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Status Updates posted by metalgroupie

  1. wow. lil druggee :) haha your in school again! hah...suppose i shouldnt be laughing, i'm in computer class right now myself..eh have fun with them drugs

  2. Danke shon :) How is / was the Euro trip?

  3. how many times i gotta tell you its US OF A you stinkin australian! haha jk smile :) damn hows it up in europe you lil im mr. rich and can go vacation wherever i want

  4. yeah i just like how Different they are. But I gotta go play soccer...so I'm outa here...seeee yuh

  5. eh..they're alright I suppse, they got a couple of good songs. But yeah, I like motion city soundtrack, It's way different from GNR but I like them.

  6. Damn. I've been alright I suppose. But look at it this way, if you go to a boarding school you wont have to come home at night to parents and you can do what you want pretty much.

  7. Hey what's new with you?

    Nothin much here...seeing if theres any good new bands around, nothing so far

  8. damn thats a bitch fo sho...well shit i got strep throat...oh for joy...so i wasnt at school today and i wont be at it tomorrow either....yay me...but im out to sleep SEE YUH

  9. oooh boy gotchyo self a gf! yay! yea, now im going back out with kris (tell ya later bout the break up) but uh, we happened to of won a soccer game and went to semi-finals and then lost...really bad...well SEEE YUH

  10. Hahah lfmao, with gus or phil, hahah Naw I'll hang out wit Kris. Oh we tied today in soccer! That sorta counts as a win.

  11. okay so pretty much i have no clue on what you just said bout the cricket thing...good job though?

  12. Wow kid, I wouldn't be talkin there. Well we don't really have good working heaters here. It's starting to get freezing again. And the heaters make a loud earie ringing noise. A-N-N-O-Y-I-N-G

  13. Hey, haven't been on the forum in a while. So pretty much...how's it goin?

  14. Hahah, you're on crack kid. Oh well, it fits you.

  15. I'm pretty sure that'd blow everyone's mind. Nothing is as ever good as the original...some people say.

  16. Yeah pretty much true. Every now and then there's a good debatable topic. Well try as they might, GNR will never be the same...sad but true too.

  17. Eh well I try to pop up every once in a few....months maybe :) Hah well kingwillie sorta helped me come back. But it seems like no one even really talks bout GNR to much anymore.

  18. So kid hows it goin down in australia? here? the weather is gettin warmer! hell yes

  19. So..was that sarcasm? hah

  20. Gus? Pretty much rocks...(you're talking bout meh cat right?) haha mkay...yeh..its pretty cold up in here soo yeah aint much better

  21. Woah your vacation is over already?

    Hah, I got out of school like an hour ago.


  22. Yeah yeah whatev...

    Dude..meh msn be dead..:( tryin to get it back but i have to wait awhile

  23. Psh biotch don't even have me as a friend...that hurts...ouch.

  24. ...wait are we being sarcastic? haha for once I can't tell

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