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Posts posted by gatesheadsteve3

  1. 5 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Slash also played the 02. I missed out on tickets.

    Me too! Like gold dust,  they were :-D


    Come to think of it Gn'R members have a good record of playing up here:

    Guns n' Roses: Newcastle 3 times and Gateshead once.

    VR: Newcastle twice.

    Loaded: Gateshead twice.

    Slash: Newcastle once.


    Here's hoping for 2017  :-)

  2. On 04/09/2016 at 7:44 PM, DieselDaisy said:

    I wonder if they play Newcastle. The second from last time they played Toon, old ginger bollocks, who didn't arrive on stage until 11:30pm!, got into a fit because somebody threw a coin at him, storming off stage and ending the concert early. Cost me £30 taxi home additionally.

    They've played Newcastle since that incident though, and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it too!


    I'm really hoping for a North East date in a UK tour. However, if it's stadiums, it'll be the Sunderland stadium that gets it. They have a really good reputation on the stadium gig circuit at the moment (Springsteen,  RHCP, Bon Jovi, Beyoncé,  Foo Fighters).

  3. Ah, the coin incident (not really an incident). They deserved that.

    Utter shite! 10,000 people deserved that because of the action of one idiot? Maybe if there hadn't been a 2 and a bit hour wait between bands with nothing for the idiots to do but drink there just mightn't have been a problem!

  4. But why would Axl be adamant about 2008? It's just really strange.

    Does anyone have one fucking clue about what could be the significance of a 2008 release?

    Oh please ... :rolleyes:

    There absolutely nothing significant about 2008 besides the fact that it's the next best sounding thing to saying it's coming out in 2007.

    Dude, like I said, I'm just playing along. I'm as cynical about this album as anyone, check my post history.

    That being said, if BH did say 2008 was the intention (I still haven't seen the actual interview) that does merit some discussion, don't you think? It sure appears that 2007 is out, so 2008 will become the focus. That's how it works in the GN'R universe.

    It certainly merits more discussion than your boy Adler stepping in and somehow helping Axl release the album.

    Tell you what...

    Since I'm in a good mood today, I'll ignore the last dickhead comment in your post and tell you that the interview you are looking for is at htgth.

    :lol: Yeah sorry, it was a little dickhead. But I was just responding to your post which was a little condescending in itself. Thanks for the tip. I should be able to find it with a search.

    Just as a heads up, if you're putting stock in it, Bucket also said in that interview that, "Axl will not release the album until he finds the right guitar player."

    Yeah, the right guitar player. Not the right drummer. I've read posts where you bring up this quote, and you seem to think it includes Adler. I think what BH was likely referring to (without having read the interview) is the fact that Axl needed to replace him, and that he needed to find a guitarist that could play his parts. Slash is not that guy. And Adler certainly isn't, unless he can shred.

    And I wouldn't say I'm putting stock in it. Just that, BH was on the inside for a time, and so anything he says is worthy of consideration. That's even more so now that the album actually has been delayed and we are approaching the year he specified. It just gives his comments a little more validity. Maybe there's something there.

    I've taken a few shots at you lately (really about Adler re-joining the band, which I think has about a snowball's chance in hell), but overall our mindset regarding what really constitutes GN'R isn't all that different. I'm hardly a BBF or Finck diehard (though I like the parts Finck has written). Slash is, for me, the obvious choice, but I think it's just not realistic for the project Axl is working on. Any snide remarks of mine directed your way have to do with Adler, not Slash, and they are only snide because I think the thought of Axl needing or wanting him back is crazy. No offense.

    But why would Axl be adamant about 2008? It's just really strange. Usually you don't know exactly when an album is coming out. You work on it and see how it goes and when it's ready you release it. But somehow Axl knows in 2006 that the album will be handed over in 2008? If that's the case then there must be something special about that year. I'd love to hear theories. Unfortunately, I doubt any of this is accurate. Though it appears, as I re-read that thread, that others have vouched for the fact that the interview did happen.

    Okay then. Let's play along. Does anyone have one fucking clue about what could be the significance of a 2008 release? Why would Axl plan to do that at least one and a half years before?

    Yes, i have an idea indeed. The upcoming 2008 olympics in china!! I saw a special about it on german television and the chinese communist party (as of course) are using the olympics as a big propaganda machine (not unlike the nazis did in 1938). They (the chinese communist party) want to make it look like their country (including the opressive, human rights denying government) is something kina like a chinese democracy.

    For the people of china the olympics do not mean a change for the good. Lots of people got kicked out of their homes (nice traditional chinese houses) , the places where torn down by bulldozers and the people where replaced in "communist style" flat-like appartments.

    I also think this is what Axl meant by saying "the timing couldn´t be better". He gives us a teaser through Baz Album, and then in 2008 we got the olympics in china. This will shed light again on the opressive government and the fucked up human rights situation there. The whole chinese issue will be back on the map.

    What do you guys think!? I´m really serious on this one!! rock3

    That's actually pretty interesting. The world knew about this event early enough that Axl could indeed have had the forsight a few years in advance to plan for a release in 2008. It's a huge worldwide event. That means exposure.

    I don't know. It's pretty far-fetched. But it actually makes some sense business-wise, and would definitely answer the question as to why Axl identified that year as the year, and knew it long beforehand.

    It's also kind of risky. I mean, how do you use such a big event to draw attention to your album? Axl would almost need to make a huge political statement to actually get attention that ties the Olympics and China to his album. Because otherwise people would not even link the two in anything more than in an ironic coincidence sort of way. And if Axl does intend to make the kind of big statement he'd have to make, god knows he'll be criticized by a lot of people.

