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Posts posted by Indianaboy

  1. Alright, I'm not gonna spout any crap blaming who for what in consideration to Axl vs Slash... They are both extremely talented musicians PERIOD! I wish them both all the luck in the world with their bands but man, I just gotta tell ya, I miss the golden days of GnR. I miss thier sound. They had their shit together musically even if they clashed on a personal level.

    Did anybody stop to think that was half the reason their music was so damn good?! A constant battle between elite musicians...ofc they would argue and fight because they both claimed that each's opinion was the right one to go with but all along it was the parts from each that made the music rock! I know when I'm at work I get mad at my co-workers and throw a fit at times myself BUT the job gets done right and then I go home to my family. My stress from work stops there! I understand there are things Axl hates Slash for and vice verca but guys.....you can NOT deny the fact that the music you made together is some of the absolute best rock music the world has EVER heard!

    ......and now, it would seem that rock is all but dead. Generations of now don't seem to really know what rock even truly is anymore. They don't feel it inside like we do.. Why? Because there isn't much out there anymore. Not true balls to the wall rock. A few bands are still tapped into it but mostly it's more alternative based or too metal based. Some of it I can't even get a grip on what it's based on at all.

    I can't help but feel Axl, that if you could see past the flaws of Slash and stop trying to forget, stop ignoring how damn good you guys were together musically even through all the fights and "artistic differences", that you and Slash in particular but incuding the other members, you know damn well what you guys could do....still even now. Slash deserves his credit due just as much as you or anyone else in the band. It took ALL of you to make that music. It wasn't just Appetite that jammed. It was all of it right up to the final days. At no point did you all cease to be a functioning band in regards to the ability to create awesome music. Maybe so in regards to tolerate each other but it's been how long now?

    I understand you are upset <--(used lightly) with Slash over the legal crap and you blame him as it being a way for him to save face but can you REALLY blame him? Did he even really know just exactly wtf was going on until the reality hit? From what I understand he was pretty much drunk or worse 24/7. Not an excuse but maybe of you tried to understand...I'm not making a loophole for him to slip through, just trying to say that he isn't the same guy anymore. He prolly didn't have the full concept of what was going on or what he was doing until judgement day hit. Not right to try to sling you through the mud though either and I get that.....but man....you can't go through your whole life with that much hatred. It eats you alive and I know you have already learned that. So you gonna keep the dagger buried in your back or are you gonna try to be the bigger man, take it out and just ask why it was put there to begin with? You might think you know why....but that's just it, you only "think" you know why. I'd bet anything there are alot of misconceptions in your fued. I bet anything many things you two are mad at each other for aren't really what they seem to be. You'll never know until you ask. No one ever does.

    Good job on Chinese Democracy. It was well made and artful. I applaud you on this. I'm happy for you, I really am. I am also happy to hear your unmistakable voice singing again. Makes me smile to know you still have it! I don't think anybody want's you to abandon what you have been building there! We do miss the old sound though. Would it really hurt to have one tour or one album of new material with the old guys though? We all feel like there is something we are waiting for....something that we aren't going to get without you all together. Something that may even help save rock itself from slipping away in the clutches of all this musical change happening. If for nothing else, would a Hall of Fame gig be too much to ask for? There's no reasonable excuse that can't be done. You are all adults and have matured over all these years. You don't have to like each other to play one gig and you've NO idea how much it would mean to the fans. You really don't! Can't you do it for all of us that never stopped loving GnR? For those of us that to this very day still crank your classic tunes? For those of us that just want some rock back damn it? For some of us it even means hope in one way or another...to know that it's not lost yet...

    I call myself Indianaboy for a reason. Born and raised in a little town near Fort Wayne. We are a different breed. Most people don't quite understand us and we seem to have really bad tempers so I've been told. I can't say I disagree with them though I'm not proud of that. We tend to be blunt and to the point cutting out as much B.S. as we can and people mistake that as us being a$$holes. No, we're just being up front and honest. I also know that over here, we tend to focus so much more on the negative things in life and we keep grudges for very very long amounts of time because we're too damn proud to admit when we screwed up. Many times because we don't want the other to think they did nothing wrong by us making an apology when they screwed up just as much. I know what that's like. I know what holding all of that in can do to a person too. There is NO way that there aren't questions you want to ask. I know there is NO way there aren't things you want to say. If a friendship even on the most minute level isn't possible at least take the chance man. What more harm can it do? The damage has already been done. Do it for yourself just to set things straight in your own mind with him. Call Slash man, talk.....NO expectations......Don't you remember any of the good times anymore? Don't you remember anything positive? One day you won't have a chance anymore....

    For cryin out loud man, from what I understand even Slash said Chinese Democracy sounded good. If he hated you to the bone he wouldn't have given you even the slightest compliment. He still has SOME respect for you! You aren't gonna live forever. You really wanna live your last day still pissed off at him and never knowing what could have been, what might have been that really wasn't or even just knowing that it never really had to be this way?

    One album....one tour or even just one gig man, is that really too much to give the fans that loved you all these years? Keep GnR as you have it now as permanent if you want but hell, you own GnR completely so you can do whatever you like, including a side endevour with the old mates.... Plz man...PLZ!?

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