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Posts posted by thorhail91

  1. I went to their new year's concert at the beach of Ipanema,they played for almost 1 million people.

    During the show,they started to play the riff for SCOM and I thought...holy fuckin' shit of hell,Axl is here..then,Fergie fucked up the song and tried to look like Axl..

    download the video here:


    Good try..oops..shit try.At least,she's hot.

    Well I would like to fuck Fergie :)

  2. Its all set for GN'R

    just think about the promotion we can have.

    "Its been 20 year since theyr first album, Appetite For Destruction, it the shelves. But now be ready for CHINESE DEMOCRACY. The album you have been waiting for for over a decade."

    Something in those lines.

    Chinese Demoracy hits the shelves around March(6ht?) We will geth a Asia tour and after/before we will have a new Europe tour.

    Chinese Democracy, the touring and Guns N' Roses is gonna blow eveyrone away in 07'!

    2007 is gonna belong to Axl Rose

    I agree with you young friend.

    Here's another idea:

    "20 years after AFD release, the debut album that broke all records, considered the best metal album ever, GNR will change world music again, if 20 years ago you didn't participate, you have your chance to get an original that will change the course of music again."

    It seems it was yesterday, I bought my AFD copy back in 1988... Time passes...

  3. I think he will slow down a bit in Chinese Democracy. All people must realize that he put his body into such a stress (on the AFD - UYI era), due to drugs, and the effort he was doinf during concerts, I have never seen any other guy running kilometers night after night like he did. Now he is probably paying for all that stress, althought I think he is in good condition. We have the example of Bach, the didn't put himself into such stress and he looks fresher now. Axl is one of hose guys that REALLY took it to the LIMIT rock3

  4. Izzy would never rejoin the band, you don't have to worry about that. The few times Axl has talked about him he has mentioned how spontanous he is, such as flying to Mongolia for a pilgrimage or something of that nature. Also Izzy replacing BBF!? You have to be kidding me. The only member Izzy could really replace would be Richard and that will never happen.

    Fortus is the best new GNR guitar player! Izzy would easily replace Ron or even Finck. Best solos are made by Fortus, the only one that have enough chemistry to be compared to old members, Izzy included. However there isn't any guitar player in the worl capable of replacing Slash! Slash is unique and his solos are unmatchable. He is the real rock soul and heart, still living in this planet!

  5. Thanks James Lofton (you aren't the former NFL WR are you? hah!!)

    This post would have gotten me banned at HTGHT (I was banned for something similar), but its nice to know I can express my feelings about this whole fiasco - at this point, I think that's a great word to describe it. To your point James...I also think that when Libertad comes out in the spring, they'll tour through the summer and then it will get very interesting come Fall of '07.

    While I love the old music, I'm not averse to hearing new stuff - but ONLY played by the old band. I think the leaks we've heard would have a lot more potential with the old Gunners doing them. Back in '99, Oh My God pretty much confirmed Axl's different direction, but listen to IRS, Madagascar, CD since then - it is very evident that these tunes are way more Illusion like than techno/grunge/industrial he set forth to accomplish in the mid to late 90's.

    Are you saying that Chinese democracy is being "remade". old songs are being replaced by new songs, and that's why it is taking so long to come out? Well it can be one in a million possibility! :book:

  6. Axl probably never read Roland Barthes' books, nevertheless what Axl has been doing for ten years confirms Barthes' theories about myths and counter-myths... And it also confirms that Axl is a very intelligent guy.

    The best weapon against a myth, it is to mythicize it in return, it is to produce an artificial myth... The power of the second myth is based on the fact that the first one looks naive comparatively...

    The founding myth in this case is obviously the AFD line-up. Then, the only way for Axl to continue using the GNR name was to create a counter-myth : Chinese Democracy.

    I think this helps to understand a couple of things that are going on nowadays : when Chinese Democracy gets released it could be the end of the second myth. It may explain the continual hesitations about the release of CD.

    I understand your thought, but it is nor logical or pratical. It is the 3 myth...

  7. A message full of nothing!!!! Like I've posted several times before: There are non-public problems that just can't be solved, not even by Axl, what leads me to another question - Are the old members of the band giving some kind of hard time to Axl, or is it any big financial problem?

