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The shu

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Posts posted by The shu

  1. yes St Anger sucked but so did the spaghetti incident...Metallica rock and are one of the biggest and best bands of the last 20 years and I have no doubt the next album will be excellent.

  2. went to see this tribute band in Kingston (England) last night and they were bloody good, Axl was not too far removed from the real thing, played a whole load of blinding tunes, Nightrain, Rocket queen, Mama Kin, Welcome to the jungle etc etc and my ears are still ringing 18 hours later, was a top night.

  3. what an awful list, Oasis are a wowful band who I used to love but when I grew up, got some sense, got older I realised how cack they are and how mediocre most of their songs are...and atleast 8 of the top ten are rubbish...Id say every Gun's album bar Spaghetti incident is better than all of those.

  4. you lot going to watch a gig or going for dinner? everyone knows the high prices so you eat outside or before you go!

    and next time park in the local streets or the official unofficial car parks,,div's

  5. They sold well i Europe, whats the problem with US?

    Europeans like history, (its all they got), Americans could give a shit about the past, you gotta have something new up your sleeve here.

    what a load of cack, Americans constantly take 'vacations' to europe to check out there roots..how many of your lot are constantly in Ireland? also you love history and culture as you have none yourselves!

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