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Posts posted by Manuel

  1. The Beatles.

    Axl Rose's way of singing.

    Some Queen structures.

    And the techno instrumental part sounds like Depeche Mode.

    I'm listening to it.

    It's a great song.

  2. Pfft Robin is the sweetest to his fans. He is a really good guy - he does have a firey streak to him though. But the way he comes across on his website - he cares you know. I dont think he would of done that to the guitar tech unless he really deserved it.

    How could a guitar teach deserve to be traeated like that? There's nothing a guitar tech could do wrong to deserve to have a guitar thrown at him and pushed around and shit.

    yeah, unless you can't seem to get a guitar working for someone who's trying to play a show for a few thousand people, robins out there trying to give his best to the crowd and he ends up looking like an ass cuz of some incompetent asshole in the back.

    no tech deserves treatment like that because that guy has no business being a guitar tech.

    I saw Michael Monroe once slap a roadie in the face just because the roadie couldn't seem to fix a problem with the cable of Monroe's mic.

    I got mad at Mike, he was on dope and it was very pitiful.

  3. The sound in this tour seems to be continuing the horrible way it was in Europe.

    I honestly don't understand why a band with the history and the name of Guns N' Roses has such a horrible sound.

    Lack of money, maybe? I don't know, I really don't get it.

    And about the Robin thing, I just don't see him as the classic angry hardrocker, throwing stuff, getting pissed off and other typical-macho-rock-god things, but if the sound was that bad, I suppose he got really mad.

    At the same time, I don't know if now he's tryning to look and act like a hardrocker, and that would be a bad idea simply beacause he is not.

  4. It was the same here in Spain with the may 25th show. I enjoyed it a lot in despite of the two hour delay, but that thing seemed to be more important than the two hour and a half show, with six new songs (they played TWAT here in Spain, what a final solo!!!!!) and plenty of surprises (in fact, it was the first show of the european tour).

    But the critics talked crap about Axl's voice, telling lies about almost everything, and then readings post from the younger fans in a spanish website I found that a lot of people enjoyed the show and thought it was amazing.

    Most of the critics are frustrated artists. And basing your job in your frustration is a very sad thing to do with your life.

    It's the same thing that happened in the early 90's, as one of you said. And I think these type of things make Axl feel more secure about what he's doing. He has never get along with most of the media. I think he doesn't need the media as much as other bands.

    I see the fan base growing and growing and lots of fans are starting to feel better about the new band. Maybe I'm wrong and everything is based in what I would like to see.

  5. Well, I don't know if I'm able to express all my mixed emotions after seeing GNR yesterday for the first time in my life. I'm spanish and english is not my language, but I'd like to give you the best review I could.

    I'm a fan since 1989. I wasn't able to go to the '93 show, but I went yesterday. To me, it was going to be the most beautiful experience of my like, speaking of musical experiences. I've seen dozens of concerts, but no one could compare to what I saw yesterday.

    In every goddamn term.

    Two hours late, people bitching all around, sits flying, people starting to call Axl "Son of a bitch", some spokeperson making the worst thing he could vae done (lie to an angru audience), and me and my wife and my best friend sitting there, watching all these people without a clue about anything. I think they were expecting to see Slash coming out or something.

    Two hours late, so? I was saying to someone (I don't even remember his face or name) that I could not understand why people hate Axl so much. And I cannot understand it today, also.

    Two hours late. People had to work today. Well. That's Axl, boys & girls. You knew that. You knew he probably did de sound check and then came to rest somewhere, somehow, far from the auditorium the show was going to take place.

    I was suffering watching all this stuff. And then HE went onstage. There's nothing in the world like that sound: "DO YOU KNOW WHERE THE FUCK YOU ARE?" It's something really really special. Only for that I pay a ticket and wait two hours, just for that scream, you know? I'm just like that.

    The show went well, to me. The ballads were one of the highlights, and also the way Axl and the boys are getting along onstage. They seem to ENJOY, do you know what I mean? They seem to be free and alive, smiling and having a good time together. That's something that makes me feel relaxed and happy. On the other side, Axl has VERY BIG problems with his voice. I don't know if he is able to make it. The european tour and then the american leg of the tour. I really have serious doubts about it. But it's really, really amazing how he fights to make the best show possible. He's not afraid of reaching the higher notes, you know? He's got a lot of attitude, and that's something it's fair to be said about a 44 year old singer. He's got balls to do it. He really is a proffesional. That's why I could not understand people bitching and saying stupid things, like he had fucked their mothers or something in the past. Well, that's not true.