  8. I've got a new idea for a thread! We over-analyze Axl's hidden agendas once again and question the reality of what we have been presented with, because surely he is "up to something" and "trying to hide something" from us, right? Right?


    I think that Axl should put the cards on the table and explain what is happening, who knows he can solve the problems? This album is his biggest dream it is "HIS" album, but probably he should allow others to help him, he cannot do it by himself :(

    Uhm....Do you think Axl recorded, the vocals, the guitar, the bas, the drums, the keyboard, the synth, all by himself?

    No kid! The biggest problem in a production of an album is not record, the vocals, the guitar, the bas, the drums, the keyboard, the synth. It is human relationship, in order to plan, reach agreements, take care of business with the labels etc, etc, etc. As you know, some of the new musics are being played live, wich means they are recorded somewhere. So if you think a little you will reach the conclusion that the problem is not recording, it is something that really goes beyond that. Do you understand? I hope so...

  9. I've got a new idea for a thread! We over-analyze Axl's hidden agendas once again and question the reality of what we have been presented with, because surely he is "up to something" and "trying to hide something" from us, right? Right?


    I think that Axl should put the cards on the table and explain what is happening, who knows he can solve the problems? This album is his biggest dream it is "HIS" album, but probably he should allow others to help him, he cannot do it by himself :(


    3 tuesdays left before 07... 2 tuesdays left before christmas...

    17 working days left before 07... 12 working days left before christmas...

    And itd be baaaad business from any band out there to put a new album out between christmas and new year. If it is this year it HAS to come out before christmas...

    But i believe 2007 is the year

    I think it makes all the fucking sense that Axl puts CD out next year on the 20th anniversary of Appetite...

    And if CD fails to be a huge album, GNR could easily promote the shows with both the new album and the celebration of Appetite for destruction. I mean Metallica did just that this summer in Europe with Puppez...

    It would be nice to see Slash blowing the candles!!! rock3 rock1

  11. People will buy the album if the music is good. The reason many people on this forum don't accept the current line up as GNR is BECAUSE they are hard core GNR fans. The general public won't give a shit.

    I couldn't say it better myself! :xmasssanta:

    Slash put some effort in here and there but he wasnt really working the crowd, not his job.

    Are you kidding me? In the history of Guns N' Roses, Slash is the only member to have stood toe-to-toe with Axl in terms of stage presence and overall performance. You cannot make that argument for anyone else..

    Why do you think he's considered the last great guitar icon? His impact was immense..









    Very true!

  12. Rumours about Tommy and Brain, don't let me very optimistic about this line up's future! the main reason for the album delay maybe about this line up, or about Axl himself, or about something else that really is being an obstacule to the release of Chinese. Either way, I think that there are non-public serious problems that just aren't getting fixed...

  13. How the fuck can people still be saying, "Let's just wait and see, 2006 isn't over yet!" Seriously people, in September/October that may have held water, but now, you can't release the most expensive rock album of all time with no promotion/release date set. And that shit will happen AT LEAST a fucking month before release.

    It's obvious that we've all been lied to AGAIN by Uncle Axl, and it's only a matter of time before the next statement points the finger of blame at some lawsuit, old band members, the record label, the dominos pizza delivery man; Axl will find someone to blame.

    It's just so fucking amazing how every other band can do things yet only Axl has issues with releasing the CD, has issues with the sound every night, has issues with with everything...the man is a sissy little bitch who is scared shitless to deliver the goods. Come on Axl, get in the ring pussy, it's December 2006, the year's running out and your bitch slap rapping is getting old...you've become a parody of yourself Axl and you think you are a rock bad ass? Prove it! Bitch.

    That's GNR in you Kaneda!!!! You are right... "Rocker Win or Die" rock3

  14. hey guys, this month i would say if it doesnt come out on the 21st, then it may not come out at all this year, this is only speculation, because the 21st of this month is when alot of bands are releasing their new albums, i dont know why, maybe its just the way record companys work, but maybe we should check out geffen music releases and see when other albums of theirs are due for this year?

    Geffen's music releases are more than checked <_<

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