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Posts posted by Teddy07

  1. Awesome, when Marshalls are good, they are really good.

    You can never beat a tube Marshall

    Thats debatable.

    But the Plexi is the greatest amp ever. it went downhill from there.

    come on. What tube amp is better? Even the lowest line Marshalls (the AVT's, not MG's), are better than most amps in the price range. Example, a Marshall AVT50 for $500 is way better than a Fender solid-state for $500. Marshall owns the amp game.

    I will agree that quality has gone down in recent years. But the reason that an old Plaxi stack form the 60's, sounds better than any tube amps today, is because back then they were still in the experimental stages, and those odd flukes and anomalies can't be reproduced ever again. but still the Marshall DSL or TSL is still better than any tube amp out right now. Marshall wins every time. No matter what. Except for the MG line. Those things aren't even Marshall's.

    EDIT: What does plexi mean. I know it's THE holy grail of amps, but what is an example of a plexi, or non-plexi.

    Alot of stuff is better...

    if you dig n search for the "right stuff"

    Marshalls are known as SHIT amps thesedays.

    All big guitarists use the vintage stuff anyways....

    Mesa Boogie, Mojave, Garcia amplification...

    TONS of great amps... Don´t think that the pros use what you see! ;)

    There´s also a mod called... Splawn. I heard it, and it´s a plexi mod... does the same thing that the article above speaks about. Gives fucking TONS of tone... it´s an INSANE sound! :)

    Marshalls aren't shit. And you think MEsa's are good....I feel sorry for you. And what do you mean by "Pros dont use what you see?"

    Marshalls aren´t made like they used to be. The good old marshalls are GREAT. Why do you think Slash still uses all vintage stuff??? Those guys don´t USE the newer stuff... and IF they do, they are likely to be modified. Just like the JCM 800 slash used on AFD.

    Hence the comment, the pros don´t use the same junk that you buy on guitar center.

    They either have some ancient vintage marshall amp or some other brand. Modified or not. Those amps cost more than your dads car. And you wouldn´t be able to afford one even if you sold your soul and liver :)

    So go ahead and "feel sorry", I couldn´t give a rats as shit about what you fucking FEEL... your feelings don´t mean shit! jackass... clearly you speak nothing but horsecrap.

    Do you honestly any pro guitarist plays a stock guitar with stock marshall amps? Or is it some kind of a sick fantasy that you live in?

    Not even a pro soccer player has the same boots that you buy at your local soccer store.

    No pros, regardless of profession deal with stock stuff...

    It´s just a sponsorship deal going on. HEY, Wear this and we give you money.

    And all in all the shit´s so heavily modified that putting the amp in production would just scare the buyers away cus they couldn´t afford the real stuff anyways.

    So they badge a production amp the way the pros amps look like. And sell it to dumb kids who believe that´s what their heroes are playing.

    You honestly don´t think that a SERIOUS guitarist who is about to make the record of his life is gonna plug in a stock marshall amp? giving him the same tone as any other kid on the street has? nah...

    Those who are serious about it KNOW what they want, and just how to get it... if they have to buy it, they can afford it. Most likely Marshall builds them an amp for them... :)

  2. Awesome, when Marshalls are good, they are really good.

    You can never beat a tube Marshall

    Thats debatable.

    But the Plexi is the greatest amp ever. it went downhill from there.

    come on. What tube amp is better? Even the lowest line Marshalls (the AVT's, not MG's), are better than most amps in the price range. Example, a Marshall AVT50 for $500 is way better than a Fender solid-state for $500. Marshall owns the amp game.

    I will agree that quality has gone down in recent years. But the reason that an old Plaxi stack form the 60's, sounds better than any tube amps today, is because back then they were still in the experimental stages, and those odd flukes and anomalies can't be reproduced ever again. but still the Marshall DSL or TSL is still better than any tube amp out right now. Marshall wins every time. No matter what. Except for the MG line. Those things aren't even Marshall's.

    EDIT: What does plexi mean. I know it's THE holy grail of amps, but what is an example of a plexi, or non-plexi.

