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Posts posted by rider13

  1. After being at the show monday night the Suicide girls is a strip show nothing more nothing less. Sure they use some fire in their act and they had their nipples covered and kept on the g-strings so they could keep the show all-ages but if they didn't have stickes covering their nipples her son would have to be 18 to get into the show. That is the law period regarless of the fact that he has seen more on the web and possible is already fucking some chicks that does not change the fact.

    However with that said they came on first so just haviing the kid show up at 9 would be fine. I saw a lot of younger kids hanging out in the halls durning Suiside girls before I got to my seats so obviously most parents just kicked there kicks into the hallway for the strip show.

  2. I could see some of the members leaving eventually. I suspect it depends on when they get sick of waiting for the album to be out. Though at this point if it is not out this year I am suspecting it has more to do with Merk leaving Sacuary and Universal not wanting to release it unless Axl agrees to do heavy commercial promotions.

    Axl already did that and I suspect does not want to go back there he just wants to put out his albulm and let people who like it buy it.

  3. Buckethead to all but a few is a fool. The guy just can not be himself even when he is not on stage. Read the interview with Ozzy about his meeting with Buckethead.

    Ozzy wanted to write some songs and invited buckethead over to see if they would click. Well he fuckin shows up with the mask and the bucket on his head. Ozzy tells him to take off the fuckin bucket so he leaves for a few minutes and comes back with a giant green hat. Ozzy just told him to get lost. Bucket head has a horible image. It is sad a pathedic. Yes he can play one hell of a fuckin mean guitar but anyone who wears a KFC bucket on his head needs some help.

  4. If you think Axl picked them I think you are sadly mistaken. Also the fact that they are friends with David Grohl and GnR had some run ins with Nirvana I can see Axl telling them to fuck off.

    Some bands pick the opening acts others don't it is that simple.

    If you go to a NIN show be nice to the opening act as Reznor usually has hand picked the band and is a fan of theirs.

    Other bands may have never even herd much or nothing of the opening band which I suspect was the case this time.

    Axl does not want a fucking joke rock band out there mocking what he does for a living. I can see him getting fucking pissed. Bad call on managments side.

    What they should do is just go to each local market. They got the Trews to open up for them in Canada and that went off really well they are a popular band in the area. They can find other bands like that to open for them as well.

  5. Dear Axl,

    All we need is just a little respet, we are tired of lies, in all these years i´ve been waiting for the album this is the time i felt it was going to happen, but now i realise that you are a fucking lier, you promised us a lot of things during these last years (from 2001 i remember in rock in rio). I´ve tried to understand some of your movements, some of your decissions but i realise that we (the fans) only have two options:

    A)We can think you you are fear to fail ... and if it´s so i just can feel shame

    B)You just don´t respet the fans.

    But if you know you have an army of hard-die fans and you are not able of give us any information, any good videos (no the ones we´ve watched time before you put them on your pathetic web site) or give us just a message telling us you feel good for having so loyal fans (you only refers to some of us in terms like "these assholes whose need a life") then i only can think you are not as good person as you pretend to be when you go to those charity parties for famous people.

    Insert your fucking album in your asshole and cum of pleasure fucking moron.


    Are you a fuck nut? Seriously how fucking retarded do you have to be to post shit like that. Get a fuckin life buddy.
  6. Or maybe you can just e-mail the DJ like I did. It is a CD after party as in (Chinese Demcracy after party) not a actual CD after party. Basically after the show the badn is going to an afterparty being held by the trailer park boys and Axl is suposed to be there nothing more nothing less.


  7. If GnR is able to pull off a surprise albulm release it will get HUGE FUCKIN PRESS. It will be on every news show everywhere because of the shock of a CD that very few people even know has being made.

    Think about how many times we call stores and the people there have no idea there is a new GnR CD. Face it it is still a very underground movement and the impact of the CD hitting stores will be the promotion.

  8. Forget it, retail stores get to decide how many copies they order, since there is only a % of returns... Also, the record company will want to set up coop marketing and merchandising in the best spots and for this, you need a one month period, with planograms.... also, to receive a CD, you need to have it in your data base, etc.... The minimum time for all to be done is 2-3 weeks...son it aint happening until Dec 5th in my view....and experience in a retail record chain....

