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Posts posted by Goletti

  1. I have a lot of vinyls, I have almost all the singles and maxis from AFD to Spageti in vinyl, included Live like a suicide, picture discs, bootlegs, demos .... I have to a lot of CD's, original, promos, maxis, box set , bootlrgd. Around 200 different records vinyl and cd only original, no CDR. I will post pictures .....

  2. I can understand all the people that enjoyed the show and felt like in heaven in front of Axl, but I think that apart of all the harm like new musicians, new songs, etc. the concert was correct, objectively, not was a Very Good show, was correct, anymore. I saw a lot of RnR shows around my life, and I'm a fan of GNR since almost 20 years, but honestly, only was a 6/10 show, it's my opinion of curse.

  3. First of all, sorry for my english, I will try to express myself as well as I can.

    For my the last night was a disappointment. I was impatient to saw again Axl and listen again this fuckin sacred songs going out from the mouth of one of his their creators of this GREAT music.

    For mi GNR are a very important band in my life. I follow him since 1987, I could see them in 1993 and throughout the years they have always accompanied me in my life, as to many of you, I mean.

    Tonight I can't belive in (N)GNR, and today it is difficult to me to keep believing in Axl. 2 HOURS waiting Mr.Rose!!! that was unacceptable, for Axl or any other, I think that in the past Axl did not need to prove ANYTHING to anybody, and he could 1 hour, 2 hours or almost anything. But now I think that he must prove respect for the people that has belived in him these last years, and many more things, mainly in the stage... .. this not this well!!!! But tonight I can not saw a real GNR good show, I think Axl was good in voice, was good in his look, and was correct in genreal ( a part of delay) but I can belive in this band, they are not GUNS AND ROSES, I know that this is one of the Big discussion between people that love and loved GNR, but for my yesterday was CLEAR, it's not credible, GNR was died in early 90'. The classics songs sound without the magic of the past, the new band, in my opinion, are one " they want and they can not", and for my are simple interprets, anymore.

    Apart of it, the show of Madrid was correct, i'ts nice to see AXL again, in form. It's good to listen the old songs, but is not the same. For my the new songs are more bad than good "mediocre" more than 10 years for THIS???, I wish that if this year appears "Chinese Democracy" :scared: it will be a good album but I do not have confidence in it, sorry.

    Maybe it had been better that AXL did not use the name GNR, and he do like their "older friends", Slash, Duff & Co. Another band, another songs ..... (I don' like much more VR, but I think is more worthy, sorry again),

    On the other hand I'm very happy for the real fans that they love the NGNR, they are BACK, and it seems true. Maybe I envy you, because you can enjoy with one of the best frontmen of the history of Rock, sining historic songs, in front of you, but I can't felt nothing, yesterday. :(

    By the way, I'm ever will love GNR, but not will be the same, :(:o

    I am going to fall asleep, I take 1300 Km, I have slept 1 hour only, and I have worked all the day :sleeper:


  4. Quedan solo 24horas!!!!!! :D

    Aún no acabo de creermelo, de hecho, hasta mañana que este delante del escenario y vea salir a Axl y sus mercenarios no me lo creeré, pero cada vez esta más cerca y parece que se hara realidad.... :scared:

    Ya tengo billete de avión (hasta hoy no me he atrevido a comprarlo, por si las moscas) y estoy absolutamente ansioso de que llegue el momento. Espero que sea, junto a la gira del maestro Dylan, el evento rockero del año en Spain.

    keep on rockin'


  5. Hi guys (back on the board after 6 years....),

    Just wanted to share this with you. I had a job interview yesterday near Parque Juan Carlos I which has the Auditorio Juan Carlos I in it. So after the interview I thought "let's check it out". Then I found out that the park was damn huge and I couldn't find the Auditorio (auditorium I guess in English). I went to an information desk and asked if they was going to be a Guns N' Roses show in this place in a few days. The guy told me "we don't know, they are thinking of changing it to Getafe (crappy city close to Madrid)" and that's when I thought "oh fuck, here we go again....."

    It's not the first time I'll buy a ticket (2002 Guns in Gelredome Holland...) for GNR and something happens and they don't show up. Well I guess we all have had our experiences with Axl and his old & new friends.

    So I thought, what the hell, let's check it out anyway. So the guy told me where to go (long walk, damn it) and eventually I found the Auditorio and appoaching it I could already here some hammering and stuff! The place looks great!!! Three days before the concert and there were already about 25 persons working on the stage, even some amps were visible (covered in plastic). I thought "this must be for something else" but some security guards told me with a wonderful Spanish accent that is was definitely for "Gans ent Ruses".

    The stage looks huge! Very high. It's an open air arena, I think the first time they play out in the open since Rock in Rio in 2001. I'm looking forward to it so much! It's been 13 years since I saw Axl set things off. Anyway, sorry for all this useless crap, I'm just excited. I only think that there might be very few people showing up since I have litterarely seen 2 pieces of paper on some random walls in Madrid saying Guns was playing and the guy telling me about moving the concert, no one knows...but what the hell, maybe I'll get my own private Hammersteinlike concert. Sorry I didn't bring a camera.

    I must have looked quite stupid with a suit and tie on and all but it was worth it. Just 2 more nights....

    See ya,


    ps. For those who care: The interview went well, haha!

    I'M IMPATIENCE !!!!!

    I'm very nervious about the show. I had my fuckin experience and dissapointments with Mr. Rose, 4 shows was canceled in the past !!! but I can see in Barcelona in 1993. After read your words I can feel more close to the show !! GNFR!!

  6. Of course I want to go, but not alone. I´m considering the possibility of going alone because that´s the only option remaining but being alone in the other side of your country where you don´t know anybody and in a city you don´t know...

    I don't understand u, if you are waiting for this show since 1993, come on and GO to the show.

    Alone?? it's better alone that in bad company. Don't be silly! if you can do, do it. Airport is very close to the Palacio JuanCa I only 1 station in metro, and Madrid is not the Hell (I hope) :P where are u from?

    Think about it, GNR in your country, you have the tickets and you will be in home???? don't F*@#!!!!!!

  7. People in Spain like to buy tickets at the last minute.

    Completely agree, more relax you know.. :sleeper:

    I believe that there are many people who do not believe that GNR come to Europe, Too many disappointments with Mr.Rose in the past 10 years in Europe. I have faith, but I'm scared so that it happens anything at last minute and finally cancel the tour like other times. I hope we can see him next 25th. :o:o : !!!!!!! I'm imPATIENCE!!


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