    Can someone please explain to me exactly why China would endorse and use an album advocating Democracy? Correct me if I'm wrong, but the government is Communist (theoretically). Why would a government back an album that endorses it's overthrow... especially a Communist one?

    Was there really any need to quote all that?

  5. Hmmm, First HMV and now Play.com? Myself, I'm gonna wait until it's in the shops. Cannot think of anything worse than if the order fucked up and still waiting for delivery when its on general sale (Play have been getting a reputation for this over the past 2 months).

  6. What is the Mail????????????

    The mail and the mail on sunday is a nasty little right wing, pro-censorship 'newspaper' based in UK.

    its not that bad. seriouisly

    As long as you don't mind a paper that lies and manipulates stories to fit its own agenda.

    Being a movie fan I really didn't like it when they linked a series of crime cases to horror/action movies without a single piece of evidence connecting them (surprisingly keeping quite about any other factors involved). Got a huge fucking kick when they championed the Alton Bill in the 90's which wanted any movie over the certificate PG to be banned from sale for home viewing.

    Or what about the lastest trick the other month? Blaming immigrants on a school changing its menu to serve only halal meat, failing to mention that no parent or pupil had complained and the school had found a much cheaper meat supplier that just happened to be halal.

    Oh, and it hires people like mick wall too :xmasssanta:

  7. It was a coin, and who the fuck said it hit him in the face? A pound coin was thrown, I saw him pick it up and see that it was a pound coin, that is why he left, he knew how serious it could have been if it hit him in the face.

    Luckily it didnt.

    But it was a coin, I saw it with my own eyes.

    Cheers for clearing this up mate. Like I said I saw him pick something up but didn't see anything hit him.

    Which thick fuck throws a quid, the stupid twat!

  8. I personally don’t believe he was hit by a coin as some have reported. If someone hit you with a coin in the face it’d hurt, and no one saw him flinch, this rumour is pure fantasy. I was sat right opposite the stage and I am not alone in seeing him holding something and looking at it then walking off stage. Something was thrown, yes but it was not a coin.

    The newcastle gig was truely awesome, far, far better than the UYI Gateshead stadium gig! The crowd were into it and band & Axl were enjoying themselves.

    I've still gotta agree with the above quote though. It was just a shame it ended on a downer!

    I'll still be going to see them when I can though and will be the first in line when the cd comes out! I hope Axl realises that whatever happened wasn't a reflection of the 12,000 in the arena who loved the show.

  9. In order to promote generalisation:

    Looks like the Britts did it again, first Download, now this. Can't you fuckers behave when you drink? If I was Axl, I would piss all over that pathetic island of yours untill it sinks in the sea, like atlantis.

    oh yes i forgot the st louis incident happened in the uk didnt it!!

    And as far as pathetic island is concerned we aren't great britain for nothing.

    And of course we didn't smash the venue up last night too :rofl-lol:

  10. Get your facts right before posting shit!

    I was right at the front last night and fucking NOTHING hit axl. He casually turned round, picked something off the floor, read it, said something and walked off.

    No shit was being thrown and the crowd were fully behind him.

    It was a great gig completly spoilt by axl acting like a wanker. He was great up until then but it an unnecessary, shite way to end the gig.

    If anything fucks this tour up it's axl actions and contempt for the fans.

    If you were front row how did you not see the pound coin get thrown at Axl?

    Why should he put himself in danger of being injured because of a cock who decided to throw something at him?

    I was also at the front on the barrier so get your facts right before posting :book:

    I was sitting on the lower tier block 100, parallel to the security line / front of stage, perfect unobstructed view. I and my lass never saw anything hit him and he didn't react like "oww, what fucking hit me". He turned round, saw something at the front of the stage, picked it up and looked at it (god only knows what it was), said something I couldn't make out (I thought you were my friends?), ordered the band to stop and marched off.

    Then he said something off stage about reporting of you see anyone throw anything on stage to security and came back on. Awesome gig, just a sad ending.

  11. Urgh god. Please don't let this fuck everything up.

    Fucking geordies. >.<

    Get your facts right before posting shit!

    I was right at the front last night and fucking NOTHING hit axl. He casually turned round, picked something off the floor, read it, said something and walked off.

    No shit was being thrown and the crowd were fully behind him.

    It was a great gig completly spoilt by axl acting like a wanker. He was great up until then but it an unnecessary, shite way to end the gig.

    If anything fucks this tour up it's axl actions and contempt for the fans.

  12. From the Newcastle Arena Website, hope this is of help to people.

    "Guns N' Roses 19th July '06 Amended times, following last nights show at Sheffield Arena.

    Doors 17:45 Doors Auditorium 18:15 Sebastian Bach 19:10 Changeover 20:05-20:30 Bullet For My Valentine 20:30-21:05 Guns N' Roses 21:50 - 23:50 these are given as approx and may vary depending on the artist/production. However we'd like to make you aware that the show will potentially be late in finishing. "

    Cheers for the heads up mate!

  13. Soooo close. I swear no work is gonna get donein the office tomorrow!

    I'm stuck here till half 3, then back home, change of clothes into town forra chicken burger then either pint or straight to the arena depending on how I'm doing for time.

    My big dilemma is do i check out the reviews for tonight (Sheffield), or save myself to tomorra night!

  14. Im in block 100 in the 4th row .

    Cant wait im taking my 15 year old son and ive promised not to embarass him :P by telling axl that i luv him

    Woo hoo, I'm in block 100 too! Lower tier but no idea of the row!

    I've promised wor lass I'll not scream like a little schoolgirl when they come on!

    Better warn everyone who is planning to go to Trillians afterwards that it shuts at 11.pm. The arena is going to do a rock club in the foyer until midnight though.

    Oh and another warning, Seb Bach is on stage early (18:40)!

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