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Gunner For Life

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Posts posted by Gunner For Life

  1. That concert was absolutely ridiculous! :thumbsup: Best rock concert that I have ever been to, by far... and I have seen Guns N' Roses twice before, Aerosmith (twice), STP, Metallica, Motley Crue, 3 Doors Down, Kid Rock, Creed... to name a few. Axl ran around the stage like a mad man and he was right on. Bands evolve and Axl has done a great job finding the right guys to play their part.

    What was really cool so see was the mix of the crowd. There were a lot of kids there that weren't even born when Appetite came out. In the seat next to me there was a kid... probably all of 14-15 years old with his dad. I am sure that that kid will be telling his friends about this concert for years to come. I even saw some people that were in the 60s having a blast.


  2. That article from the trib gives to factual reasoning why they "might" be late TONIGHT. Clearly written by haters.

    I have heard that they have been on time, played 30 plus songs, and did an excellent job. Why wasn't that mentioned?

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