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Posts posted by blkfrncsno13

  1. Thanks for being a real man about all this Axl. These people don't understand what it actually is to be in a band (well, at least the ones with the more ignorant comments). They can say what they want behind a screen. Funny thing is, most want Slash back. IMO, you do what you do and keep that train a rollin baby. All these people that say bright intelligent things have never known the real truth, and I think its funny when in your chat the other night you said there's a lot of shit that people wouldn't want to hear. Of course they wouldn't! No one wants to hear the truth, they want just another controversy bro. Everyones out for blood. I know your gonna keep your head up because there are two types a guns fans. The ones that love the old line up, bitch and complain, then there are the ones that realize that life goes on. I'm one of the latter and a lot of other people here are too. P.S. whoever the other day said that Guns should cover "Watching the Wheels" by John Lennon was absolutely correct. What a perfect song.

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