    He has been out of the scene. Not making records. Not making three bad albums and going onstage to play a short show without, for example, screaming the higher notes. No. He's been out and that's it. He's made a new band, with new guys (an amazing band, and that's true, they are all great players and have the soul & the feeling to play that beautiful set list), and now he's ready. Why do I say that? Because there was a lot of provocation to Axl yesterday, and he didn't answered to that like he surely had done in the past. Plastic glasses thrown to the stage and lots of ugly insults directly to him, principally.

    The sound was terrible. That's something to worry about, because it walks along with the fact that the band doesn't sound very compact. I suppose they need 20 more shows to become a real band. I mean, they are fantastic players (Dizzy's solo before "The Blues" was simply perfect, a really beautiful piece), and they seem to enjoy: Axl suddenly started singing "I feel good", the James Brown classic, and it was funny. There's chemistry between them and also a lack of experience together. That's something that really needs more work.

    I suffered and enjoy. The ballads were great. Axl seemed comfortable singing "Sweet Child", "Patience", "Knockin' on heaven's door" and "November Rain", and very tense on pieces like "The Blues" or "Better" (that song didn't sound well, Axl was completely out of key and not reaching the verses correctly).

    It was weird to see him coming out and showing this wonderful experience. It's been my first (and only?) time with Axl Rose and Guns N' Roses, and I wish it had been different in some points, but if someone asked me to go again, I'd say "where do I have to sign?" I love this guy and this band, with no objections. It's love untold, blind and faithful love. I simply love them. But there's a lot going on with this band since 1994. A lot of bad stuff around them.

    They need to keep on trying. If they pass this hard test (the next three months without a glitch), the band would success and Axl is going to be well considered again. By now, he's considered by the press as someone who came very late onstage and did a show with lots of mistakes. And that's not good.

    To me... well, as I said, I have very mixed emotions, but if I had to say just one sentence to resume my first time with them, I'd say: I LIVED ONE OF MY HAPPIEST DAYS IN MY LIFE.

    PD: Thank you american fans for your support.

  6. Sorry, I'm not able to do it. But I come home at 2.00 (spanish hour, five hours difference with New York, I think), and I'd really like to write some kind of review (hope my english is not too bad) for you tomorrow friday in the morning.

    I feel great!!!

    It's my first time with GNR!!! :D

  7. Axl was spotted yesterday afternoon on the most famous street of Madrid, the Main Street, Gran Via, walking with Earl.

    The he got into a big black car and the girl who saw him couldn't take a picture with her mobile phone. But she's a good girl, she wasn't lying.

  8. I only think that there might be very few people showing up since I have litterarely seen 2 pieces of paper on some random walls in Madrid saying Guns was playing and the guy telling me about moving the concert, no one knows...

    No, there's gonna be 8.000 people I think... the sitting tickets (I don't know if that's well said) are completely sold out, as you can see on the servicaixa web page.

    There hasn't been a lot of publicity for the show, but there's enough people who wants to see this band tomorrow.

    8000 at least, without publicity or commercials... I'd say it's pretty damn good!!!

    It sold out yesterday, the only tickets that will be available are the ones they sell at the venue two hors prior to the show. So stop being so fucking pesmistic!!. By May 1st the 4320 seating ticks were gone and there was aprox. 5000 of 8680 general admission tickets sold. Why are they going to be wasting money printing a ton of posters around town when they already had nationwide radio ads every five fuckin minutes? Yesterday it sold out for good, so stop worrying and be happy! There will be 13,000 motherfuckers out there tomorrow, I guarantee

    I'm fucking happy even if I go and then find nobody else's bought another forsaken ticket!!!

    Signed: One of the 13.000 motherfuckers.

  9. I only think that there might be very few people showing up since I have litterarely seen 2 pieces of paper on some random walls in Madrid saying Guns was playing and the guy telling me about moving the concert, no one knows...

    No, there's gonna be 8.000 people I think... the sitting tickets (I don't know if that's well said) are completely sold out, as you can see on the servicaixa web page.

    There hasn't been a lot of publicity for the show, but there's enough people who wants to see this band tomorrow.

    8000 at least, without publicity or commercials... I'd say it's pretty damn good!!!