    Alot of stuff is better...

    if you dig n search for the "right stuff"

    Marshalls are known as SHIT amps thesedays.

    All big guitarists use the vintage stuff anyways....

    Mesa Boogie, Mojave, Garcia amplification...

    TONS of great amps... Don´t think that the pros use what you see! ;)

    There´s also a mod called... Splawn. I heard it, and it´s a plexi mod... does the same thing that the article above speaks about. Gives fucking TONS of tone... it´s an INSANE sound! :)

  3. Get an Older Tokai Love Rock. They are GREAT guitars. Just change the bushings and some smaller stuff...

    get a guitar tech to swap out the pickups and you got yourself a KILLER guitar.

    Rumor has it that Slash actually owns a copy 59. I THINK it´s called LS120 or LS160.

    Make sure it´s not the 58 copy if you opt to buy one. they are HARD to get tho.

    Run you around 1000 euros±. They are hard to find but look around.

    They are said to play better than the R9.

    The Orvilles are nice, depends on what you want to put into it.

    IMHO, The tokais are the best copies of Standards.

    the mid 90ies models also used REAL wood.

  4. I would love to see Axl walk through an abandoned rural town.

    COLD, Empty and DARK!!! most of the stuff in black n white.

    He walks around the corner and there´s a guitarist playing the guitar,

    he stops by him and starts singing along... they play for a while...

    and they continue walking, as they walk pictures and videos are played on old and torn down billboards and grafitti that starts moving on the brick walls.

    To me that would illustrate a sense of finding yourself, and finding the way to people.

    How history always will be a part of you, but since they walk on, history can´t be changed...

    nor done anything with. We all just gotta move on...

    © ME

  5. it is just you, join my forum and see for yourself, I talked with the source over 2 weeks ago and he told me things about the album coming out, and when it may appear. Of course be it as it may the ultimate decision is soley AXLS ...

    Oh please.... Two weeks ago you were claiming Axl was so depressed, he couldn't function. Well, he looked fine to me in pics from the party last Friday and sounded fine according to the interview. If you want to advertise your forum, please do so in the Ain't It Fun section - rather than making unsubstantiated claims based on unnamed sources.

    Isn´t Axl BiPolar?

    Well... they... uhm... well yeah... WE, are known to have what´s called a switch of moods... sometimes we are high, and then low! ;)

    So don´t flame someone.... I feel good now, and when I´m spewing my shit all over ppl I´m most likely depressed! =)

  6. When the album comes out I´m gonna sign off from this forum forever.

    It will be filled with shithead fans who claim they know it all about gnr, they are gonna ask a fucking truckload of questions about GNR. Just because they love the NEW album....

    I don´t personally care for that. I see it as we my friends, have come to a crossroad.

    And I´m going somewhere else..... these roads aren´t for me anymore.

    It´s gonna be like a bad breakup that I never wanted......

    But hey! thanks for all the fun we had. And crazy discussions! :) You´re all like family...


    I wrap my hands around my chest

    Deny to draw a big bad gun

    Shut my mouth when you look at me

    I ain´t feeding this animosity

    How couldn´t I frown upon this society

    when some are blamed for being real

    taken down in an instant kill

    by someone trying to feel so fuckn big

    put a man in a can and label him

    ´cus his truth ain´t what you think of him

    A different mind, and another kind

    Gave you the reason to be colorblind

    So why don´t you look over your picked fence

    To see a world of difference

    As your imaginations smash to the ground

    You isolate to keep safe and sound

    tell me how this can be life for you

    Did you fit in cinderellas fucking shoe?

    take a chance to cross the border

    Then you´ll know if you ever loved her

  8. A World keeps spinning, as time runs out

    We turn deaf, as they cry out, scream and shout

    Head in the clouds, way up in the sky

    Why do nothing, I don't know why

    Oh my brother, testify!

    Hammer falls, iron fist criples the African land

    Homicide, genocide, who dares to raise a hand

    Ignore all the calls from the oppressed tribes

    Give em the cold shoulder, and watch em die

    Oh my brother, testify!

