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G.N.R Adict

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Status Updates posted by G.N.R Adict


  2. It's not what it sounds like! \/\/\/

  3. Someone's quite- jeez!

  4. Hows the engagement going? Ready to kill him yet?

  5. Many of my posts have gotten new stuff in them. You should check them out! Lol...it's like i have my own fan base!

  6. ....:/....don't make me call you old again! lol I got heat stroke working for my step dad, and then we wound up getting into such a bad fight the next day that....We'll I'm sure you can guess. :(

  7. Sorry, life's not been my friend this last week. I wound up....not staying at home, plus not feeling good, so I could'nt get online for awhile. :(

  8. OMG I just read Axl's shirt in your sig, and I find that hilarious! 5* for you man, and i've always liked the expression beneath...don't know why I never saw that before!

  9. Would it not show up if he was?

  10. Wo! You look like someone I know! Anyway, I kinda suggest toning the "Axl Pleases" down. Someone else made a similar remark to what you made in "Axl, were waiting Axl", and he got pretty upset. Just to warn ya. ;)

  11. Thanks, and I don't plan on going anywhere for like two years at least.

  12. I don't plan on gong anywhere. I come n I go, the life on the road is the only life I know, but I always come back. You should like add your country, or side of the states on your "about me page" for us treasured friends of yours. ;)

  13. What sparked your interest in friendship with me?

  14. I'm sure all else was great as well, but what I truely appreciate was the fact that you were a friend, not someone getting paid-yet you still stuck around through all the madness. (Especially Slash and Axl's) :)

  15. Thanks for what you said in my thread. That was a very nice complement-I'll keep you in mind if I ever make it that far. Man I'm trying! Never thought of opening for them though-What an honor!

  16. Oh thank-you so much! It's how I've always felt; I just was waiting for a "miracle" so I could prove that Axl's not so bad, and I don't care who dosent like me standing up for him anymore. Your input was great, thanks for the support. :)

  17. Does anyone actually know that Axl=Dexter, or is that just another rumour?

  18. Curses now I keep checking the users online thing every five minutes for him.....:/

  19. If you really are Axl I congratulate you on not being freaked out by the people on this site! But I must thank-you for what your music has pulled me through. I may not have been alive otherwise. (seriously)

  20. OH NO I'M LEAVING THE STATE!..(jk)...who's that picture of in "personal photo"?

  21. Are you seriously going to be in Seattle?

  22. Its funny how just coming to this site gives me so much anger towards you.

  23. I'll try to help ya get those 5 stars. ;)

  24. I like how friendly you are.

  25. LOL! I'm not always anti-social. In fact at one time I was a really goofy, fun, and loving person......people change people. But I'd be glad to be friends...:)

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