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Posts posted by realpoti

  1. best opening act for gnr were fnm and sg at the same time. they should do this.

    That would make me very happy. Unfortunately both bands are too expensive nowadays and can sell arenas on their own. FNM's price for Rock In Rio 2015 was around one million.

    i seriously doubt they sell out arenas...

    Not for a full US tour, but sporadically yes. In Europe, Asia and South America they do fine on their own.

  2. Yeah, I'm not a musician, just a music fan. That's ok, even people who don't play instruments can know what they like and know what sounds like shit to them. And as someone who listens to music, a lot of music, there's nothing amazing about that album. My opinion of course, but it's sub par in comparison to other GNR songs, and all other songs I like in general. There's nothing I like about it, and while people can pretend that the consensus means nothing, the fact that there is no demand to hear these songs, or any indication that they even exist other than on this here forum, speaks volumes of what the prevailing thought is. You can certainly disagree with the mass majority of public opinion, but you can't disregard it as if it doesn't even exist.

    That't in all likelyhood because you are no longer, or possibly never have been a fan of real rock.

    I recall you mentioning Bon Jovi "rocked the house" at a recent concert, so perspective I suppose is in order in relation to your hating on CD.

    And that's fine.

    But CD is the best rock album put out in a long long time, and may be the last given music in general is in the shithole now.

    I don't think you've been following rock music since 2008.

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  3. I'm quite amazed at how little attention and press this info seems to be getting. I used to get texts from people about e.g. New Guns tour announcements. Haven't heard from anyone.

    Most bizarrely, Rolling Stone have NOTHING on their homepage about Slash returning! Their bit about Coachella has been dropped down. Rolling Stone used to have major headlines every single time ANYTHING happened in the last years whether a tour or lineup change or interview.

    What's up with that?

    Not much of a surprise at this point given the reporting by NY Times, Billboard, and so forth over the past couple weeks. Plus we technically do not have confirmation from GN'R itself that Slash and Duff are back. We have Slash and Duff posting the GN'R announcement on their Twitter feeds and it is pretty obvious that they're part of it, but the lineup has not been officially announced by GN'R. When that happens I think there will be more press coverage.

    Regardless of a lineup, the fact that Slash and Duff confirmed surprises me its not getting more press. I work at a news station and was excited today to at least think we'd run SOMETHING about it and there has not been one word of it, which shocked me. I did expect this to be a little bigger.

    Me too. When Faith No More reunited, a less known band, they were trending on twitter for half day and were front page on SPIN, RS, etc. But at the time they released a letter explaining the reunion and who would be playing, so it was pretty much more concrete than this. Let's hope for a full announcement too.

  4. I think it's quite clear how this will go down.

    Axl will look and sound the same as he has done on his last few tours. He doesnt owe anyone weight loss or improved vocals, regardless of peoples sense of entitlement on here

    On Kimmel he won't call it a reunion or pander to any media label, he'll announce he's bringing Duff and Slash back into the band (he legally owns Guns n Roses so its his choice what players he hires)

    Frank and Fortus will stay on, and personally I think both should count themselves very lucky. Axl is clearly irrationally loyal to them, bringing back Gilby/Izzy Matt/Adler would have been very easy choices to make

    They'll do a handfull of major festivals in the Summer to test the waters and build momentum to go onsale witth a US tour at the end of this year and world tour in 2017

    It will be a momentous occasion but very much played down by the band and by Axl.

    The set lists will play out like a greatest hits tour with very few curve balls along the way

    Everyone here will want whatever happens to be different, it will underwhelm a lot and please a few.

    If we keep an open mind and appreciate it for what it is (a long desired and very cool thing), and not get bogged down with weight, looks or vocal ability, it will be a great time to be a Guns n Roses fan.

    Unfortunately you're right. I'd rather see new material than Axl butchering AFD.

  5. Realpoti,

    Do you have a go to source for live FNM concert vids? I'd love to get the source video of Warfield Theatre, San Francisco 1992-08-19. Heard/saw Jizzlobber and it's incredible.


    Thanks. I should have checked there as you linked me to it before. My bad.

    But, do you know a different place where to get like, the original video files? Vimeo/YT are OK, but the less re-encoding the better.

    I wish I knew :(

    • Like 1
  6. Realpoti,

    Do you have a go to source for live FNM concert vids? I'd love to get the source video of Warfield Theatre, San Francisco 1992-08-19. Heard/saw Jizzlobber and it's incredible.


    FNM @ Santiago Gets Louder, Chile (27/09/2015)


    From Out of Nowhere


    Everything’s Ruined

    Evidence (Spanish Version)


    Black Friday

    Midlife Crisis

    Chinese Arithmetic

    The Gentle Art of Making Enemies


    Separation Anxiety



    Ashes to Ashes


    Sol Invictus

    Cone of Shame

    We Care a Lot

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