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Posts posted by ox2lf

  1. It is fake. It's been around for a while - and it is pretty clear that the solo was not recorded with professional audio equipment.

    Correct, I believe MSL was passing this around and people were claiming it's him on the "new" guitar solo.

    This track was involved in the sale where the meathead flew down from Virginia to Florida to buy a CD of "remixes" from MSL, and then made an even bigger ass of himself by posting a video of the actual transaction on YouTube.

    Now that's what I was waiting to here! Okay, the track is fake. Too bad, because it is an interesting mix. On the topic of MSL, what's his deal anyway? I don't know anything about the guy other than he has taken responsibility for several supposed leaks. Is he just some kinda big schmuck or what?

  2. Normally I'd be first to agree that it's probably a fake, but I got this rather shortly after the album was released. Maybe December 08 or January 09. The Rock Band multitracks weren't around by then, right? That said, I noticed that wrong note in the guitar solo too. I definitely thought that was a little suspicious. Nonetheless, where would something like this come from that early?

    EDIT: By the way, anyone having problems accessing their private messages?

  3. It's an alternate mix that I was given on atease in either early 2009 (probably January) or December 2008. Dizzy's tinkly piano is much more audible in the mix as are other effects. For the longest time I just referred to it as an alternate version but I noticed the label, Cadieux Reference Mix 3, in the file info when I was in foobar. I haven't heard anyone else talk about it and was wondering if anyone knew anything else about it's origins.

    EDIT: Oh yeah, different guitar solo too.

  4. Larry King is older than god for heaven's sake. Man, if there was ever a bad show to go on, that would be it. Fallon though, that's where he should go. Have The Roots do Sweet Child O' Mine with him singing or something like that. Actually, there is a tour that should happen! Guns N' Roses and The Roots! Okay, maybe not, but that would be an INSANE show!

    Anyway, screw Larry King. The first time he stuttered or said something stupid I'd hope Axl would ask if he needed to go change his Depends.

  5. Man, it's been a while. I was hoping some of you might be able to shed some light on some topics relating to GNR and Chinese Democracy. I thought I was pretty up to date on the leaks and such as of early 2009, when another version of Catcher showed up, but I was reading the wikipedia reference about leaks and it mentioned the multitracks and MSL. It mentioned a demo of TWAT that circulated with those tracks. Does anyone know anything about this? Was it a "demo" demo or just an early version? Also, have there been other leaks since the album's release? At this point, with the basic multitracks out there, I'd imagine any future leaks of tracks from the album will be speculated upon considerably regarding their authenticity. So, anyone got some input?

  6. Axl, thanks a ton for answering so many questions and talking with us here! If I may take a moment...

    1) Is there a chance of hearing earlier versions of the album, significantly different takes/versions of the songs, etc.? Could there be a demo/version compilation eventually?

    2) I'm sure you've gotten asked this quite a bit, but when do you think the next album could be available? Long wait or just a year or two?

    3) What would you think about someone sitting down with you to write a book about the creation of Chinese Democracy and it's follow ups? Seriously, getting interviews with you, the band, the producers and engineers and everyone else who helped bring it to fruition?

    Apart from that, Axl, I just wanted you to know that I love the album and can't wait for you guys to tour next! The record is great and I tell everyone regularly to check it out. Keep doing your thing and don't take shit from anyone!

    The Ox

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