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Posts posted by rlucky73721

  1. It is a band.

    As much as we've been fed that it's not, it still is, essentially, a band.

    Sure, Axl may make alot of the descisions, but all members can voice their opinion and bring up ideas, what they like etc

    And about TIL, did anyone else see that video on youtube with the scenes from the movie "What Dreams May Come" playing? It was pretty intense. All it need was some band footage and I'd call it a music video.

    i looked all over for TIL with What Dreams May Come and all i found was a twilight til :no:

    if you have a link me love you long time! :wub:

  2. Another pointless thread whinning about why GNR doesnt play more 20 plus year old songs on the CD tour.

    its so pointless you just had to post in it huh?

    anyway, i love all of the GnR CDs as well as VR.

    i only wanted to know the answer to the original post.

    i know a CD tour should play music from CD. but they usually play more songs then just the new ones.

    so why is it a crime for me to ask why great songs like civil war, estranged, coma,.... i could name over 20 songs!

    anyway, thank you to the people who answered my question.

    i know axl has spent time in court over GnR rights or songs and just wanted to know if it was his choice or not to have more UYI fillers during concerts.

    you may now continue to debate whose better out of all the original members and new members and new retired or fired members while i listen to and enjoy ALL their music!

    Thanks for another pointless shitty post. Please go back to the VR section kiddo and keep listening to UYI and stay in denial. Fucking kids and their dreams or reunions.

    do you not have anything better to do then cupcake?

    asshole like you ruin this forum

  3. Another pointless thread whinning about why GNR doesnt play more 20 plus year old songs on the CD tour.

    its so pointless you just had to post in it huh?

    anyway, i love all of the GnR CDs as well as VR.

    i only wanted to know the answer to the original post.

    i know a CD tour should play music from CD. but they usually play more songs then just the new ones.

    so why is it a crime for me to ask why great songs like civil war, estranged, coma,.... i could name over 20 songs!

    anyway, thank you to the people who answered my question.

    i know axl has spent time in court over GnR rights or songs and just wanted to know if it was his choice or not to have more UYI fillers during concerts.

    you may now continue to debate whose better out of all the original members and new members and new retired or fired members while i listen to and enjoy ALL their music!

  4. i became a huge loyal GnR fan after listening to UYI 1 & 2, these albums brought me to AFD and lies and of course CD.

    is there a legal reason or he just doesn't want to play these songs live in concert?

    thanks in advance!

  5. thank god there was no fight.

    god forbid axl got his nose broken or hit in the throat and had to start cancling tour dates, riots start and the next thing were hope for in CD 2015!

    all you axl haters use your head, i wouldnt want him to chance anything and im sure he know the importance of this spring/summer.

    axl did everything right imo.

  6. ive been going crazy in google trying to find a site or 2 that will list the best selling albums of all time. im intrested in seeing like how many albums uyi sold compared to ten, or what not.

    does such a website even exist?




  7. great questions.

    i dont think 1 would totally eclipes the other but vr deff has the momentum(sp?) being its current sucesses and the fact that gnr has been dead in the eyes of most gnr fans (excluding us who visit a gnr website for updates).

    i dont know if slash was challenging him but i think it would be a new riavlery like the 1 gnr had against matellica in the 90s.

    but undoubtedly, axl works on his own time. slash knows this better then all of us i bet.

  8. Oh, yes!

    Ehrm...songs? Hmm, you should try albums :P

    Dark Side Of The Moon, Wish You Were Here and Animals.

    If you wanna go for songs first....Echoes, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Money, Dogs, Pigs On The Wing, Wish You Were Here...the list goes on and on :)

    thanks dude, ill check them out

  9. i was just wondering from people with broader music knowledge then me....

    who are the best lead singer & lead guitar duo?

    like axl & slash

    not only a good voice but deep lyrics like axl

    and not only skilled guitar but a great style like slash

    in other words i need some bands to check out while i wait for G&R besides VR :P

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