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Posts posted by w_axl_rose_fan

  1. I thought Ron was awesome at this show. He's come a long way from the first Hammerstein show (where he had seemed overwhelmed by it all and stayed glued to the side of the stage). He's now moving around the stage a lot more -- and is quite charismatic onstage, which is cool.

    I also thought he was EXTREMELY smart to add "Don't Cry" to his solo. Brilliant! He had been under alot of criticism from fans for his weak guitar solos during the Hammerstein shows -- and this change was very very smart. Well done Ron!

    My only criticism - please lose the hat Ron. I mean - really - a ski hat in the Summer? You have great hair under that hat, so why hide it?

    As for comparing Ron with Slash - or anybody else for that matter - why would you want to do that? They're two different musicians with different styles and different energy. Like comparing apples and oranges. Can we - for once - not bring former GNR members into a discussion about a current GNR show?

    I agree with everything you said. rock1

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