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Posts posted by AvengedGNR098

  1. ECW is a joke now. just watch and you'll understand what im talking about. and TNA is just a bunch of WWE and WCW rejects. i think if GNR would do anything with wrestling it should be with WWE.........it's better exposure and will bring more fans to GNR. and dosent the singer at the start of RAW look a lot like M. Shadows?

  2. the best GNR moment for me was when i went to the first of the two GNR concerts in NYC. and i didin't even have to make plans i just needed to take the 3 train.......im so happy to be living in brooklyn! i can't wait until GNR comes back here.

  3. STFU.

    Cry me a fucking river.

    Be happy he didn't cancel the show.

    You people bitch and complain about everything fucking thing Axl does. First you people bitch and moan that the CD isn't out, so the guy postpones a few fucking shows so they can get the CD ready for release....and what do you do in return??? You bitch and moan because of the shows being postponed!

    Well guess what....you can't have everything done your way.

    Fuckin a.


    do you feel all better now..

    do you need your bottle of milk..

    what the problem is..

    if you set the show up on a date, it should be on that date.. :drevil:

    she had every thing all set up to do this show, and it gets moved...

    maybe your rich, and dont have a job or kids..

    and, dont have to worry about stuff like that..

    but, sounds like she did...

    you gotta have patience to be a GNR fan so stop crying about the concert. the CD's about to come out and people have been waiting for it for years and if you don't care about the cd you don't care about the future of GNR.

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