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Posts posted by dan303

  1. As far as I was concerned the original post was regarding the music of 'Chinese Democracy' as was my reply.

    As was mine. Bucket is out of the band. I'd hate for his parts to still be there for the reasons I already gave.

    Who cares if you don't like how he dresses? I always thought that Guns N' Roses prided themselves on being exactly who they were and not what people wanted them to be? So if you think about it that way, Bucket fits perfectly into what this band has stood for.

    Maybe so. But what Guns n' Roses to me has always been about are normal every day guys that everyone could relate to. Guys that were in your face straight forward rock, what you see is what you get. It's about fire and passion. It never was about weird gimmicks, weird ourfits, rubber chickens, nunchuk dances and hiding behind a mask on a stage like some space-age freak. And that's what Buckethead is to me. Guns n' Roses to me are those guys you can look in their eyes, watch their face, and see them radiate the passion for what they do. Needless to say any of that is impossible with Bucket. I'll say it again, flame me people, A FUCKING FREAK!!

    Aside from that there's playing style. Which (and I KNOW I'll get my ass flamed for this by all the chicken-lovers out there) in Bucketheads case NEVER managed to strike me as passionate. His space-age play didn't fit in the gnr musical book AT ALL. And yes, before anybody asked I did try a few of his solo albums and I have heard what he can do. :rolleyes:

    Maybe there is more to fitting a band than talent but that wasn't the purpose of this discussion nor does it matter when the discussion is focused on talent.

    Who decided it was purely focussed on tallent? I do believe it was focussed on gnr and what goes best in the band.

    So please yourself man :rolleyes:



    when it comes to BH - i couldnt have said it better myself

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