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Posts posted by Kvetch

  1. A world tour would make it at least four years before they could work on a follow up.

    Really?! How do other bands go on world tours and release albums within a couple of years then??

    I'd say going on tour actually helps write new songs because you're on the road with the bandmates with not a great deal else to do, and then after the tour, or during breaks, you can work on refining your ideas.

    However, that aside I think that albums 2 and 3 are pretty much complete and they will follow in maybe a years time after CD's eventual release.

    That's if it all happens, Gn'R are still very quiet, but Mysteron did say not before tomorrow.


    One wonders if it's still all down to Axl's mood - if he says yes at this meeting, the wheels turn and it goes into motion. From relative obscurity back into the limelight, such a loaded decision and he knows what he will face. Inspiration to every manic depressive - I'm in awe of the guy.

  2. Savage Animal always said that there would be three albums-worth of material. Of course he didn't mean musical material - he meant the CD material itself! Sheer genius.

    Dear God i hope the Savage Animal is right.

    I mean CD material as in the plastic. It doesn't sound so funny anymore

    Yeah i got that, i was being sarcastic

    Sorry, just sometimes people on here don't get jokes.

  3. Savage Animal always said that there would be three albums-worth of material. Of course he didn't mean musical material - he meant the CD material itself! Sheer genius.

    Dear God i hope the Savage Animal is right.

    I mean CD material as in the plastic. It doesn't sound so funny anymore

  4. For everyone who doubts Mysteron and his credibility, that's fine. Nobody is forcing you to believe him. If you weren't around in 2006 when he made it possible for myself, and plenty of others to preorder tickets for the Hammersmith shows, then don't wory about it. He's not the kind of person who goes around trying to get attention. He only really comes up when people ask.

    I've been on the GnR scene since the 80s. I can't speak for anyone else, but unless someone says something that turns out to be true then they are Mr. Jack Shit.

  5. Mysteron said on HTGTH that there won't be any annoucement before Thursday.

    Btw, it doesn't mean that there will be one on Thursday. Just that there won't be any before.

    Yeah we know.

    But I don't believe what mysteron or /jarmo say.

    It's always what they don't say - deliberately masking any kind of information in a cloak of mystery. The famous Mysteron Nostradamus quotes which have turned out to be true.. like the one where





    i think i remember it..

    fuck no i cant remember..

    yes i have it..

    damn gone again er


    Can anyone help me out here?

  6. Thank you for this entirely pointless guess based on absolutely nothing.

    :rofl-lol: I found this extremely ironic coming from a dude with over 15,000 posts.

    How does his post count make what he said about your post make it ironic?


    Maybe 14,000 of his posts are devoted to putting bullshit like yours in its place?


    He just goes from thread to thread pissing on people's cornflakes. The veritable life and soul of the party!

  7. It's funny how we pick certain dates and build all of our hope up around them. We are going on nothing but pure fan speculation. We've done this consistently over the past few years. This year alone:

    Aug 31 - VMAs (many were convinced Axl was coming out to announce a CD release date) -

    Sept 15-16 - Vegas shows (they will have to announce a release date or at least play some new songs)

    Sept 23 - Inland Invasion - (announcement on stage?)

    Oct 20 - First show in Jacksonville (all signs pointed to this date, of course it would be re-scheduled)

    Oct 24 - First show in Sunrise (maybe they just need a few extra days to get their ducks in a row, we'll surely get some info on this night and absolutely a new song)

    Oct 31 - Re-scheduled Jacksonville show on Halloween night. Axl loves Halloween and what a great way to announce the album or break in a new song)

    Nov 7 - Election day release for Chinese Democracy?

    Nov 10 - Madison Square Garden has inexplicibly been donned the Mecca of Rock Show arenas - something big has to happen during this show, right?

    Nov 21 - Rolling Stone article broke this one and countless other magazines, websites, and radio stations continue to spit this date out. Plus, the Tuesday before "Day After Thanksgiving" Shopping Spree. It has to be released for that, right?

    I'm not ripping on people. I, for one, have gone through this silly, pointless exercise many times. Sadly, we will probably be debating in March why GNR will want to wait and release the album in the summer because albums don't sell well in the winter.

    Sadly, I agree with you.

    Like I said, if not November 21st, then forget it, it's over.

    Impatient and so despondent.

  8. Perhaps Chinese businesses should organize demonstrations at all the GnR concerts, to protest at the use of the word "Chinese" by GnR. I mean, just imagine the marketing impact of being associated with something that is unreliable, old-fashioned and disloyal to the customer base.

    (I am not Chinese, so it doesn't bother me at all)

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