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Posts posted by LeaveHerToHeaven

  1. You in all truth think he did something riveting and adventurous enough to warranty a book all those years as a "recluse?" I wouldn't know, but my best guess is that it would be one of the most repetitive reads ever. Eat. Sleep. Tinker around with songs. Eat. Sleep. Drive. Watch TV. Throw away what you tinkered with before. Eat. Sleep. Tinker around with material started from scratch. Think. Eat. Sleep. And so on... Like reading about how I slack around during the holidays.

  2. Yes, I agree for the most part, but why is there another one of these confessional "I'm a huge fan, but so tired of Axl's bollocks" threads made every day? Does everyone honestly think that their view has something riveting to add merely on the basis of being their own?

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