    Rwanda, Sudan, list too many to name

    our story at home is always the same

    No money, no oil, just burnt out soil

    Invest in death and western control

    Oh my brother testify!

    Death fills the desert like ignorance fills the states

    History repeats, instead of action all they do is wait

    Again ignore the cries of the murdered tribes

    Again the cold shoulder as the millions die

    Oh my brother, testify!

    World still spinning, we're outta time

    Educational miss, to keep it like this

    Once more slam the door to their cries

    Ignore the war when the black gold dries

    Oh my brother, testify!

    you can work with that. read some fucked up poetry to get a sharper angle to it....

    I like it, but not enough. You can be even SHARPER!!

    Did my own take on it :P

  9. tears ´cus I´m tired

    not because I´m sad

    fears of giving in

    to the greatest sin

    how do I even begin

    find what´s lost

    how long of a time

    has gone by

    I smile for you

    don´t wanna hurt you too

    I say it´s alright

    despite the aching of the night

    I find my bed when the light

    is hurting my eyes

    and I dream my self away

    of a better me

    weep baby weep

    hear the gentle thought

    taking me to the deep

    so deep

    I won´t let you hear this

    it´s never meant to be

    I hide my words inside of me

    for the better let it be

  10. Selling a Ferrari Maranello to buy a Lamborghini Gallardo or a BMW Z8 is not good news about Axl's mental health. :(

    yeah the Z8 is an out-dated crap car! :D


    The Gallardo is meaner than the old Maranello tho, don´t know if Axl had the 550 or the 575M tho...

    didn´t see the huge scope on the hood.

    But a GT3 is TASTE ;) moah! cool beans...

    He should get a Koenisegg :D WIIIHAAA

    or an Enzo

  11. Slash uses a crossing between the 50ies and 60ies neck. it's slightly thinner than the 50ies and thicker than the 60ies. It's callled an intermediate neck, it's much like the 59 neck.

    I wouldn't know what neck you have until you post the year you bought it and perhaps a serial number.

    if you don't feel akward playing it, then don't bother. it doesn't have to be the same as SLASH

  12. You go where the money is. A lot of people don't really wanna play covers, but they make way more money playing them than playing their own stuff...

    are u in the music for money or the love for just playing? and creating music?

    ´cus afterall, that´s what MUSIC is about. interaction between instruments, and now, since people play the instruments it´s about people too... playing other ppls songs doesn´t create a bond or free your mind.

    now, playing a cover song now and then when u gig is fine.

    but making all covers is crap. GNR did it purely for MONEY!!!

    Lennon did it cus he SUCKED ASS!!!!

    Zeppelin did cover some songs, but they had a fucking INSANE library of songs. and they did reinvent the songs they coverd.

  13. pure coverbands DO suck. they show no interest in creating their own music, and developing their own minds and god given creativity if they have any. Music is about failing, exploring and bonding. Doing just cover songs won't give you that bond. Everybody in the band are just ok with sounding like someone else. It's never gonna take them anywhere.... It's never gonna have an impact on people either. Maybe if they cover some good tunes in a cool way. But they need a backbone to rely on.

    Music is about creating, not copying. so in my thinking, it's not really music. it's just jibberish.

    now covering ONE song or maybe two, that can add depth to their own stuff. showing the bands roots and pay respect to their influences.

  14. I think this is the right section to say this but if not then hopefully one of the moderators will kindly remove it to its correct place.

    In a recent thread there has been a lot of arguing about Guns N' Roses and Motley Crue. I personally love both bands but of course some people are going to dislike the Crue because not everybody likes the same music. I dislike a lot of bands that people are fond of in here and i too have had my fair share of arguements about it. If we all liked the same music then life would be too easy. We need to like different styles of different Rock music so that we can discuss different topics. Lets all just takes each persons opinion on board and leave it at that otherwise we'll be continuously going around in circles. That's my two cents and rock on you crazy people rock3

    people like what they can relate to, and the image.

    it's all about relations. Good music, yes... but if a band can't identify themselves then they're in big trouble. there are more bands with OK music and great image that have made it, rather than GREAT music and a bad image. and I'm not talking about the bad image that sells. There is enough of good sounding music out there. So you really need to nail it as a frontman and band. But yeah, no bands do suck. They all project something.

