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Guns boy

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Posts posted by Guns boy

  1. OK, Freedom of speech rules, censorship sucks.....Fuck Parental Advisory...and all of the related cliches'

    BUT....On a GnR Forum, I am Damn sure seeing a LOT of negative fucking comments, judgement calls,

    and really biased opinions.........

    WILL the Album make the world fall out of orbit? NO, but it will raise the bar, and put a hefty dent in what is now accepted as "music"....

    might even give people some songs to relate to again..........Its hard when people expect "something Sacred"

    And for those that haven't SEEN Guns N' Roses live this year.....open your mind, you might be surprised!

    To those that want to ALWAYS believe the worst...well, you really can't judge until you have walked in someone else's shoes.............

    Let he without sin throw the first stone......"that book"

    Hasn't anybody else been thrown in a drunk tank before? Jesus! Or Arrested? Hell I have...........

    Not everybody is interested in living up to YOUR expectations .......

    and since WHEN did rock become "SAFE?" Maybe in Bon Blow Me world..........on the Disney Channel.......

    There are good people on this forum, and some who I have no fkn use for...waste of time.........

    well, Wrap your mind around this.......

    You Fucking Shit

    You think You're "IT"

    But I know the Godamn truth

    You're just little bitches

    rectal itches.....

    And when it's done

    You won't be the one,

    get used to that idea...

    I see you now for what you are,

    a lying tongue and a face from a jar..

    You got nothing for me..

    and I got nothing for you

    You don't think and cannot see

    No need for apology

    It's crystal clear to me.....

    You're a hater and an enemy.....

    This is in NO WAY directed at everyone here........I have friends here........

    But, If it wears, fit it!

    all this slow motion bullshit jive about the most innane topics........It has gotten Gronky fucking Boring.....

    Let Guns N' Roses BE Guns N' Roses......you really don't have a choice, come to think of it......

    And all the mud slung at Management for DOING THE JOB is uncalled for..........

    This IS a GnR Forum supposedly, why waste your time slagging and offering unwanted uneducated "advice"

    about YOUR Ideas of how the band "should" be run..........

    You never know who MIGHT be reading this forum, or where your posts MIGHT be being sent...........!

    Can this be turned back into a FAN forum, or is it destined to be another negative, Lying SPWAT board?

    Yeah, opinions vary, but some of this shit has gotten way out of hand...........and intelligence seems to be

    few and far between..........

    and I would wager the band and Management know a bit more about running of the business than a lot of

    half-baked know it alls, who have never even entered a recording studio..........!!!

    A very Disappointed WC

    In Transit

    Welcame back War Child.You fucken right in what you wrote.
  2. he looks tiny next to her.
    If you look at the other pic of them from the link.They are standing and she looks like she's 2 feet taller then Axl.Either she's tall or Axl's short.
  3. Hey,

    I just heard that NOW Axl got drunk when he was released, and this time he punched an old lady in the face, pushed a 4 year old kid down a flight of stairs, and soddomized an elderly gentleman with a sharpened crucifix!

    Man, I'm so glad the old Axl is back! rock3

    I just was at that same bar. And he just bite me on my arm because he though the drink i paid for with my own money too give too him had too much ice in it.I said i'll have it and buy you other one.But Axl said fuck you bitch it's too fucken late and bite my arm. And then he dump the drink on my head. And starting putting my hair. Sameone must of called the cops. Because right now the cop trying to get me too press changes. I gruess because I'm bleeding and all. I told me no.Oh,god Axl not my sunglasses there were 200 bucks.Wait. I'm back. Axl's not gonna too jail being i didnt press changes but he's gonna to the insane ward. I'm gonna try too get him out. bye,,
  4. anyone with a problem with biting... go find mike tyson and say it to his face

    personally, win at all costs is the way to fight. no point being 'moral' or 'manly' and ending up the looser!

    But if you bite and still end up losing, it's even worse.

    Yeah, he shouldn´t have stop fighting. I´m sure he would have stand up against the swedish polise. Then he just would have the swedish army left to fight. Peace of a cake... Blowing tanks and shit. Not a big deal.

    What I´m trying to say is that even if u´re a kickboxing rockstar, U know where the line is. The line is the LAW.

    He couldn´t have win this fight...

    That's just it Axl didnt kickbox.He bite the fucken person.That's down right retare.
  5. You mean Axl wouldnt give off the plane because he was partty on the plane? Good fucken grieft.On Axl's part.
    Sorry people I'll fix my spelling and rewrite it here.

    You mean Axl wouldnt get off the plane because he was partying on the plane? How's up with Axl those days?

  6. I know alot of you think that it's so cool and so rock n roll for him to do this........but you are all morons.

    Yeah da, I agree.

    There's nothing wrong with having some coctails, partying and getting laid, but when you've destroyed property and assaulted someone and then your ass winds up in jail, there's a problem.

    He goes from being non-existent for several years, to now making headlines, and unfortunatley not for all the right reasons.

    I agree.Hopeful Axl will learn from this.And slow down on drinking.
  7. what type of fully grown man bites people? let alone on the leg?
    What Axl did was retared and all.But i think Axl was pretty drunk when he bite that mans leg.And he must of been knock down on the floor and hold there by that person. And Axl's mouth was be his leg. I dont think Axl would of done that if he was sober.
  8. This thread is pathetic. So Axl can do whatever he wants but how dare the country arrest him!
    I see your point there. Any country would of arrest Axl for act like a insane drunk.Then that country would be hate by all here.
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