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Posts posted by slashMyBalls

  1. ?????

    It's the same for any artist these days. That's the ONE thing that's going to stand in axl's way? What makes him immune to a changing world.

    Unfortunately for the new generation, music is free. It can be fought like people fought TV when that came out (movie theaters panicked then), or people can learn to pave new ways to earn their living off of it. Hopefully Axl will go with the flow.

    IMO, which I know is the minority opinion I think axl should just release the fucking album as is and bury GnR. I think he'd be in way better shape with a whole new band and not trying to keep the past alive. He ain't the same guy he was 20 years ago and trying to be that I think is only doing him harm.

  2. The thing is, if he's so good, how come no ones ever heard of the great BUMBLEFOOT!?

    Cuz just like someone else said, he's pretty much always played by his own rules - and it was never a goal of his to be the most famous, nor the greatest guitarist (metal or otherwise) in the world. Go to any guitar forums that know of him and ask who the best guitar guy they know is. I think you'll be surprised. What he's doing with gnr is nothing about what Bumblefoot is about. He's in the group 2 weeks, it ain't his music, and, I'm sure he's got to take a lot of direction as to what to play. If you want to pass judgements on the guy - buy the cd "hands", or "normal", or "uncool" or all three - listen to them for a week - then come back and talk. Do yourselves a favor and stop making statements about someone you know absolutely nothing about. you'll be looking back in a few years and saying, "damn! what an idiot i was." trust me.

  3. I am starting to get a Gilby Clarke vibe.

    you are way wrong then, bumble auditioned for gnr two years ago and was carefully chosen. and for good reason, trust me.

    Sorry dude - I don't wanna get into an I'm right, you're wrong thing - but trust me. He auditioned 2 weeks ago. He never met any of them before then. I'm absolutely certain. Don't know where you're getting your info from, but it's wrong.

  4. I posted this in the new guitarist thread, but I don't think anyone is reading that anymore - so I'm posting it again here:

    As someone who's been a bumblefoot fan and known him personally for quite a few years I'd like to clear a few things us.

    1. He didn't audition for gnr 2 years ago. Did that 2 weeks ago.

    2. The foot guitar isn't part of some gimmick he thought up. It was the creation of a guy at Vigier guitars who became a huge bbft fand and supporter many years ago, and designed and built the thing for him because he believed so much in him. Vigier has since built 2 other guitars in his honor - a swiss cheese guitar which was modelled after a guitar that bbft hacked up himself to look like a peice of swiss cheese; and they recently put out a vigier Bbft signature model.

    3. Bumblefoot was the name of his band. People started calling him bumblefoot. He said what the fuck and started answering to it. You can call him bumblefoot, ron, douchebag... whatever you want. He'll answer to it all.

    4. I don't know a person who knows this guy personally that doesn't love him to death. He'll bend over backwards for anybody, and is one of the coolest, humblest, most easy going guys you could ever know.

    5. What you're hearing him do in Gn'R isn't 1% of wht this guy is all about. My guess is they're telling him to go out there and shred... I don't know. I highly recommend dropping a few bucks and buying one of his cds. Every one of them has a different vibe. The most recent "Normal" has a punk feel to it, "911" has a little more shred goin on. By the way, all the money made off of the sale of 911 goes to the redcross in honor of those lost on that day. "Uncool" has got a loungy feel to it, and shows the wackier side of the guy. "Hands" has a fair amount of shred on it (my favorite solos), and chilipepperish vibe. The albums before that I believe are no longer available, but have the sickest shit you ever heard - Zappa mixed with acid jazz or I don't know what. Just plain sick shit.

    6. He dropped about 30 pounds since those pics that were posted here, and the reason for the fat before the way he looks now is all documented in the normal cd. Had to do with some stuff that was going on before the writing of it.

    7. I completely understand you guys all missing the guys you loved. I personally miss the shit out of Slash in gnr, and I'm a huge velvet revolver fan. I say give this guy bumblefoot/ron a chance. I sincerely doubt you'll be disappointed.

    8. That's all. I hate message boards, but felt I wanted to put it out there for this guy, cuz in my opinion he deserves it.

  5. As someone who's been a bumblefoot fan and known him personally for quite a few years I'd like to clear a few things us.

    1. He didn't audition for gnr 2 years ago. Did that 2 weeks ago.

    2. The foot guitar isn't part of some gimmick he thought up. It was the creation of a guy at Vigier guitars who became a huge bbft fand and supporter many years ago, and designed and built the thing for him because he believed so much in him. Vigier has since built 2 other guitars in his honor - a swiss cheese guitar which was modelled after a guitar that bbft hacked up himself to look like a peice of swiss cheese; and they recently put out a vigier Bbft signature model.

    3. Bumblefoot was the name of his band. People started calling him bumblefoot. He said what the fuck and started answering to it. You can call him bumblefoot, ron, douchebag... whatever you want. He'll answer to it all.

    4. I don't know a person who knows this guy personally that doesn't love him to death. He'll bend over backwards for anybody, and is one of the coolest, humblest, most easy going guys you could ever know.

    5. What you're hearing him do in Gn'R isn't 1% of wht this guy is all about. My guess is they're telling him to go out there and shred... I don't know. I highly recommend dropping a few bucks and buying one of his cds. Every one of them has a different vibe. The most recent "Normal" has a punk feel to it, "911" has a little more shred goin on. By the way, all the money made off of the sale of 911 goes to the redcross in honor of those lost on that day. "Uncool" has got a loungy feel to it, and shows the wackier side of the guy. "Hands" has a fair amount of shred on it (my favorite solos), and chilipepperish vibe. The albums before that I believe are no longer available, but have the sickest shit you ever heard - Zappa mixed with acid jazz or I don't know what. Just plain sick shit.

    6. He dropped about 30 pounds since those pics that were posted here, and the reason for the fat before the way he looks now is all documented in the normal cd. Had to do with some stuff that was going on before the writing of it.

    7. I completely understand you guys all missing the guys you loved. I personally miss the shit out of Slash in gnr, and I'm a huge velvet revolver fan. I say give this guy bumblefoot/ron a chance. I sincerely doubt you'll be disappointed.

    8. That's all. I hate message boards, but felt I wanted to put it out there for this guy, cuz in my opinion he deserves it.

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