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Posts posted by crazyfan

  1. Go find yourself a Creed-board if you can't handle that someone don't like your favorite band.

    i never said that they were my favorite band.

    You react like it is.

    IMO Crees is a band that make nothing more than mediocre tunes.. on their best. It's just cliché everywhere.

    All the music is music you've heard thousand times before, the guitar compositions, the songs in general.

    The worst thing is imo the vocal. It's terrible.

    On their best their not even decent pop music.

    (Now Im being nice,)

    who cares, musics music accept it for what it is.

    I see that you have no interest in actually discussing this topic.

    Why did you make this thread? So people could post "Yes I like Creed."

    This is a forum. A thread is suppose to be a topic we can discuss.

    like i said before this discussion is over.

  2. I don't care much about the band but Scott Stapp is a major douchebag...maybe even a bigger one than Fred Durst.

    i wont argue with that statement. of course i'm a big douche too. so their music perfectly suites me.

  3. Go find yourself a Creed-board if you can't handle that someone don't like your favorite band.

    i never said that they were my favorite band.

    You react like it is.

    IMO Crees is a band that make nothing more than mediocre tunes.. on their best. It's just cliché everywhere.

    All the music is music you've heard thousand times before, the guitar compositions, the songs in general.

    The worst thing is imo the vocal. It's terrible.

    On their best their not even decent pop music.

    (Now Im being nice,)

    who cares, musics music accept it for what it is.

  4. Go find yourself a Creed-board if you can't handle that someone don't like your favorite band.

    i never said that they were my favorite band you douche.

    please lock it down this thread is done

  5. can people please stop with the smartass comments towards this band. if you don't like the band stay the fuck out of the thread.

    It's like making a nazithread and say, "If you don't support the nazism, stay out of the thread."

    please tell me whats so great about making negative comments towards a band in a thread that is describing them in positive terms.

    Because that's what a discussion forum is for. Discussion. :rolleyes:

    well, i think it's pretty fucking disrespectful.

    No it's not.. It's opinions.

    well your opinions suck. so please leave

    You just made your point unvalid.

    So what, this conversation is over.

    mods lock it down.

  6. I would put them in the same league as Bush and Nickelback. Nothing great, but not too bad once in a while. Your standard generic post-grunge rock.

    personally i think creed were the best thing to come out of the late 90's.


    go fuck yourself

  7. can people please stop with the smartass comments towards this band. if you don't like the band stay the fuck out of the thread.

    It's like making a nazithread and say, "If you don't support the nazism, stay out of the thread."

    please tell me whats so great about making negative comments towards a band in a thread that is describing them in positive terms.

    Because that's what a discussion forum is for. Discussion. :rolleyes:

    well, i think it's pretty fucking disrespectful.

    No it's not.. It's opinions.

    well your opinions suck. so please leave

  8. can people please stop with the smartass comments towards this band. if you don't like the band stay the fuck out of the thread.

    It's like making a nazithread and say, "If you don't support the nazism, stay out of the thread."

    please tell me whats so great about making negative comments towards a band in a thread that is describing them in positive terms.

    Because that's what a discussion forum is for. Discussion. :rolleyes:

    well, i think it's pretty fucking disrespectful.

  9. I can't say that I am a fan of nu metal. If I'm at a party and a Korn tune come on, I don't cringe, but I rather not listen to it.

    Disturbed had a few good tunes. I think they are nu metal.

    disturbed are boring in my opinion. all their songs sound the same.

  10. can people please stop with the smartass comments towards this band. if you don't like the band stay the fuck out of the thread.

    It's like making a nazithread and say, "If you don't support the nazism, stay out of the thread."

    please tell me whats so great about making negative comments towards a band in a thread that is describing them in positive terms.

  11. i have recently popped in a couple my old nu metal cd's. limp bizkits significant other and koRns Life Is Peachy. and i was impressed. both albums sound better then they did back in my jr high days.

    i was wondering if there is any good newer nu metal acts out there. or do the all suck.

    this is a genre i really want to get back into.

  12. I would put them in the same league as Bush and Nickelback. Nothing great, but not too bad once in a while. Your standard generic post-grunge rock.

    personally i think creed were the best thing to come out of the late 90's.

  13. I listened to them for the first time in years the other day, and I agree, they are pretty good.

    I always liked them, but I got burned out by them for awile, especially Stapp's vocals.

    If you havent checked it out you should get the new album from Alter Bridge called "Blackbird" (you probably know, but if you dont thats all the members of Creed minus Scott Stapp), its fucking awesome.

    scott stapp's solo album was pretty killer as well.

  14. Creed is a great band,i now think they are better than all of the original grunge bands.Stapp lyrics are simply beutiful and whats best. None of this bullshit "let experiment so much that we experiment right up to our asses"..just good hard rock all the way,shame they broke up.

    i somewhat agree. all three of there albums were fucking killer. i wish that they would get back together and release one more album.

  15. One of the worst bands in history to ever achieve commercial success. I'd rather listen to Britney.

    How is that? Please explain why there the worst band ever to achieve commercial success.

  16. i just listened to creed today for the first time in about 5 years. i realized how good of a band they actually were. they had some killer tunes that changed peoples lives. scott stapp was a phenomenal lyricist and lead vocalist i don't give a flying fuck what anyone says. definitely in my top 10 bands of the 90's list.

    (please no negative comments towards the band thank you)

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