    Well that may be how some chains work however I just spoke to Best buy and they said often they find out they are getting a CD only a few days before hand. It is dependant upon what each record company decides.

    Also as soon as CD hits stores it will be on the top of all websites so people will find out the CD is out very soon. I very rarly ever see any promo stuff at any music stores in the city I live in period.

    Personally I think the CD will be shipped under a fake names every where. They will not just use one but many.

    Will it end up on the net before it is officially out. YES. I suspect it will be out on the web about 2-3 days before it goes for sale.

  9. What I know is that it is not impossible for a CD to come out with next to no notice. Does it mean it will... NO. I bleive it will infact I think GnR will play the entire albulm on Oct 21st in St Johns NB. Why because it is fucking diffrerent and noone would ever think of doing something like that in a city most people have not herd of.

  10. That's the worst idea I've ever heard. I hope you people are joking.

    When I go to a GnR show I DON'T want to see the guitar player singing a Van Halen song.

    It dosn't have to be VH. Any song but probably somthing familar that the crowd can get into.

    Fact is "The Rolling Stones" do this Keith always does at least 2 songs and then they extend some of the other songs to give Mick a break. It works well and the crowd is still into it.

    From all reports the solos are not working so why not have the rest of the band do a few songs while Axl does whatever he does back stage

  11. Instead of as many or as long of solos why not have Ron do some songs he can sing, it dosn't even have to be his own stuff do some fun cover songs like Jump by Van Halen, or some lame cheez 80's rock, even some tv theme songs which I have read Ron knows tons of. Just entertain the crowd between Axl's set changes more.

  12. If this stuff is true, why do they HAVE to have alcohol onstage, they should be pumped up enough with the fact that they are playing to a bunch of people who have spent hard earned cash going to see them, they are acting like prima donna rockstar bitches. Hell, Axl was out of the game for the best part of a decade, he should be greatful people are still interested :anger:

    As Istated in other threads. Do you think Keith Richards would preform if they said he would be arested if he smoked on stage

  13. Sorry but these type of sound issues should not be happening. I think maybe they need to spend more money on the equipment or get techs who know what they are doing.

    I expect sound problems when I go to a club show to see a local band but not when I am paying $75 bucks for a ticket

  14. I am wondering if it has to do with the amount of wireless equipment they are using. If it is then possible they need to look at using a cell phone blocker as cell phones that are transmitting can icause issues with wireless devices. I know at the Stones show they block out any features that access the web on the phones. They all move to an analog signal or nothing. Same thing at the football games I go to.

  15. I am not surprised by this at all I do not beleive the Fire Marshall they are just trying to save face. Also since Axl was not in the meetings it was mangment why would axl fucking care.

    Baaz said the ame thing about the smoking handing out fines. That is garbage. It also sounds like they may have tried to arrest the band which after watching the news report that was so biased against GnR showing footage from 15 years ago and talking about the shows starting 3 hrs late which is complete bullshit.

    ON most shows Roch has ended just after 10 pm and it has being a little over an hr for GnR to take the stage that is not that much longer then any major act I have seen. When I say saw the Stones in Oct it was an 1 hr and 15 between the opening band and the Stones coming on stage. Only diffrence was they came on stage at 8:15pm. I was home by 10:45 and I was like what the fuck the shows over already. Sorry but any Rock conert should not end before midnight. I can't wait to rock the house until after 2am.

  16. From the press release""Axl and the band are very unhappy about not being able to play for the fans in Portland but have been advised after several meetings with local fire marshals Nelson Collins and Bob Cadigan that they have made it impossible for the band to perform their show to the usual high standards that their fans deserve."

    See the bolded names there. do you fucking think that GnR lawyers, mangment ect would risk a lawsuit by publicly releasing a false statement and useing the names of the local fire marshals they are dealing with.

    If I was Axl and all I read was bullshit cry babies complaining about me and not being happy even after preforming massivly long sets but still people bitch and moan on these forms.


  17. Here's an idea. If the fire marshal says no to the pyros, you suck it up and do the show without them.

    No you fuckin don't. It is the venue and Mangements job when booking venues to say what is allowed. In this case I suspect it is the venues fault. The venue should be asking if there are pryo effects if so what kind. They should then clear it with the fire marshall. That is something that the venue should know and be on top of.

    If it is becuase of no booze on stage just think of this.


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