  15. I'm a singer myself. Practise does help a lot. What you should do is put on your favourite album and sing a long to every song on it. If you find a song you can't sing, just work on it. This time last year I couldn't even sing VR, now I can sing some Zeppelin. :)

    you're WRONG!!!

    and Dachan is right!!

    DO NOT COPY!! or immitate someone... it'll only kill motivation and voice.

    How am I wrong? I said sing a long to other songs, not imitate the singer. I'm refering to range mainly.

    Besides, by singing a long to songs, you can figure out what makes vocals in a song good and can help influencing in your own songs.

    Who gives a shit if you can sing SCOM note perfect, its your own songs where you should shine.

    you are wrong because it's not a BEGINNERS thing to do, people who aren't familiar with pitch and tone will overpower easily when they crank up the stereo.

    I KNOW THIS!! My 80 year old vocal coach said that's the common reason why people can't sing.

    When you sing along to a tune, you don't hear yourself, you sing in the blind, and think you ROCK!!

    Learnig how others sing, and "steal" techniques from others is a thorough process. It demands a somewhat trained ear and understanding of singing and a capability of reaching some notes.

    For someone a little TRAINED, there IS a point singing SCOM pitch perfect, nailing every note. 'cus you practice hitting the right pitch and level. Tone, breath, voice, volume control. Not being said you'll learn how to sing it LIKE axl, but you will learn about your own voice.

    The reason I'm saying NOT to do this, is because a beginner will VERY easilly get confused on HOW to do this. So don't go around blowing smoke outta your ass, when in truth you don't know SHIT!

  16. deadly hush blown across

    faces of unknowns

    around the table you've lost

    now it's cold,

    who knew the cost

    of swinging the thought

    it's an uncomfortable silence

    not that anyone talks

    it's probably best like this

    now that nobody talks

    They knew that they ought to

    But the hate sought bloomed

    it grew out of control

    and now

    nobody wants to know

    just what they've done

    it's an uncomfortable silence

    not that anyone talks

    it's probably best like this

    now that nobody talks

    cast a shadow upon that face

    it'll wither in time

    hate grows down your spine

    sun, shine

    sun, shine

  17. ok, it's obvious that you have some talent for writing but this reads more like poetry than lyrics, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Jim Morrison was told the same thing. I remember you said you like Jeff Buckley and i can see some of that influence in this writing. It's just really hard to judge lyrics sometimes without a melody.

    true... :) but it's kinda strange you pulled the Buckley comparison out. I thought about him a little when I wrote it. And yes, I'm a big fan of his! :)

    maybe it is more poetry than lyrics. :P I dunno... sometimes you can sing it, sometimes not. :)

    I wanna do some dylan stuff tho. :D that'd be rad! ;)

  18. hello. well, to start off, i am 16 years old and ive been playing music since i was in the 2nd grade. i have recently become interested in singing and i owe that to Axl. i got lessons last june for three months, but they didnt help as much as i thought that the lessons were supposed to.

    i "sing" everyday for about 20 mins, but i really havent been taking it that seriously. i started REALLY practicing on monday. i have been using warm up tapes and cool down tapes, but thats all i do for about 30 mins daily.

    what i wanna ask is, am i still able to learn, because i feel that i suck balls at this and i get seriously discouraged and frustarated at times. what is recommended i should do? are there any good rock songs that a beginner could sing along to? what are some other forms of warm ups and cool downs i could do that would help............. and lastly what are some exercises i could do to yell, scream, roar, screech and all that beautiful stuff that these 80s rock vocalists were able to do.

    well, if anybody reads this, thanks for taking your time to do so, and if you reply thank even more........ even though there isnt much of a thing i could do to thank..................

    don't worry dude!!

