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Johnny gnr

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Status Updates posted by Johnny gnr

  1. xa xa,well kids grow up sometime:D

    Do you have msn so we can chat?mygnr is kinda uncomfortable:P

  2. It was a racing car commercial

    You know all the hot chicks!!!and one of them i swear was EXACTLY like you!!!!

  3. Hello

    have you taken part on a tv commercial?

    Cause i saw a girl that looks exactly like you!!

  4. Im just tired from studying


    Take care

  5. Nice slash/girl drawing by the way

  6. How are you,Cheap Argentinian Slut?P:P:

  7. its cause you suck ass!@#:)

  8. sou apanthsa re vlammeno:P

  9. still undecided....

    *Hugs Paula*

  10. giati den ta kouname?....

  11. Just get on msn sometime

    Theres some stuff id like to talk to you about!

    Have fun stefy!!@

  12. Where have you been?

    Love ya xxxxx....

  13. kala o sarbel....eleos dld

    akou to sharp dressed man,apo ZZ top to couple kati mou thymizei...

  14. plaka plaka mou arese to kommati


  15. Yesterday your star was Briakos the referee....jajaja

    And you didnt win,you must be kidding me

  16. Yeah 5 out of 10 championships with referees help@

    Thats really fair

  17. Chicken,you delete comments!@#

  18. Hej,hope everything's great with you

  19. Liar.....

    I accidentally saw you stalking at me!!!

    Love ya:)

  20. Stalker,dont you dare look in my profile again@#$

  21. Your Inbox is Full

    Happy B day Talia!!xxx

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