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zara mama

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Posts posted by zara mama

  1. Dunno about you people, but I'm starting to get worried about this year. I know it's only January but this silence is just creepy. Sure, you can argue that we had a press release from Axl and all, but then again, back in 2004 we had a press release from Axl stating that the release date would be announced in the next few months, and then we didn't hear from him for two more years. I worry that this tour was truly just a cash grab to finance further recording of the album and that we'll hear from Axl in '08 stating that another tour is coming soon and the cycle will begin again.

    True. 3 moths(+10 years) is enough to prepare the album. So where the fuck is promotion? What the fuck means 'tentative date'? What the fuck? This certainly is not good. For me its 40 to 60 that CD will come out on 6th and the probability is decreasing each day..

  2. Let's discuss why Axl always whines and cries about how it's so hard to do this, how it's a never ending nightmare for the last decade making this album...I mean seriously, does this guy even know how blessed he is to have this as his career? Imagine Axl having a real 9-5 job that has hourly deadlines, he couldn't make it through a day...

    It's sort of ironic that Axl complains because at the end of the day, HE is the nightmare for everyone that works for him or with him...we've all heard how he berates the crew, how he pushes away producers, musicians, friends in general...Axl Rose makes it hard on himself and then he points the finger at everyone. Hello, bi-polar!

    'Get a life' sometimes is just so appropriate!!!

    Do something grandiose with your life and then think over again.

    That is the most infantile thing i've lately heard, God.. :monkey:

  3. My attitude hasn't changed at all. I just stopped coming onto the forum because I got fed up with the negative shit and the insults aimed at Axl. I look forward to next year, I hope they will tour over here again and the eventual release of the CD will be a bonus.

    i join that.

  4. I'm not saying Axl Rose is totally innocent of misleading fans

    I honestly believe that Axl has been struggling to get this thing together

    True, however i believe it was never his intention to mislead fans, i really think he loves his fans, because they are those who understands the message of his music.

  5. the melvins December 10, 2006 Cardiff, Wales - The Point w/ Big Business, Flipper

    i went to this gig sunday night to see the melvins and supportin them were flipper, the punk band who now feature the legendary ex-nirvana genius krist novoselic on bass. after the show members of the bands stayed around chatting for a while including krist. he was talkin to me and a group of other people about the albums hes bought recently and the albums hes lookin forward to so i said to him "are you lookin forward to the new guns n roses album?" he just laughed and said " no not really, ive never looked forward to one of there albums before. definately not my thing" then some goth started mumbling to him about something and i walked off.

    the guys a legend but obviously not a fan of guns. i still cant believe i actually met him

    Obviously Kurt has conviced him that GN'R esspecially Axl has no talent at all and it degrades listening to their music.

  6. Nothing really that special. However that's the main radio station in Latvia and for the first time they mention the Chinese Democracy situation. They told about the gnronline.com protest, about how Axl Rose keeps promising but nothin happens and the fact (don't know if true) that the Universal have not even received the finished version of CD., and rather assuringly said that CD is not comming out this year. Then they played Don't Cry. Huh..

  7. My wife is sick and tired of GnR. She understands my liking of GnR, but doesn't think the album will actually come out. When I told my dad i was going to see them he said " You still listen to those clowns?". Dad was a fan back in the day, but got tired of Axl's shit real quick.

    Basically, everyone i know just wishes the album would come out so they don't have to hear any more about it from me.


  8. Aha, no thanks. I like GNR, so I'll listen and support them!

    Axl lied, so what. People make mistakes, some more than others. Big deal

    That is a very healthy attitude! :D

  9. I get the feeling that some people think that CD is never coming out and that GNR camp is somehow ripping people off. I can't see how this possible. In theory yes but it would be a really really cynical move on the part of the record company, Axl and the other guys in the band. Would they really do a tour just to make money off GNR's name and in the end not release an album. People say boycott this band like they feel ripped off? People say it's never coming out but how is that possible?

    The CD will come out. And what the fuck with that "Would they really do a tour just to make money off GNR's name" Would you preffer not to go to your favourite band's shows? :rolleyes:

  10. well, then it would be only logical that lots of lots of other crappier bands should not release any of their music if those leaks are that bad for you.

    Agree. Even if we have waited a long time, CD will be better then most of the shit out there by now..

    I wont make "how long this album have been in the making" as an judging factor.

    Definitely, a true GN'R fan ( at least, me for sure) would judge the new album also differently than any other album, because those are not just songs, those are Axl's songs :)

  11. So many negative post about Axl. Yet we all love his music and are waiting for his album. Yet it seems that some people here need to be critical to erase the hole of boredom in their lives. Nobody here knows what is going on with the ALbum or why Axl does this or that, so for those of us who got to see Axl this year, great, for everyone else on here who is pissed off at their parents and vent about Axl to make themselves feel better.

    Find another hobbie aside from waiting for CD. It will come out, eventualy.

    Oh, anyone ever consider merk leaving Sanct as a reason why there might be hold ups? could be maybe, since people here seem to grasp to any excuse.

    ha ha

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