    1. YES YOU CAN SING!!! If you've played music for a long time, getting the right pitch shouldn't be a problem. You should be able to hear it in your head and nail it.

    2. As for vocal coaches, they aren't worth shit if you don't pay more than 80 bucks pr. lesson.

    3. Use the warm up tapes you have and cool downs.

    4. DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT try to IMMITATE some other singer with full voice, yes, learn from him, listen and listen to how and what he or she does to get that cool sound. But at the end of the day you gotta find your own way to make YOUR sound!!! Comparing yourself to singers on tape or cd just kills your motivation, there are so many layers of vocal in the mix that you won't be able to sing like that even if you were a ten headed monster! :)

    5. REMEMBER!! YOU DO NOT SUCK BALLS!!!! I can try to help you a little, but the that's the FIRST thing you've gotta overcome!!!!! DO NOT THINK YOU SUCK BALLS!!! NEVER!!!

    here's what I posted in another thread... might be usefull...

    relax your shoulders, try to suck in air into the diaphragm, LOCK the cage with your ribs. don't OVER tighten it, but make sure you give enough air to the chords to sustain the singing. don't try HOLDING your breath. that doesn't make sense. the belly should be sucked UP as the ribcage tightens and the diaphragm expands.

    try this breathing technique with your normal voice first. feel it around until you get the strongest voice possible. Put your palm on the chest, sing a normal tone with this breathing technique. You should feel your chest vibrating slightly, if not. Then you aren't singing properly. When you feel it vibrating, it's called CHEST voice. The voice resonates in your chest. Try doing some scales. with your palm on the chest and shoulders still relaxed.

    Do a GOOD warmup. 5-10 minutes with different scales up and down. Try them in reverse order. This is a GREAT method to both warm up your chords, and also give you better range. The more you do this the chords are gonna strengthen and your voice will build a character too, but make sure that in this process, that you are standing infront of a mirror, so you can see how you do this.Try different ways if manipulating the vowels and sound with your MOUTH. Good singers create their own voice by finding places in their mouths and throat to get a cool sounding voice. Try putting your head up, widening your mouth, bend and stretch the mouth/throat area until you've explored different sounds. What hurts and what doesn't hurt.

    The tought and told way of reaching the high notes is to relax your jaw, open your mouth normally and put your chin on your chest. this way you should get the most of your higher range. Then remember, AIR doesn't give you controlled high notes, you have to sustain a steady airflow.it WILL also get HARDER to hit high notes with less air, but this is a SAFE way to get to your first limits.

    As you hold your palm on your chest, go from the very bottom of your comfortable voice to what you feel is a comfortable high voice. As you reach the higher/tones you should feel that the chest vibrates less.Try adding a little more air to it now, as you go up the range! REMEMBER!! DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT A PROPER WARMUP!!!!! When you hit the even higher ranges now, the chest shouldn't be vibrating and you are hitting some pretty high notes. NOT TOO HIGH THOUGH!!When the chest stops vibrating and you are "up there", this is called "HEAD VOICE".

    Congrats, now try singing in head voice in SPEAKING COMFORT LEVEL. DO NOT STRAIN OR STRESS YOUR VOICE and CHORDS. IT WILL CAUSE DAMAGE!!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RASP YOUR VOICE!!!!!The RASP is highly misunderstood by most ppl, and shouldn't be used until a STRONG basis is built. Great singers use a different rasp than just choking the air supply or increasing the airflow. ALSO!!! sucking in air in your lungs and just push out air to get a voice isn't singing. you will only end up finding your self straining and holding back your throat because of the gigantic pressure put on the chords. This will HURT your voice. SECOND, get a NORMAL volume down, singing loud as a motherfucker isn't for everybody to do, practice till you get a GOOD volume, and expect a LITTLE jump in volume as you go to the higher range. It won't be alot of an increase, but the higher frequency of sound penetrates the air easier than the lower ones. This is also why many singers back away from the microphone when they go UP. One more thing, keep your throat RELAXED!! straining or pulling muscles together doesn't help.X

    I'll get back to this another time. For now.Build your OWN voice. This is an EASY and SAFE way to do it. You'll need atleast one year of solid training and practicing these methods to get down the voice right.

    if you have any questions and if some things aren't clear. PLEASE DO ASK!!I'm just a human like you.