  10. Sounds like some kinda Metallica Load-era thing or something... talkin' bout the music. The vocals and way of singing are amazing, as always.

    I fucking love 2006!!! This is the best time in years for all of us fans of this fantastic band!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. So... what about Brain not doing the show? Has it something to do with the Nightrain thing???

    I hope he's not in trouble with Axl. I'm spanish, and I'm really dying to go to the concert the next thursday and see this wonderful band for once in my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. And what about asking the management, Madison, please?

    I know that we cannot be asking for every little problem that goes on the way, but some of us, I think maybe 12.000 people, need to know when the concert is going to take place.

    The people in Spain is starting to doubt, no need to say something worse. And I'm not threatning, ok? This is only a question of respect for us the spanish people that already have bought the tickets for may, the 28th, to see our favourite band & frontman of all time.

  13. Estás como una moto tío!!!!!!!!!!!! Cómo mola!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No sé si la expresión española se usa por ahí, pero bueno, tienes toda la razón, vamos a estar como sardinas en lata!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    En fin, yo espero poder verlo sin agobios. Quiero flotar. Voy a flotar. Es demasiado.

  14. I think you're going to see a 20 song concert, probably with 4 or 5 new songs (Better, TWAT, The Blues & Madagascar for sure I hope) and 15 classics, maybe KOHD as a cover, and six Appetite songs (Jungle, Brownstone, Paradise City & Sweet Child and It's so easy, probably Nightrain and/or Rocket Queen) and the three songs they used to played on the 2002 tour (Patience, You could be mine & November Rain).

    Which means you're going to be witnesses of a total kick ass concerts, and for the first time in years, you lucky bastards!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. By the way, anyone knows, which songs willl be played?

    Nobody knows about that matter, Geraldine. We don't even know who will play the songs...

    There will be more new songs than in 2002, expect TWAT, Better, CITR and IRS to be played... :)

    I think the only new songs that they're gonna play are The Blues, Madagascar, Better and There was a time, and maybe Catcher in the rye, but I don't think IRS and Chinese Democracy are going to be played anymore on this european tour.

    Maybe another unheard song?

    Better and TWAT for sure.

    I think it would be awesome to finish the concert with TWAT, before the encore of course, and it would be a surprise to hear Better at the beginning... it would be a TOTAL IMPACT.

  16. ¿Qué tal os está sentando esta "calma chicha" que tenemos ahora? No hay noticias ni confirmaciones ni nada parecido, sólo fotos estrambóticas de Axl con los Sopranos (madre mía, qué pinta en la que sale con Michael Imperioli, a.k.a. Christopher Moltisanti), sin nada más que llevarnos a la boca que esas demos que sigo pinchando de vez en cuando, ME FLIPAN, pero de momento nada más...

    Tenemos lo del 28 de mayo (soy pesimista por naturaleza, imaginad al ir a un concierto de Axl).

    Pero no tenemos una nota oficial, de prensa, algo...

    ¿Estás tranquilos o qué?

  17. Venga, que sí, que algunos sois los más fans, los mejores, y los únicos que se merecen ir al concierto :rolleyes:

    ¿Has sentido la necesidad irrefrenable de registrarte en el foro el 31 de marzo sólo para decir eso? :angry::P:anger::)

    No hay ningun fan mejor que otro, me parece a mi. Sólo existen dos clases de personas: las que han comprado la entrada y las que no. Quiero decir que las primeras QUIEREN ver a Axl y al resto de músicos que lleve con él, los segundos NO QUIEREN hacerlo. Punto y final.

    Insisto en que me la sudan las pintas o qué discos secretos de Rick Astley o Bananarama se metan en vena antes de ir al concierto. rock3

  18. Os encuentro muy duros!

    A los de gradas nos habeis tratados de pijos, de fans de pacotillas y no se que mas, por fa, hay otros motivos por los que coger de gradas.

    Cogi de gradas porque voy sola y pedi que fuera bien situado.

    Tambien tengo que decir que cuando estas abajo, pues, lo siento te toca oler sobaquillos :laugh: , recibir puñetazos :fuckyou: , cabezazos :question: y otros tipo especia de idiota integral :xmassrudolph: que baila sobre tus putos pies en lugar del suelo, por lo que yo ya he paso la edad. (volvi de un concierto de Aerosmith mas azul que el mediteraneo por haber querido estar abajo, cerca del escenario)

    Soy una vieja, soy fan de toda la vida y SI disfrutaré igual que vosotros desde las gradas porque no me imagino un concierto de GNR donde el publico solo se sienta y escucha.

