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Axl F*ing Rocks

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Posts posted by Axl F*ing Rocks

  1. I live in/around Portland. For whatever reason, I decided at the last minute not to get tickets. Ok, quite frankly I was having drinks with a girl from work who'd I'd wanted for the past 3 years. After all the shizzit that's gone down over the years, you're damn right that this woman was a better choice than G&R. I had a better chance with her than actually seeing G&R anyway... Guess I made the right decision.

    Anyway to answer the question... I wouldn't have felt like my safety was in jeopardy due to alcohol bottles or even pyros. Hell, Motley Crue was here in '05 and they ALWAYS have bottles (Jaeger, Jack) on the stage. In Lewiston this year they even went about passing the Jaeger bottle through the crowd. The only safety concern I had was the fact that I wanted to get close and I knew that meant I'd have to deal with all the jackasses who still think mosh pits are fun. There was the most violent one I've ever seen at the Godsmack show last month... losers.

    Anyway, I'm not sure what to think. Did G&R's reputation precede them and did the fire marshalls really pull a dick move? If the answer's yes, then I'm actually happy Axl walked away from about $200k in ticket sales. If it is true, then I hope that the fire marshalls lose their jobs.

    Or is this really just another Axl screwjob? I wouldn't doubt that either, but it sure does seem like Axl might not be the cause this time. Hard to believe... but it just may be true.

    I saw the full lineup in Portland back in '93 (with Brian May!!!!) and they blew the f*ing doors off the place. Perhaps if there had been an album and a better promotional campaign... they would have sold the place out again. Maybe then with a potential packed house... both sides would have seen the insanity of situation and let the show go on.

    Here's a link to the Portland newspaper article... in case anyone cares...


    Jesus Christmas... I just listened to the fire marshall interview. He sounds like the biggest stuck up jackass who was on a freakin' powertrip.... Thanx for doing such a shizzy job representing the state and making us look like a bunch of assclowns!!!

  2. It's never GNR's fault <_<

    Maybe not, but it was a management fault. The stupid in charge should be fired and they need to hire somebody able to beside other stuff call and visit each venue in advance (during the tour!) and check a long list of things. It looks like there are a lot of amateurs there. Soundboard problems, problems with the fire dept. in the day of the show, this is a joke. The good guys on the GNR 'family' needs better assistants, IMHO.

    I was being sarcastic...

    I love how every press release that deals with some negative happening always ends up with GNR/Merck/Axl/and now Sanctuary attacking and putting all the blame onto someone else....in their eyes it's never their fault and everyone is trying to single them out.

    no wonder Axl still plays "Out Ta get Me"...cause he still thinks the fire marshals, buckethead, slash/duff, and the whatever "stopped" him from doing Vancouver/Philly are out to get him

    I don't know, i don't know. I'll sit here to wait the Del James word on the situation. I can't wait for a rant against us and the mechanical bull, oops, fire marshalls. We, the non-fans are always sarcastic. :rofl-lol:

    I really feel sorry for Robin and Ron though.

    Pyro's is no f*ing excuse. I was just there 2 weeks ago for Godsmack. they had big pyros. Motley Crue last year? Big Pyros. I don't know what happened, but it wasn't the freakin' pyros....

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