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Posts posted by Chemtrails

  1. he's so much better than 6/7 years ago.

    Very true. I think GSP will still have the edge power wise though considering he's a natural 170 pounder.

    It looks like that fight will happen in December now.

    Indeed. If the Shogun v Rampage fight that it also rumoured for December comes together then that could be one hell of a card.

  2. I love GSP but Penn will destroy him

    I doubt that. GSP beat him the last time they fought. Then again it was his cardio that let BJ down in that fight and that's something he seems to have improved upon. He could beat GSP but I really doubt he'll destroy him. GSP is looking phenomenal at the minute. Should be a very close fight.

    I would have GSP just above BJ in terms of best pound for pound fighters in the world.

  3. Hey guys, I want to buy a new videogame. Had Metal Gear Solid 4 in mind. Anyone played it tell me if it's worth the hype?

    It should be illegal to own a PS3 and not have MGS4.

    Indeed. One of the best games i've ever played. One of the few instances where a game actually lives up to its hype.

  4. Great card I thought. Wasn't really a boring fight on it. Crowd never booed once. My thoughts on it:

    - Lost every ounce of respect i've ever had for Brock Lesnar. What he did near the end of the fight and after was completely fucking disrepectful to Heath Herring and he displayed a complete lack of sportsmanship. It was a deliberate attempt to try and humiliate the man. I didn't think it was as an amazing a performance as brock seemed to think it was. The first punch broke Herring right out the gate and most fighters would have had the skills to finish the fight in the position Brock was in. Instead he just lay on him. Plus he's dangeroulsy reckless. After he rocked him with the first punch he just charged at him with his head down, missing Heath's by centimetres. If he had've connected with that the bout would have immediately been ruled a no contest. Then he landed an eye poke in the first round (that caused his eye to swell shut), which for some reason Dan Miragliotta decided not to give Heath the five minutes to recover from. Brock still has a lot of maturing to do.

    - Major props to Jon Fitch. Showed incredible heart and a chin reminiscent of Wanderlei's in his fight against chuck. I was never expecting him to beat GSP, but managing to go 5 rounds with him is an achievement in it's own right.

    - Kenny Florian showed he's a very intelligent fighter. Was glad to see him win. Huerta's getting a bit too cocky for my liking. Will be interesting to see what they do with him if BJ Penn moves up to fight GSP.

  5. wait... what :unsure: I just checked and nothing to do with home is there?

    The home theme is up on the american store. Not the actual home though. Mustve been an attempt at a joke :unsure:

    No...if you download the theme it gives you a chance to participate in the new Home Beta coming out soon.

    I didn't get that option. :(

  6. EDIT: downloaded two songs off of PSN and installed them. But when i play the game i can't find the songs anywhere. Anyone know what I should do?

    This happened a few times with me when I tried downloading them off the american store. (i'm not american) Doesn't seem to work. Re-downloading didnt help either.

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