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Posts posted by devin_rideout

  1. two grown men, who forget they are 40 and 50 years old and that its time to grow up

    "Why dont you just

    that was all real cute 20 and 30 years ago

    nice camera work though

    STFU ......... Why do you come here then and post over 7000 posts, seems as though you need to grow up to or "Why dont you just... Fuck off......."

  2. This Is why Axl Wants his band mates to keep there fuckin mouths shut...........

    Anyone else find Ron kinda not the same as the 06 tour, doesnt seem to be interested, anyone think that he may have been pissed when DJ was added to the band, AS maybe he thought he payed his dues and should have been the Lead Guitar player? Just a question, Dont bite my head off to much :P

  3. I seen Guns in Halifax, Canada ( in 06 & this year ) 4 hours from where I am, Ticket $65 + Gas $80 + Hotel $140 and food roughly $30, Thats $315 TWICE, It was well worth it both times well minus standing in the complete cold for 2hrs before the show........

    Thats reasonalbe for any concert in My area so I think you need to move closer to where your concerts are at, There not gonna drop prices so More people can attend when there gonna 9/10 Sell out anyway.

    Shit happens

  4. I'm a huge fan of the new lineup, but, as I stated, I'm short of money at the moment, and £50 is a ridiculous fee. I already said that last time, while the gig was good, I didn't really get value for money with it, and I feel I may do so even less with this gig. Bear in mind it costs me £20 to get the train to London, plus food and drink, any merchandise etc, 1 night out will end up costing me £100 or so.

    LOL.......... Oh boy......... Do you want them to play in your living room for free?

  5. Ok, so when I saw GNR at Wembley in 2006, I paid £40 exactly. A hefty fee, considering CD wasn't out, this was the first tour in years, and then Axl walks offstage towards the end. Combined with 2 shit support acts, this was a bit of a con.

    Now, to see them at the O2 (A venue which, besides your Aerosmiths and Bon Jovi's, sells reasonably priced tickets, ranging from about £25 up to £40 for a normal gig), would cost me upwards of £50, with no hope of standing, probably with more shit support acts, and to hear a performance, which judging by recent bootlegs, is lacking somewhat.

    Apart from a few diehards (which I no longer really count myself in), people will want to hear the classics. GNR will obviously leave a good 90% of people dissapointed with the setlist, and leave most people feeling like they've been robbed.

    I really don't want to piss and moan, but it breaks my heart that I don't physically have the cash to go along and see a band I'm a fan of. Guns N Roses in today's world, are not very relevant, nor is the new material popular. And while the venues may be selling out quicker than I can type, the price will not match the performance, nor the imminent lateness onstage (which I'm sorry, but it has no place in today's gigs), and the band will probably come under a lot of criticism for the gigs.

    Uggghh Shut the Fuck up...........

    Dont Fucking Go.... Your only gonna come one here and complain, So save everbody 10min of there life............

    Thanks :)

  6. Sorry for the late post however just got back from Halifax now and I just wanna say a couple things,

    Danko was awesome had the crowed going early, His last tune he did when he started mentioning being on top of the mountain and looking down at everybody that past away like Johnny Ramon, Eric Carr, Johnny Cash Etc, was awesome

    Baz = nothing less than Unfucking real.... especially his 19 y/o guitar player who fucking WOW'ed me.... literately, So far waiting 2 hours out in the cold was starting to be well worth it,

    Than Guns Came on which blew my mind I wish they played more from ChiDem but I will take what they did play with me for a long time un real..... ( Also no one mentioned Frank wearing a Danko Jones Tee which I thought was bomb)

    Here are a couple Vid's I took, ( including the complete segment with the TPB, )

    I hope you all enjoy....

    ( Ballad of Death/ SCOM )

    ( TPB )



    (SOD )
  7. ... Also saw buckethead so this is bullshit!

    Approaching new brunswick / nova scotia border. Nipples getting hard.

    Not sure why you keep mentioning Buckethead. There was never any security ban related to Bucket.

    Anyway, have fun at the show. :)

    Rancid once said he couldn't takea bucket into a show cause of security. Not a ban tho,saftey hazzardz

    Plus it's just awesome in general!!

    Yes going to Halifax tomorrow as well.

    Yes going to release a bear in the coliseum as well. Excellent comment!!

    In line right now. Prolly 25 ppl deep. Freezing. Listening to better for strength.

    BTW I feel me having my own thread is long overdue.

    Awesome... There is an after party tomorrow at the Bubbles Mantion.... Any others?

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