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The Spaceman

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Posts posted by The Spaceman

  1. You guys are silly.

    WHEN WILL YOU LEARN? The release date for this album will never be released through external sites. The only one I'd ever trust is Amazon, because they've gotten releases dates first in the past. Mainly by posting them ahead of time by mistake, as with the John Williams soundtrack for Indy 4, which they then yanked offline. But I doubt even that much with GN'R.

    Axl will announce it if and when.

    I agree with you, but I won't believe anything until I have it in my hands. I have heard dates from every possible source. I dealt with that crap about "12 Tuesdays remaining in the year," I dealt with Axl's "tentative" release dates, etc. So I won't even trust the band itself with the info.

  2. I found this pretty funny:

    One of my local radio stations said that Chinese Democracy has a release date of September 23rd. They said something along the lines of "Breaking news... Chinese Democracy by Guns N' Roses now has a release date of September 23rd... We're serious this time".

    I just gave a good laugh. Add this date to that ever-so-long list of "for sure" dates.

    if that was true - it would have been exactly two years since i saw them on the "chinese democracy tour"

  3. ^So, did they win best rock album or album of the year?

    what do you think? considering it was the only decent rock album of 2006 released

    I thought Revelations was good

  4. i just looked @ the san diego show, and you are still able to buy the maximum # of floor seats.

    why do you think they haven't rescheduled to smaller venues? the hammerstein and vegas shows were packed to the gills, created a huge buzz, and also gave die-hards the chance to see the band up close in a more intimate setting. does it stand to reason that gn'r are losing money every night they play to a half capacity house? do you think everybody (axl included) thought the record be out by now when the tour was booked? do you think axl's having problems promoting this tour because of his past mishaps with clear channel?

    it's possible that i'll be in san diego when the band is there, and i'd love to see them......i just don't know how i feel paying $75 to see guns in a half full arena. i mean, i'd be going by myself, as my brother and his wife are not "rock show people" to say the least....and there's always that off chance it will be cancelled.

    I don't care, they got my money already. I'm going to the San Diego show and theres still over a month and a half left. They'll sell a few more tickets.

  5. I get tons of crap at school for being a huge GN'R fan, but i've heard the music all those other people listen to , and my god, it's horrible. There's only ONE person at my school (that i know) is as big a GN'R fan as me. And he's on this forum.

  6. Gunzen,

    Mick Mars doesn't move much because he suffers from a rare, crippling bone disease. He has for many, many years. He's an awesome guitarist.

    someone was complaining about his not moving the other night (i saw them with aerosmith) and i explained to him about the disease. he felt pretty bad afterwards.

  7. Chinese Democracy wont be out this year.

    I cant believe some people are still thinking it will be.

    Ever since I began browsing this forum just for news, before I even joined, I have never seen you post anything positive. Lighten up man.

  8. God I hope they don't disallow minors.

    I mean, they sold us the tickets without any such warning.

    I know they're mostly non nude but they do go topless sometimes.

    However, the Motley Crue show I went to a while back shows hardcore porn sometimes and I was allowed in.

    I saw Motley Crue last night and there was some, they let me in and I'm only 15. It should be fine.

  9. two thumbs up....the only thing I would have changed was add the opening notes to Welcome to the Jungle right between He's back and the vid of Axl!

    naww its great.

    I was thinking the same thing. or "Better" to keep the theme of the new album

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