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Posts posted by minneapolisguy

  1. Im 25 same situation as you Matt, however I had to wait until I was 20 to see GNR for the first time. I saw them in Minneapolis on Dec. 2. To be as unbiased (if that's possible) the show was amazing. 25 song set which lasted roughly 2.5 hours. I mean c'mon how often are you going to see Axl and Sebastian singing together on "My Michelle"? If you don't love that your not a real fan. The Minneapolis paper (Star Tribune) even sarcastically teased that it wasn't really Axl on stage, because "this guy" was much too professional, gracious, and willing to share the spotlight with the other members of the band. Tons of energy, I'd rate it a 9 out of 10, Axl was battling strep throat, and the sound systems in a lot of the older arenas arn't the best--general consensus from Mpls during and after the show------crowd loving it!

    My first time seeing GnR was Dec. 2nd as well....were you down on the floor? I read that review too...gave me a laugh :P .

    Well my plans didn't quite work out to meet Axl ( :rolleyes: )....but he did make eye contact and smile at me :heart: !

    And I got to touch BBF and his guitar!!

    twas an amazing show altogether.

    I was in the seats right to the side of the stage. I hate all these people on here hating on Axl, it's like some of you are stuck in a frickin time warp, this isn't 1990. Slash will never be in the band again, and GNR will never be the same with only 1 superstar, and Axl is no where near perfect...it's not like that should be a shock. Everyone knows Axl is Axl, whether its becuz he severaly bipolar or whatever, you know he's gonna pull crazy shit for no reason, so why go to the show when you know this might happen and then complain about it later? The fact is that all these people bitching will shell out their money again when GNR goes on tour promoting Chinese Democracy another 4 years from now. And for all the people complaining about the length of the show....man you aren't even real fans Axl is one of the 20 greatest front men in music period, I would wait their all night to see him, cuz I think his combination of music/lyrincs is genious, and he gives 110% when on stage. Seriously its like why even come to this site if you wanna hate on Axl and the new band, its like what a waste of fuckin time. I'm not trying to get in an arguement with anyone but its like I don't like Country Music, so I don't go to country music concerts, and then complain about how bad they sucked and what a douche bag the performers are? it just doesn't make sense, let's be real most of the haters have built up animosity and blame Axl for GNR not being the same GNR they were in the 80's

  2. Im 25 same situation as you Matt, however I had to wait until I was 20 to see GNR for the first time. I saw them in Minneapolis on Dec. 2. To be as unbiased (if that's possible) the show was amazing. 25 song set which lasted roughly 2.5 hours. I mean c'mon how often are you going to see Axl and Sebastian singing together on "My Michelle"? If you don't love that your not a real fan. The Minneapolis paper (Star Tribune) even sarcastically teased that it wasn't really Axl on stage, because "this guy" was much too professional, gracious, and willing to share the spotlight with the other members of the band. Tons of energy, I'd rate it a 9 out of 10, Axl was battling strep throat, and the sound systems in a lot of the older arenas arn't the best--general consensus from Mpls during and after the show------crowd loving it!

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