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Estranged 14

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Posts posted by Estranged 14

  1. silver linings play book was cool really good performances all round de niro looked really at home chris tucker bouncing in and out the film was perfectly judged, bradley cooper was a great interpretation

    i dont know how to do the SPOILER but the end was remarkably similar to another indy film

    still cute as a button tho

    jennifer lawrence is practically babelicious

  2. really liked the hobbit forgot how much i like howard shores score. was great fun going through middle earth again didn't find it overly long or inconsequential as some suggest or rather i liked that it was those things

    felt weird seeing james nesbit tho lol

    edit about to watch silver linings playbook

  3. A beast, really captured what i liked about the live version plus some of your own stuff- the lifting piano part and space ship launch at the start was ace then the drums

    seriously i hope u drop this in an email to someone associated with the band, if nothing more they should hear the effort you put into one of their songs


  4. I want the monsters from Chinese sessions without any interference and a completely new record from these guys, if it has to be a mix of the two so be it but it will sound a bit disjointed like chinese which despite best efforts was pretty much a greatest hits record when it should have been 2 or 3 spanning 98-08. I guess a big factor is if Axl distinguishes between the different new gnr lineups or sees it is all part of the family that should all be involved

  5. German trains run on time, you have to go to work on time (if your as unlucky as me) take your breaks at allocated times pay you taxes on time show up for appointments on time.....

    if this dimension of life appeals good for you! doesn't make you an asshole or a lesser person. i dunno i found the idea that a guy will sue massive guys like azoff and baulk all the perfunctory demands is quite interesting. im a psychologist and i dont think hes crazy.

    regarding the 91 tour stuff i was only 4 at the time and maybe older members have a better insight but i would say this, if there is one thing that is misunderstood about slash it is that he is a driven pro he was far more involved in the buisness end with guns i think back then and when he spectacularly fucked himself out of guns he embraced the drunken good time guy persona(maybe jmo). His book was pretty much an explanation of his position regarding the break up and a pseudo apology for talking shit about axl for years and talking himself out of a guns reunion$ its amazing to me that slash wrote a book and explains he left cause he was suicidal but the popular consensus (outwith this forum) is that axl fired him. Wonder what he thought of Duffs book?

    I like axl and i dont have a consumerist appreciation of him, if he refuses to do something and murder his public profile then bully for him. in the meanwhile i love the old and new band slash &VR and am waiting for a new GNR album...

  6. Just saw the movie have avoided this thread till now and now its like 30 pages so cant read it all lol, sorry if any points are repetitions. Needless to say SPOILER alert.

    Did anyone catch a star wars vibe? like the old man telling bruce "you are afraid that is why you fail" in the prison sequence -yoda & luke in degobah-. or when catwomen returns to shoot bane like han solo in a new hope. There is one more i cant remember that is burning my skull. I know heroes follow similar arcs in stories i.e. the mono myth but it felt a bit on purpose

    I was gripped the whole way through never even opened my popcorn!

    im a big hans zimmer fan too loved the music anyone hear his tribute to the massacre victims he just released its called aurora very moving

  7. :lol:

    Well yeah, that's funny, isn't it? Thing is that I'm not representative of my country at all, because most people here are fucking idiots that doesn't know to value their heritage, while all the damn English people seem to think they're superior to others. Not to mention that being Swedish, I am actually born better than others, while it's just an illusion from the Englishmen that they'd be better than others.

    So, are people from the UK the most arrogant people in the world? Or are English people the most arrogant people in the world?

    England is a part of UK. Same shit, different names is my attitude about all of it.

    That's an incredibly lazy dismissal, I mean, I know this is a thread based on gross generalisation at the best of times. But come on.

    It is what it is. :shrugs:

    Well, your opinion isn't going to Anglify the people of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, you can't alter reality, the only thing you can do is educate yourself.


    And following that post I'd like to change my vote to, Scottish folk -_-

    geez whats with the scots hate :shrugs: im scottish and i get embarrassed when fellow scots go all brave heart but to be fair this is the kind of shit that puts my back up

    Subsy wasn't being serious... You can accuse the general population of Scotland of being many things, but arrogant is a bit of a stretch of the imagination, we're much better at self-deprecation.

    i apologise for my humour tumour.

    i was in victoria canada and the people were really great even in stores and stuff being really polite and making conversation like you bumped into them at the pub or something, never met the french canadians tho

  8. :lol:

    Well yeah, that's funny, isn't it? Thing is that I'm not representative of my country at all, because most people here are fucking idiots that doesn't know to value their heritage, while all the damn English people seem to think they're superior to others. Not to mention that being Swedish, I am actually born better than others, while it's just an illusion from the Englishmen that they'd be better than others.

    So, are people from the UK the most arrogant people in the world? Or are English people the most arrogant people in the world?

    England is a part of UK. Same shit, different names is my attitude about all of it.

    That's an incredibly lazy dismissal, I mean, I know this is a thread based on gross generalisation at the best of times. But come on.

    It is what it is. :shrugs:

    Well, your opinion isn't going to Anglify the people of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, you can't alter reality, the only thing you can do is educate yourself.


    And following that post I'd like to change my vote to, Scottish folk -_-

    geez whats with the scots hate :shrugs: im scottish and i get embarrassed when fellow scots go all brave heart but to be fair this is the kind of shit that puts my back up

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