    Creo que de sentados tendremos poco, para ser honesta pero en plena seguridad!

    Asi que os encuentro muy duros, respectad por favor tambien a los viejos!

    Te entiendo bien. Yo la he pillado de suelo, a muerte, gladiador a saco, pero tal vez me arrepienta por un problema que tengo de fascitis plantar (una dolencia muy puta que duele cerca del talón, en la planta del pie, cuando estás unas horas de pie). De todos modos, no me imaginaba en la grada no viendo una mierda y sin poderme levantar por culpa del de atrás... y es que siempre, siempre, en todos los conciertos a los que voy me dicen que me calle, o que no salte, o que no chille, o que no cante. Me pasó con los Jayhawks y me pasó viendo a Bob Dylan. Y en uno de Springsteen había un hijoputa de dos metros que no hacía más que saltar y darme con el codo en la cocorota. Le dije que la próxima vez le pisaba los huevos y me dijo que era un concierto de rock... je je, me hubiera gustado llevármelo a las primeras filas de los Backyard Babies en El Sol en el 99 o al de los New Bomb Turks en el Trylobite dos años antes al muy bastardo, para que aprendiera lo que es REALMENTE un concierto de rock.

    De todos modos, no veo mucha tralla en este de los Guns, la gente no se conocerá las canciones y me parece que al menos tocará cinco o seis nuevas.

    Entiendo a Sleeping Stone (muy buen nick name), yo también soy un viejo de 29 palos, cansado y aburrido de esperar a los Guns. El 28 de mayo me transformaré en una bestia parda, pero luego lo pagaré. Entiendo que la chica quiera sentarse o al menos que no la golpeen.

    Y en cuanto a lo de pijos... en fin, yo he conocido a unos cuantos (colegio de pago, etc.) que les gustaba Knockin on heaven's door, Don't cry y November Rain y no sabían quién pollas era Izzy Stradlin, pero también conozco a mucha gente que no ha llevado melena ni muñequeras de cuero que son verdaderos fans... entre ellos un servidor. No sé si irán muchos pijos al concierto, seguramente yo seré de los más pijos (no entiendo muy bien qué es eso, pijo es snob, un tío superficial y estúpido que sólo aprecia lo material, ¿no?); lo que tengo claro es que si alguien me dice algo en ese concierto por llevar una camisa o una americana le voy a organizar una trifulca que difícilmente olvidará.

    Insisto, los pijos hace años que se olvidaron de Axl Rose. Los únicos que hemos permanecido somos fans, con tupé o sin él, con Levi's o sin ellos, con tatuajes o sin ellos, con melenas o calvos, gordos o flacos, sentados o de pie, pero fans de verdad. ¿Me hago entender?

  19. This thread has to be on page 1 of the upcoming shows for my fucking balls!!!

    Hey guys, I've post some thread that's going to be here in seconds... watch out this wednesday for the tickets, spanish people is nuts!!! I'm sorry to repeat myself but I'm pretty worried about this...

    Is it in Sweden where the show is sold out right now? I think they went and bought all the tickets in 3 hours!!! But I hope scandinavian people rocks harder than us and I can sleep relaxed tomorrow...

  20. To all the Spanish fans… look out this Wednesday… tickets are on sale (supposedly) and the Spanish audience is so unpredictable… it’s possible that we could find tickets the same day of the concert, but it’s also possible a completely sold out in question of hours. I’m going to say some things in Spanish to "specify the logistics intervention concerning this stuff".

    Uncle Manuel keeps on rocking.

    Cheers to everybody (hell, I'm so happy these days!!!!)

    ...Para esos fans españoles de moda… al loro este miércoles que las entradas se ponen a la venta (eso dijo la promotora Gamerco cuando anunció el concierto). El público español, el mismo que con su desinterés provocó por ejemplo la suspensión del concierto de los Sex Pistols en 1996 en Aqualung, es tan estúpido e imprevisible que pueden aparecer 15.000 hijos de puta de la nada que compren las entradas en horas, y los que venimos al foro día tras día (November, By Ref, Axlfuck y algunos más) nos tendríamos que sorber los mocos y mendigar o matar por una entrada. Al loro. Si están en servicaixa o en la fnac ese mismo día publicaré un anuncio en cuanto las tenga.

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