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Posts posted by axlwannabe

  1. I don't understand the kind of expectations people have with metallica. Yes, their last few albums were not as good..but holly shit what do you expect..a band can't stay awsome and relevant forever. No band can keep making amazing albums for 20 years, that's just a fact I don't care who you are. Look at the Rolling Stones, Aerosmith..their albums have become generic and formula...and I can name alot more. There comes a time when that's it. Why are people so mad..just enjoy the past albums. Metallica have made more good albums and given you more classic songs then some bands can dream of. You can't keep having inspiration to write amazing music forever.

    Concerning this Napster thing, I understand where they are coming from. And most of the bands were against napster aswell..but they just didn't have the guts to stand against Napster cause they knew it would be unpopular and they risked losing fans. Those bands are all two-face hypocrits cause behind the scenes they were on the same side of metallica, but publically they were cowards. If you are band, why would you wanna give a product for free. You spend time working on an album and then have people steal it for free..I understand them. And I hear some people say that Metallica shouldn't complain cause they already made so much money..what a bogus argument! Who cares how rich they are..does McDonalds give away free Big Macs just cause they make billions, don't think so...does Microsoft give away free software just cause they make billions, don't think so. Take any company or manufacturer on the face of the planet..nobody gives away free products just cause they already make millions. Why would anybody stand on the side while people steal your products.

    I agree 100%..couldn't have said it better!

  2. I'm trying to make a cd of the cheesiest glam rock hairband ballads of the 80's and I need to know some of your favorite songs to help me remember some. I already have a few.

    Poison - every rose has its thorn

    Poison - Life goes on

    Warrant - heaven

    Warrant - I saw red

    Whitesnake - is this love

    Motley - Home sweet home

    Motley - All I need

  3. Yeah,with a massive metal chair,I don't know why but I know it happened really.

    Never heard of that. First of all, if Axl were to hit Tommy it would only in the knees...cause that's about as far up as little Axl could reach!

    hahaha...that was funny. And even if Tommy was sitting, I still don't think Axl could reach his head :lol:

  4. Metallica is better. Maiden never evolved. All their albums are just the same music over and over again. It's good metal don't get me wrong, a bit bubble gum metal if you ask me, very melodic...but nowhere near Metallica.

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