats the point of getting uptight now, we are very close to the illusive album dropping, remember you may walk into a record store and it may just be there, well i believe that it will be here before the new year, sometimes i wonder whether some people on this forum actually want the album to come out the way they carry on.

    true ... "that reads this forum" cause I know of alot of people that have quited ...and nOw they hate GNR ...


  4. Ok ... late 90's everybody already knew the tittle for the so long waited album ... Fans were thanking God, that finally we were going to hear AXL, once again, most fans did'nt care that it was'nt the original line up... of course that doesnt mean that thousands maybe millions were really upset at AXL's decision, but what ever we wanted something new, and we actuaLLy got it on the end of days soundtrack, new guns n roses , new sound completly new idea, that gave us all hope... Now years later and we still have'nt got'n anything but a few live songs and a promise that the album will come out this year... now if the album doesnt come out this year "which is very possible" how many of you true fans will quit on GNR once N for all ???

  5. Are you looking for audio or video?


    Date: 05/15/06

    Title: Hammerstein Ballroom, New York, NY

    Original Uploader: gnr-4-ever

    Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/29732643/05.15....ew_York__NY.rar

    From the audio section of this board, link seems to work fine.

    it does work fine but it oNly goes up to my michele ... its nOt the whoLe thing

    OK so you need CD2 in flac, yes?

    -I guess so ... I didnt know it was by cds- :unsure:

    actuaLLY now iT worked ... :) the onLy ones not working are fortus solo and robin solo ... for some reason ... but hey at least I got it. thanX for the heLp

  6. Should they re record it since the play it different with the new band.

    I wouldn’t mind it for a bounce track! Hint… ;)

    I think they shouldVe never touched it... I mean play it with the new band of course ... but with the OLd GNR style I just love it

  7. :( I know this is not the place for this but can somebody heLp me to find the hammerstein may 15th show ???? please I had it before (with really good quality), but my computer broke and now I cant find it anywhere.

    and the one thats there is not the whole show :no:


  8. I thought Ron 'The Nuke' Thal was absolutely brilliant last night. He was far more into the music and some of his solos were amazing.

    His solo where he played Don't Cry was fantastic. A great moment in GNR history. Anyone still wanting Slash should just dig out the 88 show DVD's and watch them, this band isn't the same. Besides, Slash can't play Nightrain anymore, Buckethead stole it from him and wrote him out of the record books now Thal is all over it like a mofo too.

    I just can't understand the people who can watch that show and complain about the band members. They were ALL fantastic last night, every one of them.

    I agree ... the new band members are amazing ! Bumble is the best guitarrist GNR has ever had ...

  9. So, since a lot of people seemed to be worried about Axe's voice: How was it tonight? Was everything allright again? Hope so...

    It was fK'n awesome Im just coming from the show ... he's voice was great .. he coughed during PATIENCE and smiled a little haha ...coOL show

  10. Well, we may hear definitively if Slash is still in talks to rejoin GNR or not.

    Apparently, he'll be making a guest appearance on the Camp Freddy Radio Show tonight, where Matt is the host.

    Here's Matt's blog:

    Friday, May 12, 2006

    Oh my God,

    Just got back from Magic Mountain.

    Private party

    Only 2500 at the park.

    It was crazy, I was like a kid running from ride to ride.

    My favorite was Scream and X treme

    But made Goliath and Viper as well as Batman and more.

    There was really no lines because a lot of Hollywood party people were there and into hanging at the Bar.

    Not me, it was the best.

    Also this Saturday

    I will be hosting Camp Freddy Radio with special guest Slash

    From 6pm To 8pm

    Pacific time.

    You can tune in at indie1031.com for internet feed.



    is there still doubts after last night???

    HAHAHAHAHAHA rock3 true

  11. Woah I've stepped back about 4 months :blink:

    word... i wonder how slow you have to be to not only think you are the first one to think those thoughts but to use four months to come up with them...

    Was thinking the same thing lol

    Yes lets all be assholes .... i'm new on the board ... and u guys are problably the only ones that never thought about it ! :drevil:

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