    BTW, these are all guidelines. If something quite doesn't work out for you, figure out your own way of doing this.

  19. Ok ive been having a few problems singing in "middle" voice (i think it's called that anyway...). Anyway the point where you move from chest to head voice. I think i keep going into falsetto if im singing around that bit otherwise you can hear a deffinate jump from chest to head. If anyone understands this help would be appreciated. Thanks

    relax your shoulders, try to suck in air into the diaphragm, LOCK the cage with your ribs. don't OVER tighten it, but make sure you give enough air to the chords to sustain the singing.

    don't try HOLDING your breath. that doesn't make sense. the belly should be sucked UP as the ribcage tightens and the diaphragm expands.

    try this breathing technique with your normal voice first. feel it around until you get the strongest voice possible. Put your palm on the chest, sing a normal tone with this breathing technique.

    You should feel your chest vibrating slightly, if not. Then you aren't singing properly.

    When you feel it vibrating, it's called CHEST voice. The voice resonates in your chest.

    Try doing some scales. with your palm on the chest and shoulders still relaxed.

    Do a GOOD warmup. 5-10 minutes with different scales up and down. Try them in reverse order.

    This is a GREAT method to both warm up your chords, and also give you better range.

    The more you do this the chords are gonna strengthen and your voice will build a character too,

    but make sure that in this process, that you are standing infront of a mirror, so you can see how you do this.Try different ways if manipulating the vowels and sound with your MOUTH.

    Good singers create their own voice by finding places in their mouths and throat to get a cool sounding voice. Try putting your head up, widening your mouth, bend and stretch the mouth/throat area until you've explored different sounds. What hurts and what doesn't hurt.

    The tought and told way of reaching the high notes is to relax your jaw, open your mouth normally and put your chin on your chest. this way you should get the most of your higher range.

    Then remember, AIR doesn't give you controlled high notes, you have to sustain a steady airflow.

    it WILL also get HARDER to hit high notes with less air, but this is a SAFE way to get to your first limits.

    As you hold your palm on your chest, go from the very bottom of your comfortable voice to what you feel is a comfortable high voice. As you reach the higher/tones you should feel that the chest vibrates less.

    Try adding a little more air to it now, as you go up the range! REMEMBER!! DO NOT DO THIS WITHOUT A PROPER WARMUP!!!!! When you hit the even higher ranges now, the chest shouldn't be vibrating and you are hitting some pretty high notes. NOT TOO HIGH THOUGH!!

    When the chest stops vibrating and you are "up there", this is called "HEAD VOICE".


    The RASP is highly misunderstood by most ppl, and shouldn't be used until a STRONG basis is built.

    Great singers use a different rasp than just choking the air supply or increasing the airflow.

    ALSO!!! sucking in air in your lungs and just push out air to get a voice isn't singing.

    you will only end up finding your self straining and holding back your throat because of the gigantic pressure put on the chords. This will HURT your voice. SECOND, get a NORMAL volume down, singing loud as a motherfucker isn't for everybody to do, practice till you get a GOOD volume, and expect a LITTLE jump in volume as you go to the higher range. It won't be alot of an increase, but the higher frequency of sound penetrates the air easier than the lower ones.

    This is also why many singers back away from the microphone when they go UP.

    One more thing, keep your throat RELAXED!! straining or pulling muscles together doesn't help.


    I'll get back to this another time. For now.

    Build your OWN voice. This is an EASY and SAFE way to do it. You'll need atleast one year of solid training and practicing these methods to get down the voice right.

    if you have any questions and if some things aren't clear. PLEASE DO ASK!!

    I'm just a human like you. :)

    BTW, these are all guidelines. If something quite doesn't work out for you, figure out your own way of doing this.

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