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Posts posted by Queef

  1. Hey there!!

    My band MADONAGUN (hardcore prog metal) is about to release its first full-length album

    Grovel at her Feet (September 2012 on Great Dane Records)

    Here is a first teaser:

    Check out the artwork and listen to our first E.P. here:


    Check out my solo Twilight of the Men at the end of this solo compilation:

    And last but not least, we have a special guest on the song Bloodlust:

    Ron Bumblefoot Thal (Guns N Roses)

    Check out his solo here: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Madonagun_Bloodlust_%28Bumblefoot_Solo%29.mp3

    More news and a big teaser/ medley coming soon ;)

    Thanks for your time ;)







  2. For your info, BBF has lost many pounds...and he's not fat anymore for christ sake!!!

    If he's fat, I'm obese! Does it mean I don't deserve to play the guitar??

    And is there a weight limit to be in GnR???

    This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!!! (along with the "he's too hairy" stuff) :(

  3. For those who want to know more about Bumblefoot and be reassured about his guitar skills, I've made a little list of mp3 we can find on the internet (legal stuff only):

    First of all, this is the solo he plays on a song I recorded with a friend for Xmas. It's a fucked up version of the French Santa Claus theme and he kindly accepted to play a solo for us.

    His solo is the first one. The 2nd is mine and the 3rd is a friend of mine.

    Ignore the stupidity of the song, it was only meant to be fun ;)


    and a few other crazy solos he did for other people (most of them are played on a fretless guitar):







    and one of his own solos:


    + mp3 samplers of his albums:

    Normal: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot..._CD_sampler.mp3

    Forgotten Anthology: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot...tar_sampler.mp3

    911: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot..._CD_sampler.mp3

    Hands: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot..._CD_sampler.mp3

    and the tributes and "loundge tributes" he did:

    Eminem: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/BfoOt_-_Em...s_Goldstein.mp3

    Black Sabbath: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/BfoOt_-_Oz...s_Lovecraft.mp3

    Outkast: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/BfoOt_-_Th..._CD_sampler.mp3

    Jimi Hendrix: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot...drix_cover).mp3

    voila! This isn't exhaustive of course but it gives an overall idea of what this guy can do and what his style consists in.

  4. just listened to "Better"! Great songs!!! and great guitar work throughout!!!

    I can understand now some people's fear that Bumblefoot is not up to the task... be reassured! he can play all of this and even more. I took lessons with him and it was beyond human.

    For example, this is the solo he plays on a song I recorded with a friend for Xmas. It's a fucked up version of the French Santa Claus theme and he kindly accepted to play a solo for us.

    His solo is the first one. The 2nd is me and the 3rd is a friend of mine.


    and a few other crazy solos he did for other people:







    and one of his own solos:


    + mp3 samplers of his albums:

    Normal: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot..._CD_sampler.mp3

    Forgotten Anthology: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot...tar_sampler.mp3

    911: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot..._CD_sampler.mp3

    Hands: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot..._CD_sampler.mp3

    and the tributes and "loundge tributes" he did:

    Eminem: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/BfoOt_-_Em...s_Goldstein.mp3

    Black Sabbath: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/BfoOt_-_Oz...s_Lovecraft.mp3

    Outkast: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/BfoOt_-_Th..._CD_sampler.mp3

    Jimi Hendrix: http://www.bumblefoot.com/audio/Bumblefoot...drix_cover).mp3

  5. oops... by "old-fashioned" I meant that GnR has done nothing for 10 years and hasn't really evolved in the style they're playing since then.

    Have you listened to their leaked demos mate? ;)

    actually I must admit I haven't... and I'm looking forward to hear new material!!

    are the new songs any good? any different from the old stuff?

    Very very good! And yeah - the band's taken a different direction musically. Definately not "old-fashioned" by any stretch - you'd be pleasantly surprised.

    Unfortunately, we're not allowed to post the links to the leaked demos here due to copyright issues and some legal notices GN'R Management so kindly provided our admin with... :lol:

    whao ok, my mistake... I'm gonna try and find the new songs somewhere!!

    I'm actually glad I'm wrong about the "old-fashioned" words...

    I'll let u know what I think (if anyone's interested about an old fan's unbiased opinion on the new material ;)

  6. oops... by "old-fashioned" I meant that GnR has done nothing for 10 years and hasn't really evolved in the style they're playing since then.

    Have you listened to their leaked demos mate? ;)

    actually I must admit I haven't... and I'm looking forward to hear new material!!

    are the new songs any good? any different from the old stuff?

  7. Bumblefoot is the most versatile person in this old fashioned band.

    Just be careful Queef - I understand all the points you're making, but you'll be severely outnumbered if you start making comments like that. :lol:

    oops... by "old-fashioned" I meant that GnR has done nothing for 10 years and hasn't really evolved in the style they're playing since then.

    There is nothing derogatory about this term, sorry if I offended someone :wub:

    I really like GnR and was one of the biggest fans back in 1992-93 (I was 13-14 then). I had posters everywhere, dressed like slash, tried to play like him... my first guitar was even full of GnR stickers :)

    but then, after "the spaghetti incident" and the split, I started listening to other styles of music, to more modern branches of rock and metal (hence the term "old-fashioned")...

