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Posts posted by uralan

  1. Izzy is right about his statement on Axl using the name Gn'R. If Axl releases Chinese Democracy under the name Gn'R...no matter how good it is, no matter how much ass it kicks...he is going to get a more than fatal backlash to his career. What do you think people will do when they go to stores and buy the album and listen to the songs and find they sound nothing like Gn'R, and then further look in the booklet that there are no other Gn'R members on that album but Axl??? Like Izzy said it they will say to Axl "Fuck you wanker this is NOT Guns N' Roses". If half this internet forum (this forum are the strongest of Axl's fans) don't accept this current band as Guns N' Roses, what on earth makes anyone think those people out there will? It's sad but true :no:

    I'm not what you call a die hard fan but I know it and I think everybody knows that the GNR of today is not the same GNR of the past. Anybody who buys the new album will know this. If they don't they are probably not going to buy the album anyways. People will buy the new album if it kicks ass...if it doesn't they won't...plain and simple.

    For all you die hard fans who can't get over the fact that the original band is dead and will never be revived and can't bring yourself to purchase the new album, you can just put in your old Appetite for Destruction CD in your stereo and forget all about the new GNR. The rest of use who could care less will be rocking out at the new GNR concerts with Axl wailing away on the old GNR hits.

    Which brings me to my point, who cares about the new album anyways...what it really comes down to is being able to see GNR in live concerts again for those of us who never had the opportunity to in the past.

    Lets just put it this way. I never had any opportunity to see them live in concert in the old days. Then they break up. 10 years later I now have a chance to see them, got my tickets already. A few months ago I attended an Eagles tribute band concert...yeah it wasn't like seeing the real thing but they put on a great show and they sounded just like the Eagles. If I closed my eyes I could swear I was at the real thing. As far as the new GNR...yeah...it might not be the same lineup or like being at an original concert back in the heyday but since any hope of the original band members ever getting back together is useless, this is the next best thing. Heck, I've never been to a GNR concert so why do I care if this guys guitar solo almost sounds like Slash's solo but not quite. The new lineup are all great musicians, so I look at it as if I'm going to see a really good tribute band with a plus...the guy leading it is the original frontman...the voice of the group. If Velvet Revolver wanted to play an old GNR tune the instrumentals may sound the same, but I can surely say that the vocals won't and without the original vocalist no song ever sounds the same. No one can ever replace Axl's sound yet you can surely come close to replacing the sound of the other members of a band with seasoned musicians.

    I will say, at first, I backed away from purchasing tickets, fearing Axl's history of walking off stage or the gig being cancelled, but then I began telling myself this is a one in a lifetime chance. If I don't go see them when they come to town I am going to regret it. I would miss out on hearing all the old kick ass hits live and then learn that the new GNR breaks up and it will be another 10 years before Axl forms the newer GNR. Well I can't wait that long and I suggest to anybody else debating on whether or not to go see them get your tickets and see them while you can.

    Whether the new album does great or not, I don't care. If it sounds good I will get it. If not I can always pop in the old CDs and rock away to the original hits. Heck when I go to the concert that's what I expect to hear anyways. Big deal if Slash and the original lineup isn't up there playing. Someone will be and with Axl leading the way I don't think I be disappointed. Unless of course, he walks off stage. :P (The last part is supposed to be funny for all you Axl lovers)

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