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Posts posted by sturginho

  1. 15 hours ago, axlslash said:

    I'm behind on my shows this week, thanks to the two-PPV weekend. I'm about halfway through TLC at this point, and I have to say, don't watch a WWE PPV within 24hrs of a ROH PPV. After Final Battle, every fucking thing feels flat. The march to the end of the show - Kindgom vs White/Kushida/Rush for the six-man belts, Cody vs Lethal, Ospreay/Lee/Scurll for the TV belt, Young Bucks vs Briscoes for the tag titles, and Cole vs O'Reilly for the big belt - was just one dream match after another. The only dud on the card was Silas Young va Jushin. All respect to both of those dudes, but two slow old dudes stick out like a sore thumb on that show.

    And the storylines coming out of the show are spectacular. TNA and ROH are clearly on good terms again. They were already sharing Cody, but now the Broken Hardyz vs Bucks of Youth feud is actually happening?! Matt calls out the Bucks on video at Final Battle, Vanguard 1 shows up at the next TV taping and the Bucks superkick if out of the air, Matt will call them out on Impact this week... Love it. Can't wait to see where the collaboration goes. 

    And on top of all that, heel Cody is expected to join the motherfucking Bullet Clup this weekend at NJPW's show. 


    TNA-ROH-NJPW collaboration could potentially be EPIC! :o

  2. 2 minutes ago, DieselDaisy said:

    Swann was great all round. Monty was somewhat inconsistent career wise but terrific in 2012 in India, where the Indians had created Bunsen Burners.

    The ECB tried to facilitate spin by eradicating the toss in the County Championship last year, offering the away side the chance to bowl first. The theory is that too many home sides, taking their 50/50 punt on winning the toss and bowling first, create green seamers so their medium pace county plodders will get the ball to nibble around, and that is why there is this dearth of spin in English cricket. The ECB believe that, the removal of the toss will induce groundsmen to create wickets with more turn and improve the spinners.


    Northants were fined for creating spin friendly wickets when we had Swann, Monty and Brown in the team...

  3. 18 hours ago, axlslash said:

    Could Aztec Warfare have been any better?! What a magnificent hour of wrestling. So many intersecting storylines, the best return this side of Goldberg that I've seen in a long time, a unique yet believable finish.... can't wait to see how they book next week's main event. It'll be great. Lucha has felt a little slow so far this year, but this felt like it turned a big corner. 

    Wow, that was unbelievable! Everything about it was perfect. I had the result spoiled for me on Facebook but still I punched the air at the finish!

  4. 2 hours ago, AtariLegend said:

    The whole reason the company sold a year ago or more and since, is she wants to maintain a place in the company to try and save face (despite the fact that she's done anything but). That was the deal.

    Corgan just owns his shares. I think you guys are over estimating Billy anyway. They've lost their key TV deals, they're in alot of debt, they have no stars that people want too see (other than the Hardy's, but they're not going to change the ratting) and Billy didn't take over the world with his last company.

    The company draws just over a 1000 fans for it's biggest PPV of the year. They're a high cost indie.


    But Corgan had a plan and a desire to make it bigger than that, Dixie's plan is more of the same, limping from taping to taping, haemorrhaging cash, losing more top stars and losing more of their audience as time goes on. Not to mention that she pissed every last ounce of goodwill that she had left with the hardcore TNA fans away by trying to sell to Vince. And she was responsible for losing their deal with Spike, they would have renewed for less money (or a say in the decision making) but once again Dixie's ego got in the way.

  5. 10 hours ago, axlslash said:

    Corgan was their last good chance, he didn't care about anything other than the infrastructure and  roster. He'd have taken the debt to have the company. Have to figure they're on their last legs now... Damn. 


    I can't for the life of me understand why Anthem/Fight Network would willingly force Corgan out but keep Dixie around when she is the one who has racked up the debts and has burned bridges with pretty much everybody in wrestling at this point.

  6. On 10/28/2016 at 4:05 PM, axlslash said:

    Rock solid impact last night. Easily my favorite wrestling show of the week this week. The Sandow heel turn is being handled pretty poorly, but that's my only complaint. Treat or Delete was wonderful, Rockstar Spud getting Decay into Team X Gold was great (albeit that TXG is a weird thing to begin with), and I'm loving what they're doing with the Cody/Miracle/Edwards/Lashley program. Also loving the Sutter/Allie/Laurel program (Allie, fka Cherry Bomb, is married to Sutter, fka Pepper Parks, in real life).

    Cant believe this is the show, out of all of them, that's struggling to survive. The next set of taping have been postponed, as has Total Nonstop Deletion. They're in deep if they can't produce TND by December, as they've only taped enough material to get them through their second-to-last TV slot of the year. So much talent on that roster, it'd a shame to see where they are right now. 


    Today is the D-Day, hopefully the judge rules in favour of Billy Corgan and we can get shot of Dixie and her cronies for good

  7. There needs to be a new Mega Man game for this, but Capcom hate me so it won't happen

    13 hours ago, downzy said:

    Yeah, I don't think Nintendo goes the way of Sega, but if the Switch fails (or does not reach some form of critical mass), how many more attempts are they going to take at releasing their own hardware?

    I have a soft spot for Nintendo as they are very much tied to my youth (the Wii U was the only Nintendo home console I didn't buy; I even owned the Power Glove way back in 1990), but I just don't see how they remain relevant in a world dominated by Sony, Microsoft, Google, and Apple.  Maybe I'm just being a cynic here, but they need either a revolutionary product that puts them in a different category than those other companies or they need to be able to compete on the same field.  Hopefully the Switch is it, but i'm not holding my breath.  



  8. 15 hours ago, axlslash said:

    Oh, I think unlikely is an understatement for sure. But there's that little voice in the back of head saying "But what if..."

    Its hard to blame AJ for enhancement talent not knowing how to take the Clash. It's dangerous if you don't know what you're doing, but even I know that rule #1 is DONT TUCK YOUR CHIN. Has he injured any real stars with it, or is it all enhancement talent?


    Sure but the very first thing they teach new wrestlers is to tuck the chin when taking a bump, the Styles Clash requires you to do the opposite of that, so it's little wonder that so many wrestlers struggle to resist their natural instinct to tuck the chin when taking that move

  9. 6 hours ago, IncitingChaos said:

    Yea what if CD is a story of a man going to do a project with his friends but they become disconnected along the way, so this man tries to complete it by himself, he searches and searches for the right path that shows he can do it but comes to the conclusion that isolating himself wasn't the way to success but helped him find internal peace along his journey. He then now having achieved this new level of peace finds his friends again and finishes the project they began 20 years prior. 

    So this whole thing was planned, Axl was living out this story he created to become the true artist who could encompass his work.  Now having reconnected with Slash and Duff they can finish what they started...my god 


    It's like, we're looking down at Wayne's basement. Only that's not Wayne's basement..... Isn't that weird?

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  10. Just now, Len Cnut said:

    AtariLegend, thats who i mistake you for! (There's no S in AtariLegend nobhead :lol: ).  Dont ask me why!  Apologies though for casting doubt on the depth of your commitment to your cobblers!


    Naturally I don't expect you to remember the footballing allegiance of every poster on the forum, but before you go accusing a user of being a liverpool supporter you really ought to check your facts! :P

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