    For me "GnR" died with the departure of Slash and Duff but I really hope this new tour makes me change my mind and that I become a GnR fan again!!! rock3

  8. From a HTGTH poster..

    THERE's NO REASON AT ALL FOR BUMBLEFUCK to be in this band....he looks like he just came out of a bar band and is like 39 yrs old...he serves NO PURPOSE, as a matter of fact, he kinda sucked...he TRIED being like Bucket.....NO WAY IN HELL!!!!!

    actually, he and robin had 2 solos each, and all 4 sucked really bad, but i like robin, he has a cool look......bumblefuck has NO LOOK at all....what a bad move bringing this old 80s throwback into the band....he has NO IMAGE and tried to play but it just wasn't happening....

    hey Othafuck! What about YOUR look man? What PURPOSE do YOU serve?

    Bumblefoot is the most versatile person in this old fashioned band. Maybe HE's gonna bring GNR back to life!!

    And if you think he tried to be like BH...maybe you don't know shit about guitar playing... :rolleyes:

    As for his age, he's definitely younger than Axl (and really LOOKS younger).

    Another disrespectful post about Bumblefoot... Give the guy a chance or take his place in GNR!!

  9. hey madison!

    some people did make fun of his appearance (read the earlier pages).

    Some made fun of his hairy chest, others posted pics and made fun of them... have a look and u'll see!

    "Only one model huh? Gee that's a shocker. I would have thought guitarists would have been lining up around the block to score a cartoon-like shaped foot guitar."

    I admit that was funny! :)

  10. oops I forgot appearance was more important than the music itself...


    that's a normal reaction actually... Ron doesn't fit in the poser "look-at-me-before-you-listen" attitude...

    so some of you are disturbed :kiss:

    "shit he's too hairy to be in GNR! he's gonna scare the girls away with his ugly guitar...what a loser! where is his leather jacket?" :confused:

    sorry to be a little bitter but I find it so stupid to bash someone on his style or his physical appearance...

    a few pics with different looks, if that's what you want




    and this is his new signature model: (more regular)


    and to perfectly honest, I love his foot guitar, I've already tried it and it's amazing beyond belief...

    ...but I agree it doesn't really fit in GNR... proof is you guys don't like it.

    However, this guitar is very special for him, it has been designed especially for him (there's only one model), so I'd understand if he chose to play it on stage.

    and seriously, it's not worse that a goddamn KFC bucket!!!! But I'm sure BH had his share of bashing at the time!

  11. The two weeks thing might not be accurate but I know for sure that he didn't have that much time to rehearse.

    First, he was very very busy with his own last album + his job as a producer.

    Second, his european tour that was supposed to take place in June got cancelled only a week ago.


    and I don't think his first experience with Axl 2 years ago (all of u GNR fans should know about that) made him feel like rehearse GNR material.

    All of us Bumblefoot fans can't believe he came back to GNR after what happened, and we are as surprised as you GNR fans... but we are very happy for him, he really deserves such a spot.

    Of course he'll never replace Slash (he said it himself) in the hearts of the hardcore fans. But what about the new drummer, bass player and the two other guitar players??

    In my opinion, the TRUE gnr died long ago with the split up. But as I grew and learned the guitar with GNR and Slash, I'm really happy to see that Axl finally make things happen and Bumblefoot is an excellent choice.

    His very very different from Slash or Izzy, but I think it's better not to have a clone of Slash... what would be the point? Plus Slash is unique. So Axl's idea to bring original characters (like BH or BBF)into the band is very clever and can only add interest to the "new" GNR.

    Anyway, I'm afraid I won't convince anyone tonight.

  12. This guy freaking sucks. Nice solo Bumblefoot. NOT. I went a took a dump during his solo and it was the best decision I've ever made.

    This guy is so not balls to the wall Rock n' Roll. Why does Axl feel the need to hire these schticky guitar players??

    This asshole is our "suprise"


    The show was f-ing awesome

    I'm hallucinating... WHO THE F*** ARE YOU to call Ron Thal an asshole and say he sucks?!?!?

    ok this is my first post here, so let's calm down...

    I know Ron very well, I took lessons with him, I jammed with him on stage and he played a solo on one of my songs.

    What other guitar hero would offer all of that to a fan??

    and he is a guitar hero in the sense that

    1- He can play anything, any style, any technique, ... and he has perfect pitch! Try that with Slash ;)

    2- Axl picked him, not someone else. Joe Satriani invited him to play on stage with him. John Petrucci said he couldn't analyse his playing, too hard for him...

    ok let's stop here. My point was: please give him a chance. He had 2 weeks to learn all the GNR stuff + he's the nicest man on earth and doesn't deserve so much bashing.

    Of course you've got the right not to LOVE him, not to like his playing and style (who cares about his guitars or style of clothes... is it relevant in music?)

    but noone should have the right to call someone they don't know an asshole...

    You guys are all smoking crap! I went with 7 die-hard guns fans and they all came out saying how lame he was. The guy looked like a dipshit up there. And all of this sharing solos is retarded. This guy is a joke and nowhere near as good as Bucket or Slash

    nowhere near as good as Bucket or Slash???? do you play the guitar? I've been playing for 13 years, I love Slash (I started guitar "because of" him), I respect Buckethead a lot, but objectively (and subjectively I must admit) Bumblefoot is way better than the 2 of them put together!! He combines Slash's feeling and BH's technique (even takes it a step further).

    Please check out Bumblefoot's work before you judge him. And again, don't base your judgement on one show. He might not be up to the task so far, but who would in 2 weeks?? Let's wait and see guys!

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