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Posts posted by Trell

  1. What pikes does everyone recomend? I have;

    Its alive

    Bumbyride dreamlands

    Rollercoaster track repair

    You cant tripple stamp a double stamp

    Claymation courtyard

    Wouldnt mind downloading more now theyre on sale!

    Off the top of my head:

    Worms for the Garden

    City of Ferris Wheels

    Project Little Man

    Northern Lights

    Hold Me Forever

    Leave the Light On


    Coaster Coat

    Thanks! Downloaded outpost, coaster coat, project little man and nothern lights! Having a buckethead binge

  2. if chinese democracy comes out february 11/12 I will eat a glove!

    yesss lets all eat gloves! ive been waiting for the moment to eat a glove for a sepcial occasion...and if it does come out in feb...il eat 2 gloves, like to see anyone even dare to try and top that one

  3. well i was there last night, it was going perfectly all night, sebastian bach was awsome, i was really impressed by him and his band, and then bullet for my valentine came on...enough said about them. and axl seemed so happy, some twa.t through something on stage half way through nighttrain and axl said something like "let me introduce you to a cunt STOP...STOP" so the band stopped and they went off the stage, then they came back on redone nighttrain and then axl said "thats the end of the show, goodnight" and all the arena lights came on.

    so thanks axl...ive seen them twice now and both times ruined(first one being download fest)

  4. were guns n roses late coming to the stage or on time?

    if they were late...how late? because im at newcastle seeing them tonight and i wanna be prepared for a long wait before they come on, thanks.


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